Become an Above-Average Man

I’m just an average guy“.

Friend, if you aspire to be an average guy then the genie will come out of the bottle and grant you your wish.

“Poof. Your wish is my command, you are now completely average. Fat belly, safe and secure job as a professional slave, nagging wife, television every single night, brand new financed vehicle every 2.5 years, 5 year old daughter dressed like a prostitute, big house with 110% mortgaged, 15 credit cards (but only 7 of them maxed), and, oh yeah, no respect.”

Hmm, you think to yourself, this isn’t so great.

“Hey Genie, I have another wish…”

Genie: “You are now completely average, you cannot have any more wishes. Average men do not get what they want.”

Welcome to average world, friend. I hope you enjoy the taste of shit because you will be eating it until the day you die.

If you wish to change your misfortune, however, I have one little secret I wish to share with you:


If you wish to change your station in life, if you wish to change your luck and fortune, if you wish not to be average but to be a winner there is one simple think you must do: Start thinking like a winner and not like an average bozo.

Poor trash aren’t poor trash because they are “disenfranchised” or because they are “discriminated against”. They are poor trash because they are stupid and they have the mindset of poor trash. Given a million dollars, a piece of poor trash will be broke and back on welfare within a year.

Middle income schlubs aren’t schlubs because that’s the best they can do, they are schlubs because they settle. They make 50 grand a year and settle, they meet a woman and settle, they do as they are told. If you can make 50 grand a year, you can make 100 grand a year.

If you can get a haggard wife you could almost as easily meet a young and nubile wife with 85% less nagging and 100% more cooking. If you can do one thing, you most certainly can do it better a 2nd time. So why settle when you can aim for perfection? Well, settling is the mark of the average man.

I’m Just An Average Guy“. If you wish to be average you most certainly have already been granted your wish. But there is good news and there is hope.

The world is full of stories of schlubs who transcended. Schlubs who shed their skin to start again. Schlubs who lived as caterpillars and eventually emerged from their chrysalis as butterflies.

How did they achieve this metamorphosis?

They changed their mindset. They left behind the world of “average” and aimed for transcendence, they aimed for perfection, they aimed for glory. They stopped thinking like the average man and they started thinking like an above-average man.

That’s all it takes, a change to your mindset. It takes one simple word added to your thought vocabulary to get you started. That word is “Above”. Think no more thoughts of “I’m an average man”, think instead “I’m an above-average man. I am not going to participate in nonsense because I am above it”.

The thought process manifests itself into the physical. The average minded man has an average body to go along with it. The above average man has an above average body to prove it.

You have the body of a schlub? Develop the rock hard Body of a Spartan.

Never again allow yourself to become flabby and plump or skinny and weak. Flabby and plump is for the average Joe. You, friend, have dedicated yourself to molting. You have dedicated yourself to mental and physical betterment.

At least, I hope you have.

Being Thankful For All That is Good

Setting up a game plan for the new year is essential. It shouldn’t be left until January 1st to complete. You plant your crops in advance and then you harvest. Preparation and, especially, visualization are key to achieving your goals of the year.

You’ve got to get your goals clearly defined and written down. You’ve got to get a game plan going if you want to accomplish and achieve. Let the zombies go through the motions and not plan anything and never move up. They can sit in front of the TV at the end of the year while WE ARE BUSY PLANNING FOR WAR.

But first, a few notes.

BOLD & DETERMINED has been around for one entire year now. Our first post was dated 11-20-10.

There are some BIG plans for BOLD & DETERMINED in the new year and I will be happy to share them with you at the appropriate time.

Thanksgiving is just around the corner. Even a Lone Wolf like me can sit back, relax for a day, barbecue some Lamb Ribs, Steaks, Shrimp, and Duck legs and be thankful for every blessing, opportunity, and loved one who is still around and kicking.

Friends, there is one thing I want you all to know – You have been blessed beyond belief if you were born in a western country, especially the United States of America. You have opportunity that most of the world doesn’t, cannot, will never ever have. You can literally do anything and go anywhere. We will never in our life know the dire poverty that most of the world faces.

This is part of a text message I received yesterday evening: “You look like a bird in a forest but I am the one in a cage.” I know a lot of us in the west feel like we’re stuck in a cage but there is one crucial difference – the girl who sent me this message really is stuck, she will likely never be able to break free and do anything. The cage we are stuck in is a mental cage – we can open the cage door whenever we decide to do so.

Black Friday is D-Day. The silly people will go out and buy lots of gadgets and do-dads, the DETERMINED people will be busy preparing for the upcoming week, the upcoming month, the upcoming year, and the upcoming lifetime.

Maybe you are a wage slave today, but tomorrow is a different day and if you want it enough, prepare enough, and take enough action then nothing can stop you. And that goes for any goal that you have.

When War is your Destiny you are a Warrior. When watching from a safe distance is your destiny you are a spectator.

The #1 goal of BOLD & is to get you to take action, to become a better man, the best, and live the life a BOLD & DETERMINED free man – to become that Warrior.

The door is open for action-takers.

Spectators can watch from their cages.

3 Years of Pride (Happy Birthday to Bold and Determined)

Hello, friends. Today I am happy to announce the 3rd birthday of Bold and Determined.

3 years long, and 3 years strong, buddy. And what a ride it has been.

We are also nearing the end of 2013 and I can’t lie, this year has been a great success for me.

I made a ton of money and did a bunch of traveling (see the post script for travel schedule and pictures).

“Lucky”, some people call me.

Sure, I’m lucky.

But there is a reason “lucky” people are lucky and “unlucky” people are unlucky.

It has to start somewhere…

3 years ago today Bold and Determined was born.

It isn’t luck that registered and it wasn’t luck that developed the Website for Winners ™. It was foresight, preparation and action.

The reason I had a great year in 2013 was because I planned ahead, I thought it through since 2010, and I did all the work required. Now I can reap the rewards.

See, boys, most websites are fly-by-night operations looking to make a quick buck and a quicker exit.

Bold and Determined has been in it to win it from the get-go.

Today we are one of the most popular websites in the world and we average over 10,000+ visitors per day.

But we didn’t start out that way. You don’t start out with a giant following unless you are already famous.

If you aren’t already famous that means you’re a nobody and you’ve got to become somebody to get an audience.

If you don’t have a following you have to build one, and that takes time, effort and commitment.

A history of V. Pride

I used to be a real estate investor. I had money. I had a house. I had this and that, but what I didn’t have was location freedom and that’s what I wanted.

I was basically a landlord and I was tied to one geographical location.

In fact, I didn’t even know location freedom existed until I read The Four Hour Work Week. That book put stars in my eyes and I put a plan into action right then and there.

Enter Bold and Determined….

I registered on Nov. 19, 2010.

The first article appeared one day later on Nov. 20, 2010. It was called 8 Reasons Why Every Man Should Lift Weights.

The 2nd article (which I have just read for the first time in 3 years) appeared on Nov. 26, 2010. It was called The Time is Now (How to Get Ready for the Opportunity). Some choice quotes from the article…

And that’s why you’re going to make your fortune and they are going to toil away in the “safe” jobs with all those great benefits (insurance that they pay for, loss of time and freedom, bending to the will of others, paying more taxes than the average millionaire etc.).

So what should you tell those people about why you’re starting a new business and what it’s all about? Nothing. Don’t tell anyone anything about your plans. There are two reasons for this.

1)      Statistically you are less likely to follow through with your plans if you start blabbing about them. The reason is that you subconsciously feel like you have accomplished them simply by talking about them and are less active in actually fulfilling them. How many times has someone told you their great plan to make money and then never followed through with anything? My guess is a million.

2)     People will tell you that you are crazy or dumb or both. They will come up with all kinds of reasons and excuses to try and talk you out of doing anything. Deep down no one wants their friends and co-workers to do better than them. That’s why you simply don’t say anything.

So now you know what not to tell people. Now you’re asking yourself what kind of business to start and not tell people about. Well, I could give you all kinds of ideas about businesses to start but they wouldn’t mean anything. Deep down in your heart of hearts you know what type of business you want to start. You may not be able to put your finger on it but you will, eventually. I spent years trying to figure out what I wanted to do. I knew what I didn’t want to do. I didn’t want to wake up every morning,  put on clothes I didn’t want to wear, rush out the door to sit in traffic for an hour, get to a job I hated, let them tell me when I can take my break, sit in another hour of traffic to get home. All for – what is now in hindsight – a crummy, crummy paycheck.

Sound familiar? That article could have been published to Bold and Determined last week and it would have fit right in.

Our first comment came in January, 2011, two months after launch, from Mr. Matt Marshall. I never told him, or anyone, but Matt’s old blog Tried and True fitness was my #1 favorite blog at the time. Until then I had had no feedback whatsoever about the blog. Matt’s comment fired me up and I knew right away that I had a winner.

Bold and Determined 3 years later…

Today Bold and Determined is one of the most popular websites in the entire world, verified by industry leader

Nearly 2 million people have visited the site.


And we average 10,000+ visitors per day.

What you see in the graphic above is a slow and steady rise to the top.

*We had a couple of massive peaks in traffic in late 2012 when fat feminists and Reddit retards got their panties in a bunch over the classic B&D article How to Meet Shy Girls.

They tried to storm (well, waddle) the shores of Bold and Determined. They received a swift kick in the butt from my American size 13 foot and were sent back on their way.

…and the Website for Winners ™ has had steady growth since then.

Goal setting

2013 was a huge year for the Website for Winners ™, and that was not accidental. I’m actually on track to make less money than I planned on, but you know what they say “aim for the stars and you’ll reach the sky”.

I don’t set daily or weekly goals anymore, I set monthly and yearly goals and I have my schedule planned out months in advance. The plan is fluid and can handle changes, but the outline is always there.

I want it now, now, now!”

You can’t have it now, so get that out of your head. Plan on having it a month from now, or a year from now, and it’s more likely to come to fruition.

A patch of dirt doesn’t turn into a house “now!”. The house has to be built first, even if you want it now.

The “I want it now!” people never get it because they are goal-less and lazy.

Plan ahead to get ahead…

If you want it now you should have prepared for it yesterday.

Do one thing right now. Go to and type in the address for your favorite websites. You can see when the domain was registered and when it is set to expire. You can see which websites are serious about long term planning and you can see which websites are operating as “fly by night” operations. Most websites are set to expire within one year. Bold and Determined is set to expire 8 years from now.

The secret to making money online

A lot of people want to make money online, a lot of people have been trying un-successfully to make money online, and can’t figure out what the “secret” is. They just can’t figure out why they aren’t making money. I’ll tell you why…

The reason most people can’t make money online is because they are too selfish.

You can be selfish in a smart way or you can be selfish in a dumb way. The smart way to be selfish is to help yourself by helping people. The dumb way to be selfish is to only think about yourself and never your audience.

Listen here, no one cares that you want money. People want an answer to their problem, they want help, and they want value.

All the broke internet hustlers are following a get rich quick scam that doesn’t help anybody. The broke hustler thinks he’s going to make some money running some scam but he never thinks about solutions to problems. He only thinks about what he can get for himself, and all he ever gets is an empty bank account.

So you could cook up some stupid, selfish scheme that won’t ever work or you can figure out how to solve a problem.

What can you do for other people? Help other people and you help yourself.

There are 2 types of people

Somebodies and nobodies.

Unless you are somebody special you are nobody. So become somebody if you want success.

I can’t say this enough times: no one cares about you or what you want until you become somebody. Nobody cares about nobodies. Other people are just as selfish as you and they want what they want, they don’t want what you want.

The only way you are going to stay in business is by providing a solution to a problem. Do that and business will come your way and you will become somebody.

Every single day I get emails from people all around the world telling me how much Bold and Determined has changed their lives…

I first came to your website by googling “How to find the perfect wife”. I had lived the last 3 years like a dog. I sponsored a wife from my country and for 3 years I… When she finally came to Canada, she decided to leave after a month…. So I was tossed on the side like a soiled Kleenex, with a broken heart and crippling debt. To add insult to injury, she decided to get welfare from the government. that I have to pay for because I am responsible for a sponsor for the next 3 years. And she went telling all the people in my community that I had mistreated her, that I was cheap and so was rejected by my own people.

What can a guy do in a feminist society under those circumstances? After I finished moping around for a month, I decided that it was time for big drastic changes in my life. I started reading your blog and devoured every word! What I read deeply resonated in me. Everything made sense and it was clear. That gave me lots of hope. I started working-out to get back in shape like I was some 15 years ago when I was in the Army. I started doing Muay Thai again with mixed BJJ. I had always loved martial arts but never gave it enough time. During all summer I dated hot girls every week. I finally declared bankruptcy but it’s no big deal now because I am about to make a shit load of money. I started a web business and it’s slowly picking up but it’s gonna take time and dedication (I’m a computer programmer).

Vic, I don’t know if it’s destiny or what, but you came into my life in the perfect time. You inspired me every step of the way, I’m not joking. Six months after my disaster, and now I have a cute GF that’s 10 years younger than my ex-whore, that worships the ground I walk on. I became more buff and in shape than before. I went from benching a mere 120lbs to 210! My fighting skills got amazing and now I’m thinking of going to Thailand to enjoy a stay in a Muay Thai camp for a while.

I just wanna say from the bottom of my warrior soul, God bless the day I came across your blog. Your words were the light along my journey and the food to give me enough strength to rise again.


My buddy Chris over at Good Looking Loser (don’t let the name fool you, Chris is a Go-Getter) has a great review of 30 Days of Discipline and he has been given the green light to host the official un-official 30 Days of Discipline forum. Grab your copy of the Bootcamp for Winners and head over to the forum and keep track of your progress and goals.

Frequent commenter John Doe has started a no-BS bodybuilding blog with inside secrets about training, nutrition, and even steroids. Check out John Doe Bodybuilding to get a taste. If you like his blog you can sign up for his e-letter and get 10 Underground Secrets of Bodybuilding for free.

Do you want to start a blog but don’t know how? Uncle Victor has invented the easiest solution in the world for the non tech savvy would-be bloggers out there. Bold and Determined is now offering free WordPress installations and much much more for the aspiring writers. We’ll install all the stuff for you, just follow directions here and you’ll have your blog up and ready in 24 hours and you don’t have to do anything technical. You’ll also receive some behind-the-scenes reports not available anywhere else….for free. If you want to start a blog this deal is a no-brainer, so check it out here.

The 3 books that changed my life

  1. Think and Grow Rich – Mindset is key and Napoleon Hill explains it beautifully in this masterpiece.
  2. The Four Hour Work Week – Does the 4HWW blueprint work? In the right hands any blueprint will work, in the wrong hands nothing will work. Before I read the book I had no idea world travel was possible, this year I’ve traveled so much I had to go and get extra pages added to my passport – and I’ve saved over 20 grand while doing it.
  3. The Millionaire Fastlane – I read this book in July of this year and I was blown away. I thought I’d already read it all and knew everything, but I was wrong. Because of this book I have re-worked my entire business system. This book is a must read for killers and real dealers.

Now stop thinking about bad things, just success success success.

Until next time.

Your man,

-Victor Pride

PS – Victor’s Travel Schedule for 2013

  • Bangkok, Thailand
  • Chiang Mai, Thailand (January)
  • Bangkok
  • Pattaya, Thailand (February)
  • Bangkok
  • Ho Chi Minh Cty, Vietnam (March-April)
  • Nha Trang, Vietnam (March)
  • Bangkok
  • Phnom Penh, Cambodia (June)
  • Sihanoukville, Cambodia (June)
  • Bangkok
  • Manilla, the Philippines (July)
  • San Vicente, the Philippines (July)
  • El Nido, the Philippines (July)
  • Makati City, the Philippines (July)
  • Bangkok
  • Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia (August)
  • Bangkok
  • Chiang Rai, Thailand (September)
  • Bangkok
  • Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam (again, September)
  • Bangkok
  • Hong Kong (October)
  • Bangkok

Enjoy some pictures of V. Pride traveling around in 2013.


PPS – A game, a secret, and a chance to win a Bold and Determined Wolf T-shirt

I’m very excited at a recent development. Let me give some backstory…

The stylistic influence behind Bold and Determined is 3-fold.

My own style + a specific song + a specific movie = the Bold and Determined style.

I have quite literally been waiting for 3 years for anyone to guess the song and movie that have been the biggest stylistic influences on Bold and Determined.

Today, on the 3rd birthday of Bold and Determined, someone finally guessed the song (the comment can be viewed here). See below…

I am going to extend the offer for VIP status to anyone who can guess the movie that was a huge influence on Bold and Determined.

The first person to correctly guess the movie will receive 1) all current Bold and Determined e-books free of charge, 2) any future products free of charge and 3) a Bold and Determined Wolf T-shirt free of charge.

I’ll give you a small hint: when you hear the name of the movie it’s going to make perfect sense.

Leave a comment below with your guess. The first person to guess correctly will win the very first official Bold and Determined Wolf T-shirt.


22 Steps to Greatness

From the desk of Victor Pride, LLC
Subj: How to stop being a dipshit and start being a do shit

Don’t you know what Freddie Mercury said? He said: “We’re the princes of the universe, fighting for survival. Fighting to survive in a war with the darkest powers”

Recently, I have shown great kindness by leading the way out of the darkness and into the light via the Full Color Godcast.

My kindness has not been fully appreciated and there are many dipshits who mistake my immense kindness for weakness.

Many of these dipshits blame California for me being “delusional” (aka successful).

Dipshits say things like “California is the land of the delusional” and I agree. When I walk out to my parking garage I see nothing but Beamers, Benzes and Bentleys.

It’s beyond delusional for dipshit bums with bus passes to ever dream of achieving money, success and greatness so they call it delusional.

Maybe it’s shocking, but I agree with them. The dipshit bums will never achieve what I’ve achieved, even when I lay out the blueprint for them – which I thoughtfully lay out below.


This blueprint of success is for winners who were born to win and take action to make things happen.

If you often use the word delusional to describe famous and successful peopleand if you pride yourself on being “rational” (aka stuck to the ground), then I am afraid these 22 steps to greatness may not be for you.

Those people can skip this list, just in time to catch the last bus back to loser-town so they can drown their sorrows with a beer and a frown.

For the rest of you, the winners, killers, and real-dealers, go check a mirror after reading this article because you’re going to be grinning from ear to ear.

1. You can be born to win or born to lose, the choice is yours.

There are people who were born to be kings like me, and there were people who were born to be dipshits. But then again, there is a little thing called knowledge, and a little knowledge can turn a loser into a winner.

A little bit of knowledge can give you this one little tiny detail: Everything in life is a choice – including happiness, sadness, success and failure.

Even if you were born into a family of shit, you can crawl out like Andy Dufresne and you can achieve greatness.

Why? Greatness is inherent, but it is also a choice. You have to make the choice to apply this knowledge and you have to take the steps to learn how to earn.

If someone else can, why can’t you? Even a retard can succeed. See the Notorious B.I.G. for proof. Simply follow the steps of greatness that every great man followed. 

Winners love to win and grin, and losers love to be let down with a frown. Like the girls in Thailand always said to me, “up to you.”

2. Escape mental jail like El Chapo escapes real jail.

The only person holding anybody back is the person looking in the mirror. Solution? Choose to break out of the hell of mental jail.

Greatness is a choice just like everything else. To be great, you have to saw your way out of mental jail and break free, like Freddie Mercury.

You can choose to stay in the black and white mental prison or you can simply choose to break out of the mental prison that holds you back and you can choose to chase and achieve greatness. 

3. Stop waiting for miracles and start creating miracles.

Many people sit around contemplating ideas. In fact, they spend so much time contemplating ideas they never get around to executing any of those big ideas.

It’s like they’re waiting for some miracle to come from above and complete the work for them.

But it’s a lot like Musashi said, “always respect Buddha and the other gods but do not rely on them for help.

4. Be your own biggest fan.

A picture of my biggest fan (myself)

The easiest path to greatness is to simply create art that you love. If you’re your own biggest fan, you will always have motivation to create because you are creating content for yourself… and you’ll always be hungry for more great content.

Here’s a piece of information that many people simply ignore: if you like it, other people will like it.

If you’re passionate about something, other people will be passionate about it too. No one is a unique snowflake, we are all human and we all experience the same feelings.

People always think “I thought I was the only one” but everyone is thinking that. So, to create great art that stands the test of time and moves people, simply create the art that you want.

Create the art that you would consume. When you do that you do two things: you fill a void in the market and you make passionate art instead of corporate art.

5. Always wake up early so you can start the day the right way. 

Waking up early is the only way you get work done. The only way. Wake up early and get work done, or wake up late and don’t be great. It’s that simple.

People who wake up late don’t get things done. People who wake up early get things done.

Are you good at math? Check my math and see if it adds up…

The more hours you have in the day = the more hours you have to get work done.

The less amount of hours you have in a day = the less work you get done.

6. Be the bad guy.

You can’t be great if you’re shackled by politeness. Niceness and politeness are nice and polite, but to transcend you have to let go of limitations.

To be a good boss you’ve got to learn how to be the bad guy.

Ever meet a really nice guy who was also a genius millionaire? Didn’t think so.

A good guy is nice, humble and down to earth (aka, a dipshit). Good guys don’t get nothing but shit.

Bad guys get everything they want because bad guys don’t ask permission. Bad guys go out and take what they want.

Be like Dusty Rhodes… “Brother, I’m bad and they know I’m bad!”

7. Develop a case of Kanye West Syndrome aka Success Syndrome. 

Kanye West Syndrome aka Success Syndrome

For many years dipshits have been comparing me to Kanye West, as if it were an insult.

Don’t make me laugh with that bus pass in your pocket.

Kanye is a great man, much like myself, and is one of the most famous men in the world. 

Always go big like Kanye or always get the fuck out of the way like every other dipshit.

8. Listen to your guts (and your nuts).

Gut instinct, aka nut instinct, is usually the correct course of action. Of course you have to plan and strategize, but deep down in the guts and the nuts, we all know exactly what we want from life.

Take your own advice before other people’s advice. Unless advice comes from someone who has done it, always follow your own advice. Nobody else can see what you see.

Your friends and family only see the ordinary while you may see the extraordinary. It’s your mission to paint the picture for them, it isn’t your mission to convince them of what you might do in the future.

9. Have tunnel vision for the mission and be blind to distraction.

Successful men see life through a tunnel. We see only the light at the end of the tunnel and we walk that way. When you lose focus, you lose momentum.

Alternately, success in life is like driving down the highway towards a distant and far-off destination. If you pay too much attention to what’s on the left or the right, you will crash and burn.

You have to be fully focused on the drive ahead and only see distractions peripherally. You’ll find that success comes while you’re doing other things, and at a certain point you will have driven past your original destination because you were too focused on moving forward.

If you pay too much attention to the distractions, you will pull the car over before you get to your destination. This is called settling for less than what you aimed for and it’s what dipshits do. 

10. Demand excellence, especially from yourself. 

Great men and women hold other people to high standards. But, and there is a but, they hold themselves to the highest standard. Always depend on yourself first.

In the world of the great, only bold competence will do. Make sure you are boldly competent, and then make damn sure the people around you a) are boldly competent and b) make damn sure they understand that only bold competence will do.

Make incompetence hit the road, Jack.

11. Transform your sexual energy into fuel for greatness. 

I’m very sorry boy, but you can’t be out banging broads every night and build big business at the same time. Focus must be on one or the other, it simply is not possible to focus on two things at the same time.

We all love pussy, but did you ever wonder what pussy loves? Pussy loves money and power.

So what you do? You use your inherent sexual energy to build bigger business. When you build the bank account, you always seem to have a steady stream of pussy chasing you.

Instead of going out every night, chasing pussy like a dipshit, be a DO SHIT and chase greatness. A funny thing will happen when you do – pussy will start to chase you. 

12. Take inspiration from everywhere, everyone and everything. 

The way you stay average is by taking inspiration from only one form of art. To transcend average you have to take inspiration from everything and everyone.

Every person can give you something to learn from, every animal can teach you something, and every form of art can give you inspiration.

The “trick” is to take all of the inspiration from all of the different styles and mold them into your own distinct style. Only dipshits would try to make music using music as inspiration. I see articles as songs. Kayne sees music as colors.

What do you see?

13. Speak your thoughts into a reality.

Creative people speak their way to the answer. That is what creativity is, it is simply speaking your way to the answer.

If you keep it all in your head, the answer will never reveal itself to you.  If you don’t speak your way to the answer your head will stay murky. By speaking out loud your thoughts and dreams become instantly clear. 

“But Victor, didn’t you just say stay quiet? Isn’t that, like, a contradiction?”

Success is a contradiction which is why dipshits who are grounded in “reality” can never soar high in the sky like an eagle.

You have to write and/or speak your plans to make them clear!

If you don’t speak your plans clearly they will never become clear AND no one wants to hear about your plans if you haven’t done anything yet. The solution is simple. Do one of these two things:

  1. Write your plans in a journal or blog. This way, your plans become clear to you, but you do not have to speak them to others. 
  2. Speak your plans to others and understand that no one will believe you and everyone will think you are a dipshit… until you prove them wrong.

Speak the words and live the life. Speak your dream life and then live your words which in turn brings your “dreams” to reality.

To write your plans, you can start your blog with Badnet for free (you just pay hosting). You will own the blog 100%, you will own the domain name and you will have a central place to write down your plans and make them clear.

14. Speak loud and proud, use bold words like Ali, always walk the walk. 

When you speak, make sure you are heard by speaking loud, clear and proud. You cannot speak like a mouse and be heard.

Great men speak from a place of power. Muhammad Ali was the greatest boxer of his day and he made damn sure everybody knew it, precisely because they can back up their bold claims.

If you’re gonna talk the talk you gotta do one more thing, you gotta walk the walk. Ali was great and he let everyone know it. But Ali had one thing that dipshits who run their mouth don’t have – proof of his greatness.

Talkers who talk greatness but don’t back it up with proof are dipshits. 

I always say no one will believe you until you show them proof, and it’s true. Neither mommy, daddy, or uncle Freddy will believe your wild claims of greatness, and I won’t either – not until you have proof to back up your words. 

Talk the talk like Floyd, but make damn sure you walk the walk like Tyson. Passion without action is for daydreaming retards.

Ideas are nothing. Ideas are shit. Without execution or a body of work to back it up, you are nothing. If you don’t have a body of work you are not an ideas man, you are a nobody. Always back up the talk with proof.

16. Don’t take days off, always be on like Donkey Kong. 

True greats don’t have an off switch because true greats know of the incredible power of momentum. Days off break the rhythm and the momentum and it is always harder to re-start than it is to just keep going. That’s why shogun always keep going.

Work always comes first and true shogun do not have down time or free time. Greatness takes all of your time and the “price you pay” for greatness is exactly that – all of your time.

Greatness does not have an off switch, off switches are for the mediocre. 

17. Dress great to be great.

If you want to earn a million bucks, start by looking like a million bucks. When you look great, you feel great and when you feel great you become great. To build your own personal style, check out Iron & Tweed.

Clothes make the man and muscles make the clothes. So spend time in the gym to sculpt the physique and spend money on the clothes that build the confidence.

Make damn sure you spend time building your body. If you don’t, no clothes will look good.

Check out 2 resources to build your body: John Doe Bodybuilding and Red Supplements

B&D girls of the world who want success too, pay attention to the power of attraction. Below is a great quote from a book I picked up called The Shakti Coloring Book: Goddesses, Mandalas, and the Power of Sacred Geometry.

“On a personal level, an ability to attract was understood as power on par with brute strength. Beauty was considered the physical manifestation of fecundity, authority and power … Adoring oneself and one’s environment was fundamental to one’s dignity, self-possession and propriety … One’s posture and confident gait give spiritual protectionTo venture outdoors unornamented was to invite misfortune.” 

18. Network with other killers.

A great boss is a delegator and a deal maker. Therefore it is a vital key of boss mentality to connect with, network with, meet with and form friendships with other go-getters.

For any great bosses in training, it is vital to your mission to connect with other up and coming bosses for the following reasons:

  • To form friendships with others on the same journey as you.
  • To help you find potential future business partners.
  • To have a network of fellow go-getters to plot and plan with and help you break through obstacles and barriers. 
  • Groups are more powerful than lone wolves. One man has his own energy but a group of men working towards the same goal form a more powerful energy. Working as a group rather than as a lone wolf can help speed the momentum of the lone wolf’s business interests. 
  • Mutual support helps you through times you feel distracted, less than motivated, or discouraged. When you do feel discouraged, the network is there to help you find courage again. 

How can you find other bosses, ronin-in-training, NWR, and Shogun? Join the hidden network of the NWR.

19. Always practice the Victory pose like Victor Pride.

The Victory pose prepares you for success and abundance, which is why I practice it every single day.

The Victory pose is exactly what it sounds like: stand tall, with your arms outstretched to the sky in the shape of a V (for Victory) and allow abundance and victory to come to you. 

20. Keep it simple, Spartan, and always focus on the fundamentals. 

Masters are masters of simplicity. While dipshits are busy trying to learn advanced technique and skipping the fundamentals, masters master the fundamentals and nothing more.

True creativity comes from having a defined set of rules in which you must get creative. When you have complete, total creative freedom to do anything you end up creating nothing of lasting value.

The fundamentals are fundamentals for a reason and they must never be skipped. 

21. Always pay attention.

If you pay attention you will notice that no one pays attention.

— VICTOR PRIDE (@VICTOR_PRIDE) December 20, 2016

If you pay attention you will notice one thing, no one ever pays attention. Dipshits go about their daily lives without ever noticing that they could make themselves better in the snap of a finger.

You will also notice, if you pay attention, that you can create success out of thin air because no one is around to notice or care. They’re too busy being distracted to pay attention.

If you pay attention you may even notice that all of the most successful people in the world are called delusional. To a broke bum on a bus, the thought of making a mill is delusional.

Thankfully there is a way to solve this seeming riddle…

22. Study books written by great men and take extensive notes. 

Why is it important to take notes? Because when you take notes you develop a true understanding of the material because you are physically writing the words, but you are putting them into your own words – words you understand. 

Start by studying my masterpiece New World Ronin. In that book I give you the true path to success – which is be so delusional like Kanye that failure does not even register as a possibility.

“Failure? I do not understand that word.” 

If you do understand ‘failure’, don’t look at me in my eyes when I pass your bus in my BMW with a big-titty blonde named Becky in the passenger seat. Mutual eye contact is a sign of respect, which is why broke bums feel so awkward when in the presence of greatness.

Until next time.

Your man,

-Victor Pride

PS – I recently announced the death of Victor Pride, but I left out the 2nd part of that announcement. Victor Pride is the most important author of this generation and he isn’t going anywhere except straight to the top. 

Victor Pride is the greatest blog artist who ever lived. Much like Jesus, he was always destined to return, we just had to wait for some paperwork to come in. The paperwork is in and the king is back.

Acknowledge the King and kiss the ring, or pay the price of disloyalty. Like everything in life, the choice is yours. What do the girls in Thailand always say? Up to you.

Speaking of the King, New World Ronin is the book that forces you to change, like a near-death experience. It is available in the following 3 formats (paperback is the best because you can feel it in your hands and take notes directly on the pages):

Below is the New World Ronin video/audio teaser-trailer.

21 Things Every 21 Year Old Should Do

So you’re 21 years old…

Does it seem like nothing makes any sense?

It seems like everything you’re told at 21 years old is the opposite of what you see with your eyes.

Your eyes say one thing and your parents and relatives say another.

You hear them talk about what you should and shouldn’t do but they don’t really have a clue.

The words they say just don’t match the reality you see with your eyeballs.

It even seems like their advice is not meant to help you excel, it seems like their advice is meant to help you fail.

It’s not that their advice is bad-hearted, it’s just that it’s… wrong.

And where does that leave you?

Stuck, lost, confused, maybe even depressed.

If that’s you, just what the heck do you do?

I’m so glad you asked…


1) Do not listen to normal people’s advice

The average man today is a give-up artist – fat, dumb, broke and addicted to porn – the opposite of a true role model. Woe be to the young man who listens to conventional advice. If you listen to them you will become them.

Normal people who give up have nothing valuable to teach. The only truly qualified teachers are the abnormal people who follow one vision right until the end. People like your kindly Uncle Victor.

“I wish I had a father like you. I never knew mine.” –Marc, B&D; Commenter

2) Quit university

Studying in university is the worst thing you can do to your life. Study is theory, it is not practice. The more practical theory you have, the less true intelligence you have. Intelligence is gathered in one way only – through personal experience. School is a way to put off personal experience longer and longer.

The classroom is not life and the professors are mostly people who have never lived life. Many professors are pathologically unable to see or say the truth, which is why so many American professors are still communists. I have lived in communist countries and I can tell you from first-hand experience – communism ruins countries and the people who live in communist countries go through life like ghosts. Dipshit professors should know that but they don’t.

  • University = Book-nerds teaching you books written by book-nerds
  • Bold & Determined = Reality transmitted directly to you

Learning is not the same thing as studying! Learning comes from personal experience. Study comes from the word of others (and you learn nothing). Seek to learn, do not seek to remember silly facts because it’s real-world USELESS!

3) Do not get a job

After receiving a university education you are not equipped to think any longer, you are equipped only to follow orders at some job that you will hate your entire life. Do you want to be happy? To be happy, you have to make your work, not “get a job.” Jobs are for college educated slaves and you already know that. Higher education is a rat race that leads to a job that leads to nowhere. There is a better solution…

4) Travel the world to get a real education

For most of my life I was a fool. I listened to others, even though I didn’t believe them, because I didn’t know any other option. It wasn’t until I got on a plane to China that I developed intelligence.

How did I develop intelligence? Travel is my only teacher. It is only through travel that I learned anything about anything.

If you want to know anything about life, you MUST see life in a 3rd world. Not only must you see it, you must live it, you must speak to the people who are stuck in the 3rd world, you must understand how great you have it.

You know what I learned traveling the world? I learned that people in the first world are pathologically unable to see reality while people who live in the 3rd world are very sensitive to reality. To get the truth of the world, you have to ask a poor person in the 3rd world.

They’ll tell you the absolute truth of the world in no uncertain terms – you must make a lot of money. Money is god and only a damn fool believes otherwise! Experience life and you will learn this obvious truth.

5) Seek experience, not reward

The number one thing my young interns lack is the concept of patience. You’ve got to learn before you can earn. Learning cannot be skipped. Rewards are for men who did the work.

Seek no reward other than a life well lived. Paradoxically, this is how you are rewarded.

Forget about money NOW, concentrate on money in the future. Do this and the future it will rain money on you (as long as you do your rain dance right now).

6) Make your own opportunities

You know that you have no right to expect to make money without first doing intensive and intelligent preparation. EXPECT NOTHING TO BE GIVEN TO YOU!

Expect nothing and you will not be disappointed because it is a guarantee: nothing will be given to you. If you want it, you must take it. Weak men wait for opportunities. Strong men make them.

Nihil sine labore = Nothing without work

You make your own opportunities and you do not whine and complain about a “lack of opportunity” because there is no such thing as a lack of opportunity, only a lack of balls and a lack of willingness to take opportunity.

7) Keep a copy of Bold & Determined Vol. 1 in your suitcase

We always need reminders of success. B&D; Vol. 1 is your reminder to be a big success! Even if you don’t read the book, simply seeing the cover and seeing the words will remind you to become success.

KEEP ONLY 1-2 BOOKS WITH YOU! Having many books is useless, they will serve only to confuse you. You keep only 1 or 2 books with you to serve as reminders only. Reading books all the time will rob you of creativity, so keep it simple to stay creative.

To be a true original you must learn for yourself – you must experience for yourself. This is the only way you will ever be “creative”.

Creativity is nothing more than seeing the world through your own eyes rather than through anyone else’s eyes. This is why you keep only a copy of B&D; because B&D; is not about me, it never was. It is about YOU!

8) Don’t waste your life jerking off

Sun Ssu-mo says, “If a man squanders his semen, he will die soon. For a man, this is the most important point to remember about sex.”

We’ve all been sold that jacking off is great and healthy but do yourself a favor, go jack off and then go look in the mirror. Do you look vibrant and healthy or do you look sickly and weak? We both know the answer.

Masturbation is the true #1 killer of confidence and capability. The negative effects of masturbation are both mental and physical.

  • Physical effects of jacking off: “This vital fluid of man carried back and diffused through his system makes him manly, strong, brave and heroic. If wasted, it leaves him effeminate, weak and physically debilitated.”
  • Mental effects of jacking off: “In masturbation there is nothing but loss. There is no reciprocity.  There is merely the spending away of a certain force, and no return. The body remains, in a sense, a corpse, after the act of self-abuse. There is no change, only deadening.”

What’s the solution? If you want motivation, don’t jack off, it’s that simple. At 21 you should be throwing a fuck into every young slut you run across, not into your hand. Just don’t get seriously involved with one of them (especially if her cooter smells like rotten fish, it means she has a sexually transmitted disease).

Young ladies today are quick to fuck, but that’s because the roles have been reversed and they have more testosterone than young boys do. Not good for long term. Remember, you can’t turn a ho into a housewife and it’s a mistake to try.

Follow 30 Days of Discipline and you will see what life is like when you aren’t wasting your life constantly jerking off (i.e. what life is like when you are busting with MOTIVATION).

9a) Break your phone addiction

21 year olds are addicted to their phones like dope-heads are addicted to dope. These young guns today think their phone is an “extension of them.” It isn’t. When you’re on your phone you are in other people’s worlds, never your own.

On the phone you can never be on the moment, you can never be totally absorbed in your own world. Instead, you become totally absorbed in another’s world. You already know that phones kill relationships. In the same way they kill relationships, they also kill your creativity.

Not only does staring at your phone non-stop make you look like a jerk, your phone does very nasty things to your body! Staring at your phone kills your posture.

9b) Go to a coffee shop without a phone

This is the new Starbucks challenge: go to a coffee shop once per week… alone. Here’s  the challenge – leave the laptop and phone at home.

Do this to be alone with and confront your thoughts like a man. Don’t hide from nothing, especially not your own thoughts. Be a man and confront yourself without a crutch. Be old school – bring a notebook and a pen with you.

10) Keep your phone on airplane mode

Your phone must be kept on airplane mode because of an invisible thing in the air called electro-magnetic radiation. Electro-magnetic radiation is how your phone is able to be used without wires or chords. Electro-magnetic radiation is how your phone works “wireless”.

But wireless does not equal “painless” and much of the depression, joint pain, inner agitation people feel today is due to electro-magnetic radiation aka electro-magnetic hell in your cell.

Keep your gadgets on airplane mode when not using them because it is in your very best interest to do so.

“But Victor, what if Becky calls? I’ll miss the call!!”

Let that little slut wait. Keep your phone on airplane and never keep your laptop on your lap! It fries your boys and kills your testosterone levels.

11) Check your testosterone levels

Every 21 year old living today has low testosterone (in the opinion of my eyes and of science). Testosterone is what makes a man and if you don’t have it, you don’t become the man you should be. You stay the boy you shouldn’t be. All 21 year olds need to go and get their testosterone levels checked!

Why do you have low testosterone if you’re still young, dumb and full of cum? It is not your fault! We live in a poison environment and the massive amount of pollution we ingest is the culprit.

Are you less of a man if you have low testosterone? Yes you are less of a man if you have low testosterone, but remember 2 things: (1) it’s not your fault and (2) it can be fixed if you take a proactive stance.

You do not want to live your life as a frumpy, low-T “dude” when you could just as easily live like a man. The first step is to get and get your testosterone checked and verify 100% what your testosterone levels are.

After that, you can increase testosterone and strength with Red Growth. Take 3 tabs per day for 3 weeks, then take 3 weeks off. Continue 3 weeks on, 3 weeks off forever.

American B&D; readers can check their testosterone (without a Doctor’s approval) at MyLabFax.


The importance of maintaining optimal hormone levels and overall hormonal balance cannot be stressed enough. Once you get your testosterone and estrogen levels to optimized levels the difference in your quality of life can be night and day.

By increasing natural testosterone levels in the body, you can boost your sex drive, increase your bone mass, improve your fat distribution, and help you develop more muscle mass and strength.

13) Throw away the clock

People always complain about time, time, time. They say “there’s not enough time!” but they make one big mistake – they waste their time staring at the clock.

If you do nothing but watch the clock count down of course there are not enough hours in the day. On the other hand, when you never look at the clock the hours in a day are long.

“It is the idle man, not the great worker, who is always complaining that he has no time.” -Orison Swett Marden

Is time any different if you look at the clock or not? No. What is different is your pre-occupation. If you’re pre-occupied with time you cannot be pre-occupied with your work but! if you’re pre-occupied with your work you do not feel the stress of time.

Worry about time or worry about work, one or the other. I say, be in the moment because there is nowhere else to be.

14) Sign up to the B&D; email list

It is important to be on the Bold and Determined email list because that is the only way that we at B&D; communicate when a new post is ready. Some people use social media, but everybody on earth uses email. That is why it is important to sign up to the B&D; email list – when a new post is ready, you will be notified first through email. Sign up here (it’s free).

15) Talk less, listen more

Your voice must be earned, just because you are given a voice does not mean you have to speak everything you think. Telling everybody everything you think is stupid. You will NEVER LEARN if you don’t stop talking.

Don’t talk, don’t ask endless questions, just listen.

When someone is speaking do not wait for your turn to talk. Instead, listen to what they say. Don’t ask questions! Just listen and learn. People will tell you all of their success secrets if you just listen. How do con artists fool people? They listen. How do you get fooled? You talk too much!

Be sure to listen to poor people. I have learned more from speaking to poor people than I have learned from all of my high school and university teachers combined. No one wants to listen to the poor and that is a stupid mistake, the poor are the only ones who live in complete reality. When you talk to them you’ll learn one important thing: successful people don’t live in reality, successful people live in their own delusion.

16) Start a private diary, log everything

Log everything that you learn in your private diary. Instead of opening your mouth and vomiting your information to anyone who will listen (no one will listen to a 21 year old), log it in your personal private diary. You will want to view this in years to come. You will never be able to remember all of the lessons you’ve learned, all of the experiences you’ve had, all of the revelations you’ve come to unless you write them down.

Writing your lessons (and goals) down also acts as a “brain cleaner.” See, your brain only has so much space, it can only remember so much information. To remember new information it has to clean out old information. If that old information wasn’t written down it could be lost forever. Do your future self a favor and write everything down – you will want to compare how far you’ve come from where you started.

Your private blog could eventually make you a million dollars as it did for me BUT! you need experience first. Gain the experience, log the experience, then when you truly have a unique voice you can turn your voice into your business.

Until then, log everything and keep moving forward. Start your blog with Badnet because we don’t charge you anything and we give you so much extra.

17) Go to bed when it’s dark and wake up when it’s dark

Sleep is for old people! Wake up because sleep is pussy shit (develop the discipline of a soldier). Over and over I have learned this valuable lesson: the more you sleep, the less energy you have. The less you sleep, the more energy you have. Sleeping more is not “healthy”, it’s a way to escape life. Let those other dipshits escape life, you wake up and you live it to the fullest.

You cannot live life to the fullest if you are asleep. Sleep when you’re dead, right now you must wake up and get to work because life will pass you by if you don’t. Always work up an appetite before breakfast! Morning is no time to be lazy and your breakfast doesn’t taste good unless you earn it.

18) Train your body every single day

A lean body is a clean mind. A fat body is a muddy mind. If you ain’t strong, you are wrong. If you ain’t lean, you ain’t mean. Solution? Stay lean, stay mean. Do mobility work every single day. Your body is a temple and you must treat it as such.

You must take care of your body now so that in later years you will still be fit. Remember, if you ain’t fit, you ain’t shit. You feel significantly better if you just take the time to do the things you need to do, like stretching, breathing, and mobility training.

19) Drive a motorbike through the Hai Van Pass in Vietnam

Go there, drive the pass, remember the pass, take no photographs, then, later, put the feeling down into words. The feeling you had at the Hai Van Pass, write it down in your private diary. NO PICTURES! Use your memory to paint the picture with words.

20) When people say bad things about you, prove to the world that those people are liars

Throughout your life people will talk bad about you. There are 3 ways you could respond:

  1. Explain to them why they’re wrong
  2. Say bad things about them
  3. Say nothing, work hard, use them as fuel, prove them wrong, laugh all the way to the bank (hahahaha)

Explaining to people why they’re wrong is a waste of time. Arguing with people is a waste of time. There is only one true way to take revenge on the people who talk about you…


Talkers are the people who will never find success. Because they know they will never find success, they either believe that no one else can either or they want to make sure you don’t find success. Either way, they must be ignored and only used as fuel for your fire.

21) Achieve New World Ronin status

New World Ronin is a young man’s book. To old men it reads like gibberish, to young men of the 21st century it is the Holy grail, the new true Bible of success and freedom. The Holy Bible’s teachings are hidden under a mask of allegory. New World Ronin is the opposite, it’s teachings are hidden in plain sight, under the veil of complete truth.

If there’s one thing I’ve learned in this world, it’s this: older people in the west hate the truth. They aren’t bad people, but the world they grew up in is different than your world and they wouldn’t recognize the truth of this world if it bit them on the face.

Only the few and true can succeed wildly. Their time is over and your time is beginning. You are not the future, you are the right now.

And right now you must follow the way of the ronin if you want success. There is no other way. There are no jobs for you, no one will give you a damn thing, you must create your future and the blueprint is New World Ronin.

But remember, blueprints are black and white, you must crack the code and fill in the color yourself.

Don’t bitch about it, be about it. Then just go and do it.

Always stay young, always stay dumb and always stay full of cum.

Until next time.

Your man,

-Victor Pride

PS – Don ‘t forget to start your private blog with Badnet right now. In a few years you will be very glad you started today. You will look back and you will be amazed. You will say, look where I was then and look where I am nowWOW!

18 Things Every 18 Year Old Should Know

From the desk of Victor Pride
Subj: How to be 18 again

When you turn 18 you are a free man. You can kick off the shackles and go about your life as you wish.

But the plan that is likely laid out for you is a plan destined to fail, so you’ve got to make the right choices to get a jumpstart on a life of health, wealth and happiness.

Regrets are pointless, but if for some reason I was put into a time machine and found myself 18 years old again this is what I’d be glad to know.

Here are 18 things every 18 year old should know…

1) Don’t get married

She isn’t your soulmate, she isn’t “the one”, it isn’t true love. That’s my 100%, money back guarantee to you. Assuming you are a westerner, especially an American, getting married young will be the biggest mistake of your life. Just say no. As a young man you can be free to date around and play the field. Tying yourself to one woman with a Government enforced noose will do two things: turn you into a shell of a man and significantly reduce your income after she gets bored, divorces you so she can find herself, and papa Government helps her finance it with your money. Wait until later in life and pick the right wife before you sign your life away.

2) Do not make women your priority

Priority numero uno should be making money and building a life for yourself. There are 3+ billion women in the world and they are all basically the same. Your soul-mate Kimberly isn’t one in a million, at best she is about one in a hundred. She can be replaced and it’s not true love that you feel for her it is infatuation. If she wanted you then you would not want her so much but because she does not want you you want her. Make sense? No? Doesn’t matter. We want what we don’t have or what we can’t have, when we have it we don’t want it. You don’t need a psychology textbook to learn that, just a little Bold and Determined 101.

3) College doesn’t guarantee money

It is time to get women out of the schooling of boys. It is way past time. Women in our feminized classrooms are consigning generations of our sons to years of misery and diminished futures. The evidence is everywhere. Few dare notice it. –Fred Reed

College is a big joke. I said it, you read it. My freshman year of college I had a female English teacher who had the build of a linebacker and, rather than teaching us English, taught us feminism. Every day she would talk about feminism ad nauseam. If you’re thinking “wow, what a waste of time” you are right.

I wasted a great deal of time in college, aimlessly drifting through because that’s what you’re supposed to do. The cold, hard reality is that you aren’t guaranteed a job or a career and your college degree is going to be the most expensive piece of paper you ever purchase. A college degree in this day and age usually guarantees one thing: debt.

Making money and living well is completely and 100% up to you, not your piece of paper. I never learned anything in college and with good reason: colleges are filled to the brim with stupid people (see exhibit A and exhibit B). It’s not a coincidence that recent college grads look like glassy eyed morons as they serve your coffee.

Smart people simply don’t belong in college and unless you are going to school to become a physician or to get a degree in a highly technical STEM field college is almost completely unnecessary. Every successful entrepreneur I know says the same thing: “I never use my college degree for anything“. If I found myself at 18 years old, knowing what I know now, I would absolutely 100% not go to college.

4) You can make money on the internet

Getting a degree in some phony baloney major like communications is great for wasting time pretending to be successful but there is an easier, better, freer and more profitable way to make money. Make money through the power of the internet. Look around you, what is one thing you see every person doing? They are all playing around on the internet on their laptops, smart phones and tablets. Everyone is online, you are online right now reading this, I am online writing this. The difference is that I am making money online and most of you are playing online. Kill two birds with one stone, play and make money.

If I were 18 years old right now this is exactly what I would do: I would skip college, I would read the Fastlane Forum voraciously, I would save up two thousand dollars and I would move to either Chiang Mai, Thailand or Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam. Those two places are filled to the brim with young, white foreign entrepreneurs who spend their time networking, building businesses and partying and they live on about $500 per month while doing it. I don’t even personally like those cities but it’s undeniable that they are the hub cities for young expat entrepreneurs. Go where the talent is.

5) World travel is not just a fantasy

13 years ago I watched a movie called The Beach. I was blown away. Not by the story, or the acting, but by the photography. The film takes place on an island in Thailand and when I saw the movie it looked to me like paradise. I never forgot that lagoon.

Too bad I could never visit a place like that, I thought.

You see, when I was a young man I was unaware of the possibilities. I thought it was college, job, two years into the job I could have a one or two week vacation, then I would retire. I never thought I could visit far away countries.

It was not until I read the Four Hour Work Week by Tim Ferris that I even knew it was possible to not just visit other countries but you could actually live in other countries and it would be cheaper than living in America.

Right then and there I made my plans and I visited that island in Thailand that I saw in the movie. Nowadays I even live in Thailand and I save a ton of money doing so. It’s not impossible, frankly it’s quite easy.

6) Gym time is critical while you’re young

You must build your body and your strength, a physically weak man is a failure and the body of the average man is disgraceful. As a young man you should have a few things going for you. Those things are high testosterone, high natural growth hormone and high IGF-1 levels. Take advantage of those now because when you’re older those levels diminish. Now is the time to get in the gym and build your body naturally to it’s peak. A body built when you are young will stay with you for a lifetime.

Do not take steroids as a young man, your HPTA levels are still developing. Using steroids while under 22 years of age can and will result in an underdeveloped HPTA which will result in permanent lack of HPTA maturity meaning you will have permanently low natural testosterone levels. Yikes!

7) Your family is full of BS

Unless your dad is a self-made millionaire your family doesn’t know what they are talking about when it comes to planning your financial future. They’ll tell you college degree, good job, marriage, retire rich. All they’re missing is a little thing called evidence. That’s a get-rich-slow scheme and it works as well as get-rich-quick schemes. That is to say, it doesn’t work.

8) Work ethic is critical to develop early

The longer you wait the lazier you get. Now is the time to get to work building your future empire. Laziness is a learned trait and ass-kicking is also a learned trait. Get to ass-kicking instead of sittin’ around on your ass. 30 Days of Discipline will give you a boot to the ass to fuel that fire.

See also Why Every Young Man Needs 30 Days of Discipline: 30 Days of Discipline Review

9) Everything is not just A or B, there is a C solution

The world is not just black and white, christian or atheist, republican or democrat, liberal or conservative. Stand on the outside and look in to make the best decisions. As soon as you say “I’m such and such” you stop thinking about things. If you say “I’m a liberal” you’ll follow liberal dogma, if you say “I’m a republican” you’ll follow republican dogma. There is a 3rd option, a 4th option, a 5th option etc. but it requires you to put on your thinking cap and not just accept your group’s POV without thought. As an outsider you will be able to see things clearly in a way that group-followers never will.

10) You have a future

Never listen to people that say “This is the best time of your life. It’s all downhill from here“. Your life is as good as you make it. Work to build yourself a future and you will have a nice one. I’ll tell you my life is phenomenally better at 30+ than it was at 18 but I never sat around pining for the old days, I was always working to make something of myself. Forget about the retirement scam, work on your own future, build yourself. Your future is yours to make, but your future will come whether you build a good one or a poor one.

11) Pay attention to money

Never pay attention to the “money is the root of all evil” talk. The people who say this are morons. Money is the #1 necessity of life. Forget about greed, money is need. Make it so you can do as you wish and have the highest amount of freedom possible. Keep multiple bank accounts with balances in each and always keep some cash on hand. Never, ever keep all your financial eggs in one basket. I learned this lesson the hard way when my American bank closed my account for no reason (read about it here), leaving me low on funds. Now I keep 10+ bank accounts in several countries.

12) Find older, accomplished men and pick their brains

If you can find one, a mentor is a great asset. In the old days these were known as ‘fathers’ but in the days of feminazism these guys aren’t around so much. Thankfully we have the internet and can make contact with people from all over the world.

13) Feminism is a sick joke

Young man, you’ve been sold a bill of goods with the whole feminism thing. Let me explain in perfect English the reality: Western women were never discriminated against, there is no such thing as ‘rape culture’, women aren’t paid less for the same work, feminism is not about equality.

Feminism is about women trying to be men without any responsibility. Feminism has left you with a pool of women who are truly insane. Solution? Kick dirt in the face of feminism.

14) If you need a job get a sales job or a manual labor job

If you need a job, if your entrepreneurial gig isn’t paying the bills, then sales or manual labor are great. Working in offices is for women and girly-men. A sales job will teach you how to make money and a manual labor job will build your body while you get paid. In fact, there are quite a few manual labor jobs that will pay you big, big bucks. You’ll have to do some travel and work some long hours but you can make 100k+ per year working on offshore oil rigs. A young man with a strong back could work 6 months out of the year doing manual labor and spend 6 months free, traveling, working on an entrepreneurial gig, or doing whatever you want.

15) Don’t buy anything on credit

Debt is slavery. Stay out of debt at all costs. If you don’t have the cash don’t buy the item. Pay everything upfront, no payment plan no credit. If you use credit cards to build up your credit always pay them off 100% at the end of the month. Think of credit cards as delayed payment debit cards.

16) Don’t bother choosing a career

I’m not an artist, I’m a hustler. As a hustler I’ve done many things. You should really believe it when I tell you that, ’cause I’m not being sarcastic. I’m a total hustler. What that means is I’ve hustled to make a buck and I’ve hustled to change the world and I’ve hustled to take revenge – but it’s always hustling. I’ve never had a career or a single goal. I’ve never been formally educated. To get things together, to make a living, I constantly have to hustle. – Vincent Gallo

Choosing a career is pointless and choosing your life path at 18 years old is just silly. You don’t even need a career, you can do many, many, many things throughout your life.

17) Nobody believes in you

It’s true, no one believes you can succeed outside of the college, job, marriage paradigm. Big deal. Frankly, they are right to not believe in you because until you have walked the walk you are just a daydreamer. Until you have accomplished what you have set out to accomplish there is absolutely no reason for anyone to believe in you. All you need to do is realize that no one believes in you and don’t seek approval. Approval is for dogs, men take what they want and don’t ask permission.

18) Be proud of who you are

If you’re a young white man then you have just come from a schooling system where scumbags have tried to make you feel bad about being a white male. I remember vividly in my high school that all problems were the fault of white men. Young man, you can be happy to know that that is all baloney and you have zero reason to feel bad about being white. White people are the least racist, least sexist people on the face of the earth and I can assure you that is a fact. The nice guy always has to eat shit and when it comes to race, the white guy is the nice guy. Never apologize for who you are or for what color you are. You aren’t a dog so don’t tuck your tail between your legs.

BONUS: What to do if you’re younger than 18

I get a lot of messages from young men under the age of 18 asking what they can do. My answer is this: Endure. When you’re 18 you’re free and you can do as you please. Until then you’ve got to do what mommy and daddy say. 18 will come before you know it, that’s a guarantee. Until then just endure. Try and build yourself a business on the internet, try and build your body by going to the gym or exercising at home and count down the minutes to freedom. That’s exactly what I did as a young man. Counted down the minutes, hours and days until I was free. It seemed like forever at the time, now it feels like it was the snap of a finger.

Good luck, and have a nice day.

Your man,

18 MORE Things Every 18 Year Old Should Know

When I was an 18 year old buck, I didn’t know nothing about nothing.

No one told me anything. I figured out the rules of the real world all by myself.

After years of trial and error, success and failures, heart-break and true love I have boiled the principles of life down to 18.

If I knew these principles when I was 18, I would have been rich by 21. Now you can have the great benefit of my hindsight.

If I had an 18 year old son today, this is exactly what I would tell him…

1) Everything you’ve been taught is a lie.

Everything you have been taught is a lie but do not be angry at your teachers. They have been lied to, just as you have been lied to, and they believed the lies. They even lie mostly to themselves. They are people who have been deceived just like you. But now you will be able to break free. In this list of 18 things every 18 year old should know I will give you some truth…

2) Weed is garbage.

“Smoke up, man.” No thanks, retard. They have been telling you the glorious benefits of being a stoner but good god, man, just look at weed smokers for proof. They smoke reefer and turn into drooling, mumbling retards a moment later. Weed turns you into a fool but it makes you think you’re a genius. Stay away from it and from the people who use it.

3) Masturbating will kill you.

They will tell you it is healthy but look at the freaks around you. They are physically sick and they are deranged in the head. What causes this derangement? You guessed it. Masturbation. Jacking off causes you an enormous amount of ill effects, both mental and physical. Not jacking off causes you to become a Superman. Not masturbating is the secret key of success for men. Jacking off will ruin your body and your mind early. There is only one way to have a healthy body and a sharp mind for all of your life, it is by preserving your vital sexual energy and letting it energize you.

4) College is a waste of time.

They trick you into believing you need college to make money. Then they make you get loans to pay for the promise of a future. When this future promise is not fulfilled and you don’t get a job what do you do? You go BACK to university to get more education to get a good paying job. You fool. You never get this promised job but you do get to start your adult life in massive debt. Debt is death. Look at the similarity of these words: Debt = Dead. Do not start life in the hole because it feels like death! Never get a loan for college because it does not pay off.

American university is absolute garbage unless you want to be a dentist or a medical doctor or a lawyer. “But what about STEM?” STEM is the biggest scam in the history of scams. They pretend it’s a really great field with great promise but what they deliver to you is slave wages. Don’t believe any of it! You make your own way in this world and if you don’t, you don’t get any rewards. NO ONE IS REWARDED FOR A COLLEGE DEGREE! You can learn a lot of things on your own. Don’t stop learning and never stop reading books. Remember that many self-made millionaires are NOT college graduates.

5) Common sense will make you rich.

You will notice two things about every college graduates: 1) they are retarded beyond belief because they have ZERO common sense and 2) they struggle financially. These college graduates use big words and produce almost no results. You listen to them talk and you have to squint your eyes to try and think what the heck they actually mean. Smart people do not use an endless string of big words. They say exactly what they mean in the simplest language they can use. That’s is how you know an intelligent person from a moron.

A college graduate will overcomplicate everything to the point that nothing can be accomplished. A simple genius will boil everything down to the basics because it is only the basics that get you results. A smart entrepreneur will see one simple obvious problem and one simple obvious fix and get rich from it. That is all it takes to get rich! These two words are your best friends: Yes & No.

  • Intelligent answer: Are you hungry? Yes.
  • Stupid answer: Are you hungry? Um, well, you know, I guess I could eat.

College graduates are completely unable to say yes and no. Do not share their fate. (Note: I am speaking only of American university graduates.)

6) Do the opposite of everything they say to do.

The common advice is always wrong. That is why the common man is always fat, stupid, sick, and broke. They’ll tell you straight to your face what to do to achieve what they have achieved – mediocrity. If you detest mediocrity and yearn for greatness then all you must do is exactly the opposite of what these people tell you to do.

“Work real hard and retire rich at 65.” Nope, get rich right now. “Go to school and get a good education and get a good job.” Nope. Skip school, never go into debt for any reason, build your own business and live life on your terms. “Get married and start a family.” Nope, not with the sorry state of American women and the “justice” system. This is one of the most dangerous things you can do today so you must be smart about it.

7) Pick the right female (don’t date deranged females).

It is important to develop a family but you must be absolutely, positively CERTAIN! that who you start a family with isn’t a looney tune. That’s almost impossible in America today because nearly every woman is a nut-bar on psychiatric drugs and every American policeman will arrest you and take you to jail based only on ACCUSATIONS from a deranged female. Never date deranged women! Here are the rules:

  • If she has tattoos, dump her
  • If she has piercings anywhere but her ears, dump her
  • If she has gay friends, dump her
  • If she constantly has headphones in her ear, dump her
  • If she routinely wakes up late, dump her
  • If she is sarcastic, dump her
  • If she’s private about her phone, dump her
  • If she’s secretive or elusive, dump her
  • If she’s heavily involved in social media, dump her
  • If she heavily follows celebrity gossip, dump her
  • If she curses frequently, dump her
  • If she dislikes children, dump her
  • If she drinks alcohol or uses drugs, dump her

Always remember that the number one thing you look for in a female is a good heart.

8) If you hate life, just move.

The great secret of happiness is not what they tell you. It has nothing to do with education or “upward mobility” or having a “good job.” This is all retarded. The secret of happiness is having a happy love life. Having a happy love life can seem impossible in America, where there is also an air of isolation and loneliness. Maybe because most of the people are also compulsive masturbaters (men and women) and have extreme anxiety, rage, and poor health as a result.

A great many American women hate men. Literally. But there are nice creatures elsewhere. No one will bother telling you this because no one knows, but here is the great secret of happiness – you can move somewhere where life is more appealing. And I promise you, the extreme loneliness of America is unique to America. Many of the other countries I have visited are happier and more alive.

America is a nice country with many great benefits but America is currently in an extreme depression. Not an economic depression but a spiritual depression. America is a great country to make money, after you make the money you’ve got to go somewhere to make your soul glow.

Poor people are miserable no matter where they live. I see people in Cambodia just sitting in their hot shacks all day doing nothing. I have no empathy for lazy people. It is up to you to change your own life, I don’t care what country you live in. NO ONE WILL HELP YOU IF YOU DON’T HELP YOURSELF. You must help yourself. The countries where the people have enough money are way happier outside of America.

“But I’m American, I have no opportunity to move or travel.” The American passport is one of the best in the world. Are you so silly to think that Nigerians and Ghanaians have MORE travel freedom than you? Don’t make me laugh. I meet Africans all over the world. If they can travel, you can travel. The American passport is a great passport to have and allows for a lot of freedom of travel. So get your lazy butt moving.

9) Online business is the future.

The greatest business in the world right now is the ebook business. No one believes this and it is for their own stupidity that they do not listen. Ebooks are the best! You write a book one time and you sell downloads of it for eternity. After you write the ebook and implement the sales process it is completely automatic. You do absolutely nothing and if you write a good ebook you make money every day even while you sleep.

On the contrary, running a “real” business sucks! Your profit margin with an ebook is nearly 100% but your profit margin for some product you actually manufacture and ship is low! Very low! The ebook business is the greatest business in the world for a young man who wants to make himself.

What should you write? Anything. The market is wide open. I have previously said you can learn anything online but that is not true. The internet is wide open. There is almost no information online. The internet is in it’s infancy. When I search for truth on the internet I find almost nothing but poop.

10) Always be calm, cool, and collected (by being detached).

There is no point in getting emotionally invested in anything. It’s gonna be what it’s gonna be. If you become emotionally attached to the outcome you will exhaust yourself and make yourself become a nervous wreck. Care about things, sure, but be detached.

“I’d like for A to happen, but if B happens I will be fine. If A happens I will not change.” You have to be like a rock. If you win a game, don’t gloat. If you lose a game, don’t pout. This is the essence of manliness. In a world long ago they called it stoicism. I just call it being calm, cool, and collected.

11) Embrace technology but do not get addicted to technology.

I recently took a road trip through an incredibly scenic country called Kyrgyzstan. This country has the most incredible scenery I have seen, ever. The mountains are unbelievable and the entire country is mountains. I was able to make this road trip with the help of my cell phone’s GPS system. I would have never, ever been able to make a road trip in this country without a GPS because they speak Russian and I do not. Even with a map I would not be able to make a road trip because the street signs are in Russian. It would have been utterly impossible without a smartphone.

If I didn’t have GPS I would have had to have bought a seat in a van with a driver and many other people. I would be cramped in a van, smelling other people’s farts, stopping only wherever the van stopped. Instead, we were able to go wherever we wanted and stop wherever we wanted. It was an incredible experience that I owe to technology. On the other hand, you are obsessed with your social media which provides you nothing in return. Technology is a great tool in our lives but technology can empower you or it can enslave you. Let it empower you, never let it become your master. (Note: Your body and mind are far healthier with no smartphone whatsoever.)

12) People LOVE the rat race.

The average person does not want to get out of the rat race, they love it. Even when they get out of their jobs, they still run the rat race on social media. Posting pictures to try and get “likes” and more “upward mobility.” Most people cannot be saved because they do not want to be saved. That is great news for you. For you there is no competition. They are too busy running on the hamster wheel to give you any competition.

The world of success is wide open because they are too busy on their phones and shopping malls, rat racing. Essentially anything you want to do (within reason) you can do. Of course you must pick something you are good at. If you pick something you are not good at you are wasting your time. Pick something you are good at and then spend your life becoming great at it.

13) Politics are just a show.

They call it political theater for a reason. Do you really think these people have time to be on television doing pointless debates and appearing on countless television programs while at the same time running anything in this country? Get real. The job of a politician is to win the vote. After they do this, their job is to do what the people who pay them want them to do. News flash: the citizens do not pay the politicians.

Even if the politicians actually did run the country it makes no difference because they do not answer to you. This is why they tell you one thing before they get elected and then do another thing after they get elected. They need your vote and nothing else.

It is pointless to waste your time with an interest in politics. It is the same as watching professional wrestling or soap operas or “reality” television. Being engaged in the watching of politics slowly enfeebles you the same way watching sports or soaps enfeebles you. You lose sense of reality and you lose sense of your own power. You become whatever it is they are trying to make you become. You must be you at all costs, and the cost of being you is never being entrapped in politics, or sports, or television shows.

“But doesn’t my vote matter?” Don’t make me laugh. The only thing that matters is picking the people who are voted on and you as a citizen have nothing to do with this. They pick the candidates and they make sure the candidates have the exact same agenda so it doesn’t matter who you vote for, they are all bought and paid for by the big money of the world.

It does not matter this candidate or that candidate, this party or that party, all are on the same agenda. Caring about politics will change nothing. Not even Adolf Hitler was able to change anything so don’t waste your time. Ultimately when you pay too much attention to politics and the news you become outraged over nothing.

14) Use baby wipes instead of toilet paper.

Listen here, toilet paper does not effectively clean up your poo-poo. Toilet paper is just dry paper, it is not clean! Use baby wipes instead of toilet paper and if you have a bidet or a water-gun use that.

15) Don’t watch or read the news.

Turn on the news and what do you see? Oh God, racism, sexism, war, poverty, mass shootings, rape, genocide, destruction everywhere! Meanwhile, go outside and the birds are chirping, the wind is blowing, and people are living normal lives. Everything they say on the news is not reflective of the real world. They pick the most extreme examples or they lie outright. Watching the news is a big mistake because it has the hypnotic ability to make you believe what they say.

If they talk about racism, you will believe racism is a real thing and is the cause of your problems. It isn’t. You are responsible for your own life. The Jew, the blacks, the whites are responsible for their own. And listen here you crybaby, not everybody will like you! You are a damn moron if you think people should NOT SEE your skin color. What kind of moron cannot see skin color? I got news for you, friend. People like their own more than they like you. Deal with it.

However! Go outside and you will see blacks getting along with whites getting along with Asians just fine. There is almost no racism crime except on the news. Start a conversation with Chad, Tyrone, Muhammad, Jose, and Mr. Wu and you will see that people are just people. All of them like their own people more than they like you and all people are mostly nice at their core and want the same things. People get along with each other just fine, until they’ve been brainwashed by the media to hate each other for made-up reasons. The news makes good people retarded so stay away from it.

In fact, the American news media is openly racist against whites but as a general rules the average person is not. Even if they are, it is important to simply not care what other races think of you. Fear of being ‘racist’ is the biggest weakness of the average American, and it is a silly fear. Instead of apologizing to Chad, Tyrone, Muhammad, Jose, or Mr. Wu for nonsense, remember these 3 ancient words of wisdom: KISS MY ASS.

16) Forget about conspiracy theories.

In politics and war everything is a fraud. There. Now you do not need to waste time on conspiracy theories which make you depressed and helpless. Yes, helpless. Everybody who gets deep into conspiracy theories becomes enfeebled by them and stops working and doing other important things in life. Everything is fake so there is no need to “research” conspiracy theories. I told you already everything is fake, including most conspiracy theories.

I read these conspiracy theories and think “you have absolutely no idea what you’re talking about. You’re making things up to make yourself feel better about not being successful.” If they were to get off their butts, stop being obsessed with conspiracy and start getting out into the real world on a mission of magic and success, they would become magicians who conjure success out of thin air.

If you want to be sure of this, next time you are outside pay attention to any conspiracy theory bumper sticker you see. Each time you see a conspiracy theory bumper sticker, look at the car. It will ALWAYS be an old, beat-up car. Usually it’s some sort of disgusting van. You will never see anybody in a BMW, Mercedes, or Hummer with one of these conspiracy theory bumper stickers.

It costs a lot of missed opportunity to waste your time on something you cannot fix or prove. And let’s say you actually could prove a conspiracy theory. Then what? That’s right, nothing. These conspiracy people have all this “evidence” they want to show you but they never want to provide a solution. What good is being informed of a problem if there is no solution? They want only to be outraged, and very deep down they feel happy having a reason for being a loser. Conspiracy theory kills your ego because it makes you feel helpless, but you need your ego.

17) You have to be your own #1 doctor (keep yourself healthy).

It’s up to you to keep yourself healthy for a lifetime. You cannot abuse and degrade your body and expect some doctor to fix you. It doesn’t work like you. You make yourself sick and you must make yourself well.

Eat well but don’t be a freak about. Health freaks are ALWAYS sickly and “allergic” to numerous foods. The more foods you limit from your diet the more sickly you get and the foods your body cannot tolerate. You have to eat well, sure, but you also have to eat like a modern human.

You need a little bit of poison to be immune to the poison. Eat healthy for the most part but also eat your waffles with butter and maple syrup, barbecued ribs, french vanilla ice cream, and whatever else you want. A lot of it will kill you but a little of it is necessary and even good for you. The more clean food you eat the more sensitive you become, but not in a good way. You don’t get healthier eating health food, you get weaker and sicker.

Don’t eat only clean food an don’t eat only bad food, find a healthy balance. About 75% clean and 25% dirty is a good option (if you want to be bodybuilder lean, change that ratio to 90%/10%). Try to get the majority of your foods from cooked foods rather than pre-packaged foods. All foods that are cooked are essentially good for you and pre-packaged foods are not. Try not to get more than 5-10% of your foods from pre-packaged foods, ever.

Don’t ever take pills to cure psychological or mental issues. A pill is no substitute for food and exercise. Pills hide the problem they do not fix the problem. Your job is to fix any problems that arise.

18) Seek your fortune right now (do not wait for your fortune to find you).

Now you know everything about life. What will you do with the knowledge?

Good god man, do not waste your best physical years sitting at a desk in some classroom, or at some job. Get out there and live your life.

Buried treasure is out their lost in the wilderness, waiting for you to find it.

Turn off the television, turn off the YouTube, take your hand out of your pants and…


Until next time.

Your man,

17 Rules All Great Men of Genius And Power Must Follow

Recently, I heard a song that was so good that it suffered from its own greatness.

The guitars were incredible, I’ve never heard guitars like that. The singer was so good, he was unbelievable.

I wanted to hear the singer sing because he was great, but I couldn’t hear him because the guitar player wouldn’t stop showing off.

Every time the singer was singing, the guitarist was doing some crazy guitar solos in the background that totally took away from BOTH the singer and the guitarist.

What they should have done, instead of showing off constantly, was put some thought into making the songs enjoyable rather than making them sound “wacky” and unique.

They had guitars riffing over the vocals constantly, to prove how good the guitarist was I suppose.

I heard it and thought: “Wow, that’s cool. But it’s too hard to listen to. Next.

It was a fun song, it was very clever and new, and the band had amazing potential… but the song wasn’t enjoyable or easy to listen to.

The singer was very good but he didn’t get to shine. The guitarist wouldn’t do what was best for the work.

His unwillingness to let anyone but him shine sabotaged the song’s listenability.

This band also labeled itself a sub-genre of music, which is another form of self sabotage.

It’s like saying: “I’m allowed to do this, I’m not allowed to do anything else, so it’s to excuse why we aren’t more popular.”

Everyone in the world loves music, if you create good music you should want most people to hear it.

Instead, a “sub-genre” or “niche” places strict limits on what you’re allowed to do.

Because of those limits, most people in the world will never get the chance to hear it.

That’s why you always put the work first and that’s your number one lesson in greatness…



The work ALWAYS comes first.

If you put the work first, you’ll be on the fast-track to greatness.

Only a small percentage of people enjoy any particular sub-genre of music.

If the band just did what was best for the work, they’d be mega-stars instead of underground stars.

If you only do what’s best for you, you’re on the fast track to mild niche success.

For big success aka greatness, you cannot place limits on your work.

You have to make the work the absolute best so that the biggest number of people can find it and you can become great.

Speaking of becoming great, this is how you do it…

—“I am the greatest, I said that even before I knew I was.”


The basics never, ever change. 

There are no secrets to greatness except for the ones you always hear…

If you can believe it, you can achieve it.

Lead, follow or get out of the way. 

Just do it.

Consistency is key.

These are all cliche for a reason, the principles of greatness and success are always the same.


I don’t like the word passion, that’s a word for women’s romance novels, the correct word is obsession. You have to live like an obsessed freak.

When you’re obsessed you start working on something at 6am and the next thing you know it’s 5pm – you haven’t eaten, you haven’t gone anywhere, you haven’t been to the gym, you haven’t showered, and you haven’t heard the phone ringing. And you keep doing it.

Normal people’s obsession stops at their favorite sports team or TV show.

The star athlete holding the trophy didn’t get there because he loves his sport, he got there because he’s consumed with obsession and desire to be great.


Obsession is the key to turning nothing into something.

If you can be obsessed with it for long enough you can turn it into money.


Remember this? If you can be obsessed with it for long enough you can turn it into money.

The key word is LONG ENOUGH. You have to keep going. When you stop, you lose focus.

Focus is the hardest thing to achieve and when you stop or give up, you give away the hardest thing you have ever achieved: F O C U S.

Losing focus is the same thing as dying. When you lose focus, you lose momentum.

When you lose momentum, you have to start all over again.

What to do? Don’t lose momentum. Keep going.

The only reason B&D; is a huge success, other than the obvious, is that B&D; is consistent.

B&D; is always here. I never “went away” and came back. I never went back and forth. B&D; from day one to day 2,190.

Even when I was at my worst I was still 100% focused.


You have to spend time learning about great men. You learn by reading or by being taught by a mentor.

To learn by reading, it’s best to read auto-biographies.

You have to read their AUTO-biographies to hear the stories straight from their mouths.



Otherwise, it’s just gossip. A biography is gossip for the grownups. An autobiography is the real deal.

If it’s not an auto-biography it’s hear-say, it’s just gossip. Only one person ever knows the truth and that’s why you need to read auto-biographies.

Here are 13 Inspiring Books That Will Help You Become Great

Also, read great blogs. Blogs are auto-biographical as well.

Some great blogs are: JDBI&T;GLLD&P;.


Sex is the driving force that makes a man do anything. It’s always for sex. It is our biology, our DNA. There is nothing wrong with that.

Being highly sexed (i.e. having sexual energy) but not giving in to any and all desires is the key to success.

All great men of genius and power used their sex drive as fuel.

If you want to accomplish something great, you have to transform your sexual energy into fuel for something else.

The process of turning sexual energy and aggression into fuel for something bigger is called transmutation of sexual energy.

Sex transmutation is one of the most powerful tools in existence when it comes to creation, invention, accomplishment, creativity, advancement, and achievement.


Don’t dissipate your energy haphazardly because your energy is felt by other people and good energy draws them to you like a magnet.


The greatest men in history have a huge sexual magnetism BUT THEY DO NOT ROUTINELY GIVE IN TO THOSE DESIRES and they never make that desire the goal.

This doesn’t mean you can’t have sex but do not make sex your primary goal.

Don’t masturbate too frequently or watch internet p*rn too frequently. It drains vital energy from you. You can see vast, positive changes in your mood and happiness by giving it up.

(This kind of behavior will also bring women to you without much additional effort.)

Sexual energy is damn near limitless and when re-directed can turn any man into a money making machine.

You can also get yourself a good woman who will take care of all your needs (not just sexual). The love and support of a woman is essential for greatness, many great men had a good woman behind the scenes.

This will free your mind from having to even think about these things and you can focus completely on your goal at hand: G R E A T N E S S.


The dreamer sits in his cubicle dreaming about when he can run his own business. The doer TAKES ACTION.

If you want to be great, you have to start working towards greatness. Start now.

If you want to be your own boss and make your own rules there is one thing that is absolutely required of you, that one thing is sweat equity. Your time. Your effort.

All I ever did was simply work more and not quit. I lived like no one else would so now I live like no one else can.

Great men are producers, they produce what the people consume.

There is no such thing as a day off for a great man.


Haha, that’s for amateurs. 10,000 hours is only eight hours a day for three years. Easy!

Mastery comes at about 10 years of work.


All it takes is ten years. All it took me was 10 years. 

Hard work had nothing to do with it. Nothing is hard about what I do. I just work more and I don’t quit.

They say that success is a marathon and not a sprint. And it’s correct.

If you want success tomorrow, well, you’re shit out of luck. Because even working hard is not going to give you success that working consistently will give you.

Consistent work is what pays off. It takes consistency. It does not happen overnight. It does not happen fast like that.

You know how much I made the first year? I made zero the entire year. You know how much I made the second year? $15,000 U.S.

It does not happen overnight. And hard work again ‑‑ hard work has nothing to do with it.

Consistent work beats out hard work. Every single time.


It takes a long time to become great. In fact, it takes ALL OF YOUR TIME to become great. You give all to get all.

It took me a long time to get from A to B. So just prepare to put in the time.

Be ready to put in the time. Even if you have to be broke now, do it. You have to spend the time learning.

To get to heaven, sometimes you gotta spend some time in hell. Just keep going until you’re in heaven.

Prepare to be a minimalist now to become a maximalist later. I’m willing now to give up everything to get everything later. I was willing then to give up everything to get everything later.

Put in the work. Do the work.  If you do the work consistently you’ll get it. If you bitch about how long it takes you’ll get nothing, you’ll never get anything.

It makes no difference if you have nothing now, because you’ll have everything you want or need in the future.


The first step to saying goodbye to the nine-to-five jive is learning, learning and more learning. And it can all be done from the internet.

Learn, learn, learn until it’s time to earn, earn, earn.

First you learn from it and then you put your plan into action and earn from it.

Don’t waste time on baloney, your time needs to be used to advance your level of greatness.

If you can’t learn from it or earn from it then burn it. Let it go. Light it on fire and watch it die. It’s a waste of time and it’s a waste of life.

If it has no tangible, positive results then burn it up.


Years ago I sold everything I had. What didn’t sell I tossed into a dumpster. I let go of any emotional attachment to my “stuff”. That detachment allowed me to live on a tiny amount of money while I built Bold and Determined.

Doing that, getting rid of everything, freed my mind to concentrate on what was important… Building Bold and Determined. Doing the work required to turn a hobby into a money printer.

During the first year and a half of Bold and Determined I had no bills, no debt, no house full of junk to worry about, no nagging wife or screaming kids, no nothing. You need that focus.

Focus and time. Focus and time works for any business that you want to do. The principles are always the same.



It takes time to even absorb even one lesson. You have to learn each lesson individually and at your own pace.

Giving a list of 12 rules to the fresh-faced new guy would be like giving him a list of zero rules. It’s too much at once and he’s just gonna remember the one rule that sticks out anyway.

No one can learn 12 new ideas instantly. Learn rules like you live – day by day.

Remember what Batman said? It’s always darkest just before the dawn. The dark is when you’ll be tempted to quit. Weak men will give in and quit.

If you never give in and quit, if you possess endurance, you will be victorious.

Endurance beats strength over every single timeline and a big part of achieving greatness is just showing up every single day.



It’s often been said that you reach success right after the moment you would have quit, when you were at your lowest. Like everything they say it has much truth to it.

You have to learn your craft before you make money from your craft. It’s in the learning stage where the Average Joe gives up and the great man continues and endures.

Learn steadily but whatever you do, don’t stop learning. Learning is a gradual process and eventually success happens “overnight.”

So never never never give up. You must show up, you must put in the time.

Like Nike says, Just Do It. Especially on those days when you feel like you’ve failed and it isn’t going so well for you.

Time plus effort equals results. You’ve got to put in that time before you get yourself a paycheck.

How long does success really take? It takes time, so keep at it and do not give up. You won’t make any money your first week, month and probably you won’t make any money for over a year.

Big deal, you’re building something and that takes time. If you don’t want to wait go and play the lottery and talk about how lucky great people with money are.

If you want to be great you have to be willing to do the work first. If you want success right now you should have done the work yesterday.

If you want success tomorrow, start today. That’s the real way from A to B. Do the work, then get paid.

If you don’t give it your time, you don’t get nothing in return.


Genius takes time to be shown to the crowd and at first they will not understand.

They’ll mock and sneer and boo hoo and all that, but eventually they’ll see.

Eventually, they’ll be in on it with you. But probably not at first.


When you have a vision for the future, you need to lose the part of you that cares about immediate reactions.

Greatness comes in the long-term, never in the short term.

Eventually they’ll all get it and they’ll be in on the gag with you and having so much fun at it’s blossoming.

Do your work and move on instantly, never worry about critics.


Marketing is a necessity at a certain point (not the beginning) so you will have to learn marketing.

The #1 thing you need to know about marketing is this: Being the best in the world is the best marketing strategy in the world.

Having the best product on earth is the most effective marketing strategy on earth. Why? Because people will like it and tell other people about it.

You’re more apt to listen to your friend than you are to listen to a commercial. Word of mouth + great product = profit. Do the work, become the best, deposit the checks.

It’s easy to market a product that is great. It’s hard to market a product that isn’t great. Actually, hard is the wrong word. The right word is phony.



My “marketing strategy” has always been just to write the best articles.

My personal marketing & advertising strategy: I publish works of staggering genius.

I never do any “outside marketing” because it’s phony and it doesn’t work.

The only way I built Bold and Determined was to write articles that men wanted and needed, what they were ready, waiting and salivating to hear.

I walked the walk before I talked the talk and I’ve used myself as the billboard (and you can too).


The famous actor who played the Joker in The Dark Knight, Heath Ledger, was a very popular and good-looking actor taking roles in romantic comedies.

But he wanted more out of the “pretty boy” roles and he wanted the meatier roles. So what did he do?

He had to kill his old career to birth his new, raw career.

I always loved the balls of that idea. It takes a real big set of balls to be great.

Burn it down and start anew, but with knowledge this time.

With knowledge, you could burn it all down and start fresh, if you wanted to.


The door is always open for action takers. All you have to do is walk through it.

If you ask permission to walk through the door you are going to be denied. If you don’t need permission you cannot be denied.

Figure out a way to do it and then take what you want. The only real option.

If you want something you plan for it, you visualize it, you take action and then you grab it.

“That’s mine. Give me that.” What unsuccessful people think of your actions is of no consequence.

Action takers are rule breakers. Men of greatness got that way by taking ACTION.

If you want it, friend, you damned sure will find a way to get it. If you want it you will take it. No excuses, no whining and no crying. Just killing.

Dreams are what happen when you are asleep. When you are awake you take action and you make life happen. Start right now.


Poems come easily to men who have led lives of greatness. Great men don’t even have to try, greatness just comes out naturally.

A man who cannot write a poem isn’t a great man, he’s a normal man – he hasn’t led the life of a great man.

If you can’t put it into words – it’s because you’ve never done it.

That’s why all great men are also great poets: been there, done that, wrote the book on it.


ALL great men are poets. 

Words are the most necessary tool in the toolbox.

Every great man was also great with words. Arnold Schwarzenegger isn’t famous because he had a great body, he’s famous because he had a great body and used his words to make sure everyone knew he had a great body.

How do you become great with words? First, you live a life of greatness. Then the words just come out naturally.

It’s the easiest thing in the world to write a great poem if you’ve led a life of greatness.

All Arnold ever did was live his life and then speak about it (after working consistently for many, many years).

16. Believe in your own greatness

“I am the greatest, I said that even before I knew I was.”

Know who said that? I’ll give you a hint: He was the greatest boxer who ever lived.

As it just so happens, he was also a poet. His words were how he achieved greatness. If he simply boxed and kept his mouth shut he’d be another nobody.

Instead, he used his words as a weapon and he got what he wanted: He became the greatest boxer of all time.

He believed it so damn much it became true. That’s what you have to do, believe in yourself first.

If you don’t believe it, no one else will. You have to believe it so damn thoroughly that not even God or Buddha could change your mind.

60 years ago, a young boxer trained in a dirty boxing gym, broke and invisible but hungrier than a starving dog.

He was determined to be great, and great is what he became.


60 years later we all remember Muhammad Ali as the greatest boxer who ever lived.

He put in the endless time training and then he took the extra step that separates the greats from the people whose names we don’t remember.

Ali made greatness happen with his words and he backed it up with proof.

That’s all you gotta do friend, make it happen and back it up with proof and then *poof* greatness appears.


So you’ve achieved greatness, huh? Great.

Whatever you do, don’t stop now.

What do I always say a million billion times?

Don’t. Ever. Stop.


Until next time.

Your man,
-Victor Pride


Every great man should have a blog/journal for your notes. The best way to take notes and collect your thoughts is to write them.

The blog is my favorite thing to read, ever. The blog is the best you can ever get at both classic, timeless and reliable content mixed with up-to-the-minute insights, “unconventional” advice, which is the only kind that works and honest (yet sensational) content.

The blog is the best way to read and create words ever invented. I owe my life to blogging. Blogging is the best art platform ever invented in my opinion.

I don’t give a damn about books, I hustle up the books just to make sure I have a lifetime income. My one true and only love is the blog. The best form of written communication in human history.

Remember when I said all great men are poets? Today’s greatest men write their poems on websites instead of journals. You can’t be great if no one else sees your greatness.

Be sure to start your blog with Badnet because great men take advantage of incredible deals.

16 Things Every 16 Year Old Should Know

What you’re taught in school isn’t really the way the world works.

There is so much more to know and Uncle Victor is here to teach you the ways of the real world.

Here they are…

1) It’s ok to be white

In our modern education and media systems, white men are the creators of all the bad things in the world. These are lies. They lie because they want to demoralize you and make you dependent on them. The reality is that the white race is responsible for nearly all of the great things that exist in the world. White men are not the slave owners, white men were the first in the history of the world to say that slavery is wrong and abolish it. Slavery still exists in nearly all non-white countries to this day.

Women were never oppressed by white men. White women have always played a prominent and important role in the life of white people. Women are always treated with respect in the white world, it is only in other areas of the world that women are treated as property and as slaves. Everything they say about whites is a lie. Don’t listen. White guilt is a curse they teach you in school, it isn’t real and natural. There is nothing to be guilty about. White men are not the oppressors, they are the liberators. Racism isn’t a real issue. It’s a made-up issue designed to divide people because when people are divided they are easily conquered.

2) College is an impediment to your success

Universities are brainwashing facilities, they are not institutions of higher learning. When you go to university you are taught to hate. Hate is not inborn in us, love is. When we go to universities we learn that white men are evil oppressors and they teach you to live with hate. They teach blacks to hate whites, women to hate men, and whites to hate themselves. Universities pretend to be “anti-hate” but they are the real creators of hate. Stay way from them and you will always be happy and smart. Universities also do not teach you to be successful, they teach you to parrot what they say. You don’t learn in college, you mimic. This helps you to become a good economic slave, get a “good job”, and live your life as a debt slave.

3) Travel is a great teacher

Travel is the best teacher you will ever know. Especially if you are American. The problem with America is that we live in intense propaganda from the time we are born (from the media and the school systems). When you visit other countries you see just how bamboozled we have been by our own country. When you go to other countries you see them eating natural food, and smiling, being happy, and you can see the lies that you were taught. Travel is the great eye-opener. Travel is not as expensive as you think it is. Tickets can be had for cheap, you can sleep in hostels for cheap, local food is always cheap, and you will have more fun the less money you spend. The more money you spend, the less fun you have. Travel to other countries is very important and it will give you a better education than any university will.

4) Debt is slavery

As an American you are taught form birth to be a consumer. Consume, consume, consume! Nearly everything you see, read, and hear is advertising designed to get you to buy something. You are taught that to be successful, you must have “stuff”. But actually, buying stuff is a fool’s errand that ends in debt slavery. You even go into debt to go to the brainwashing facilities called universities. Your entire life is designed to get you into debt and to get you so greedy that you will always stay in debt because you want to buy more stuff. Stuff doesn’t make you happy, it enslaves you. Be happy with less and never go into debt for any reason, ever. DEBT IS SLAVERY!

5) Equality is a sick joke

There is no such thing as equality. How can a man who is 6 ft tall be equal to a man who is 5 ft tall? They cannot be equal. There is no such thing as equality in the real world. They teach you equality only because they want to take everything from you. If you think equality is real, and if you believe you have some imagined privilege, then you are happy enough to give up everything to the so-called “oppressed”.

The reality is that the race for equality is a race to the bottom. People are not equal and when you try to make people equal the only thing you do is drag everybody down to the bottom to be equal with the lowest common denominator. You cannot raise everybody to the level of the greatest in society, with equality it is only possible to lower everybody to the level of the worst. Belief in equality is a farce designed to rob you of your money, your birthright, your morality, and your soul. Never preach equality and never believe in equality because it will result in your destruction. Feminism, SJWism, Liberalism are all lies designed to take away freedom from you. Nobody is equal and you will be judged by your deeds alone.

6) Political correctness is forced political indoctrination

Political correctness is forced political indoctrination, it is not a scheme to look after everybody’s feelings. Political correctness is used to make sure you do not call out politicians on their evil, sadistic, and traitorous behavior. Political correctness teaches you to believe in the opposite of reality. Because you believe in the opposite of reality you are easily controlled. You live in a virtual world and deny the existence of the real world. To believe in political correctness is to deny reality. It forces you to lie and lying is a crime against yourself. Lying will cause you to become mentally ill and unstable, which is why so many Americans are on anti-anxiety medications. For superior health you must never lie. A superior moral constitution keeps you above the level of those lowest animals who lie for a living.

7) The best diet for your health is the meat-only diet

Most of our sickness in this world is a result of eating food we are not meant to eat. The food we are not meant to eat are carbohydrates. We are hunters by nature and the food we are meant to eat is meat and organs from animals. Sickness isn’t “genetic” and it doesn’t come from nowhere. Sickness always has a cause and 9 times out of 10 the cause is eating the wrong food. Nearly all ailments will disappear when you follow the zero-carb carnivore dietSaturated animal fat and cholesterol do not harm your health, they are vital to your health. Vegetables, grains, and fruits cannot be digested by humans and do not provide us with the vitamins that we need.

8) You must choose the right wife (like a business decision)

Women want you to marry them so that they have security in the future. Typically, in the modern world women want to marry you so that you can provide for them for a few years and then they can divorce you and get child support/alimony for many more years. In the modern world, women can divorce you for any reason and you are still forced by the courts to pay for her. You have to hold up your end of the bargain, she doesn’t.

The best way is to never get married. There is no benefit for you to get married. Marriage only ever benefits the woman. It benefits the women by taking everything from you, including your manhood. Look at all of the people you know who are married and look closely at the man. Is he anything other than the economic slave of his wife? If you do get married you have to treat it like a business decision and pick the right wife. However, this is a double-edged sword because it is vitally important to have children and a family. Without children today, there is no future tomorrow. Therefore, you must understand the problems you are up against so that you may overcome them.

9) Entrepreneurship is the path to freedom

The only way you will ever get rich is by building your own business. Going to college and getting a “good job” will never make you rich and will almost always end in you becoming a debt slave. You never make enough money at your day job, no matter how much you make, because in that world you’re always taught to want a better house, a better car, and you’ll take loans to get them.

Not to mention, they tax your paychecks so much that it doesn’t matter how much you make pre-tax, because they take most of it away from you before you ever even see it. When you’re an entrepreneur you can write off your business expenses and keep more of the money you earned. Not to mention, when you have a job you have to refer to another person as “boss” and keep a straight face. Be an entrepreneur, make your own money, and you will achieve your freedom.

10) Everything they’ve told you in school is a lie

I hate to keep bringing up this same subject but it is so important to know – what they teach you in school isn’t reality. Usually they teach you the complete opposite of reality. They want to keep you stupid and greedy. They want you to not know the truth of who you are, they want you to be a simple-minded consumer who does what he is told. They don’t teach you to think, they make you repeat what they tell you.

They tell you college is the answer. If college is the answer, what purpose does 12 years of schooling have? Those 12 years of schooling teach you to work a 40 hour per week job. School is only a way for you to become a worker-bee economic slave, it is not a real education. Nearly all self-made millionaires and self-made billionaires are college dropouts.

11) Karma is the law of cause and effect

Karma is real but it has everything to do with you and your actions. Everything you do will cause some sort of reaction. Nothing is out of your control, everything is in your control. If you eat food you aren’t mean to eat you will experience “bad karma” and get sicknesses like cancer, heart disease, and diabetes. Everything that happens to you is a direct result of something you did. You are in charge of you life, you can never displace responsibility.

Everything you do has consequences, good or bad, and there nothing that happens to you that is not a result of something you did. This is karma – the law of cause and effect. If you do this, you can expect that to happen. There is no such thing as original sin, there is no such thing as white privilege, you are born as a perfect being and it is only the modern life (and modern lies) that cause and create sin.

12) There is no man on this earth who has authority over you

Authority is nothing but a belief. You believe they have authority over you and that gives them authority over you. But when you realize that all men on this earth are just men, and not gods, you then realize that they do not have authority over you. You are the creator of your life and you must live life on your terms. You must not give others authority over you because they will always harm you. They will always take from you to give to themselves. Instead, you must not allow authority to exist in your mind. You are born free and you will remain free.

13) Alcohol, marijuana, and cigarettes are poison

It is always best to have a clear mind. People use these drugs to escape reality, but to be a successful man in this world you must face reality head-on. All of all these addictions are easy to break if you understand how addictions work. All addictions cause the problems that they then fix. Cigarettes cause the anxiety you get when you don’t have a cigarette, then you smoke a cigarette and temporarily cure this anxiety. Soon, you get the anxiety again and need a cigarette to cure it. It is the act of smoking cigarettes in the first place that causes the initial anxiety. The same method is how all addictions work. All narcotics poison your mind, they do not “open your mind”. They are poisons. Look at every person you know who uses drugs to see proof. The best mind is a natural mind free from intoxicants. Marijuana does not open your mind, it is a poison that kills your drive and your testosterone.

14) Masturbation kills your vital energy

Masturbation is the worst thing you could ever do for your health, vitality, and energy. Masturbation constantly releases your vital energy. All great men in the world sublimated their sexual desires to build their great business. That means that no great men in the world masturbate, instead they use their strong sexual drive and desire to build a business. They do not release this powerful energy into a napkin, they build up this great energy and let it drive them to success. The more you masturbate, the further you will be from success, the further from happiness you will be, and the further from strength you will always be. Sex is fine, healthy, and good. Masturbation is mental and physical poison. Follow the NoFap movement for life.

15) Spend time in the mountains

Your smartphone will kill your eyes and your concentration. You should spend little to no time on your smartphone and little to no time on social media. It will kill your concentration and your happiness and you will always believe that other people have more than you do and you will become jealous. Social media only shows the best angle from anyone’s life, it never shows the real them.

The best thing you can do for your health, wealth, and happiness is to go spend time in nature doing natural things. We as humans are meant to live in nature we are not meant to live in boxes spending all of our time in the virtual reality of the internet and smartphones. We need sunshine, fresh, cool air, outdoor exercise. The modern life kills our health, mental and physical. It is important to get out to nature and rebuild your health.

16) God is real

Forget everything you’ve heard to the contrary, god is real. God is not what they taught you in Sunday School. God is not some man in the sky, god is not even a man. God is something we cannot see and something we can see everywhere. God is everywhere and in everything. God is in us. God is in you. Your body is a temporary housing for your soul. Your body will die. Your soul is eternal and it will never die. Reincarnation is real. Each physical death is a rebirth into a new life.

You do not need to find salvation in religion, you do not need to find everlasting immortality in the church, you have everlasting life already. Each death is but a rebirth and you will never die. You have been here forever and you will always be here forever. Never let any preacher or teacher tell you otherwise. Your soul is eternal. You have nothing to fear, ever. The god of the old and new testament is a creation of man. The real god is love. God loves you, and you are always a child of god. Nothing can harm you when you know this. You are safe, you are always safe. There is never anything to fear. God is real and in your own eyes you can see eternity.

Until next time.

Your man,

10 Ways to Project Power

1) Talk Loud

Make sure people can hear you. Talk loud, talk proud, don’t stutter and don’t “umm” and “uhh” through your conversation. You don’t need to yell, but you need to project your voice. Make sure everyone can hear you.

When you talk at someone they shouldn’t have to say “What? Huh? What did you say?“. No one needs to guess what your answer is, the power is in “yes” and “no”. “Umm, well, you know, I think maybe…” does not project power.

2) Don’t dress like a gay or a nerd or a hipster

Yes, we all know gays are fabulous but they aren’t powerful. They are sissified half men who do everything in their power to look as fruity as possible. When you dress like a gay you look dickless.

Many otherwise straight boys dress gay, and that’s fine for those sissies, but for a man of power it’s unacceptable. There is power in a well fitting suit and tie. There is power in a well fitting t-shirt that accentuates your build. There is no power in skinny jeans, or man purses, or whatever other bullshit those silly-heads are wearing.

3) Build a big back

Obviously, having a muscular figure is powerful. Probably the most overlooked bodypart is the back, which is a shame because the back is a huge muscle group. You can’t see your back so often it is neglected. That’s unfortunate, because a big, broad back screams power. If you happen to stand in an elevator behind a fella with a huge back you’ll know right away that the guy is no minnie mouse.

A big back just looks powerful, more powerful than big arms or a big chest, or even big shoulders. Hit your pullups, bent barbell rows and your heavy rack deadlifts religiously. Even though you can’t see your back, all that hard work will pay off. Anytime I happen to catch my back in a mirror (anyplace that there are mirrors in the front and back) I’m always a little shocked at how well all the back work has paid off. A big back just looks damn strong, don’t neglect it.

4) Don’t be self deprecating

When you make fun of yourself people lose respect for you. Clearly, you do not believe in yourself so no one else should believe in you either. It is infinitely better to be arrogant than it is to be humble and self-deprecating.

It takes arrogance to be highly successful and it takes arrogance to be a leader. You must believe in yourself and you must believe you can do a better job than anyone else. People will cry about you being arrogant, but they’ll cry while they follow all the rules set by the arrogant leaders.

5) Don’t follow the rules

The rules are for the herd, the average Joe and Jane who will never amount to anything. The rules do not apply to the powerful, simple as that. (Note: I said rules, not laws). You’ve heard a million idiots say “But I did everything right! I followed all the rules and I still got shit on!“.

Here’s a tip for the rule followers: Rules are designed for you to get nothing and give everything. You’ll not get a damn thing by following the rules, the rules are set by the powerful to keep you down and to keep them up. Whine and boo-hoo about it all you want but go fetch your daddy’s coffee while you’re doing it. What rules did Steve Jobs, Arnold Schwarzenegger, and Mark Zuckerberg follow? Rules are for those who wish to be ruled. The power is in getting others to follow your rules.

6) Walk with power

Walk tall and stand proud. No hands in the pockets baloney. Don’t drag your feet on the ground, don’t walk with your head down, don’t be a minnie mouse and try to get out of everyone’s way.

7) Never apologize

I get at least 5 guys apologizing to me everyday. Usually it’s in the gym, I’ll be walking with my 5 lb pink dumbbells in my hands and some guy is in my way and he says “sorry”. That happens constantly. Never apologize for just being there. Don’t start a conversation with “sorry”. Don’t end a conversation with “sorry”. Just don’t say sorry, period.

But what if you do something terribly wrong and are truly sorry?

There’s an easy fix for that, friend: Don’t do anything terribly wrong. Problem solved.

8) Maintain eye contact

When you speak with someone you look them in the eyes. Don’t look around the room or the floor or the ceiling. Look at the eyes, the windows of the soul.

9) Always give a firm handshake

Your handshake says everything about you. A firm handshake is powerfulWhat is a limp wristed, loosey goosey handshake? It is the opposite of powerful.

10) Don’t let your woman call you honey, or sugar, or dear

Guess what? Your woman is going to call you anything you tell her to. The key is to tell her, not ask her. The goofballs with the slouched backs and the khaki shorts let their women call them honey or sugar or, worst of all, dear. All highly emasculating names for a man.

She will call you whatever you want, if you want to be called dickless then she is going to call you dear or honey. If you want to be called a powerful name, you just tell her. Simple as that. Tell her exactly what to say. Say “Call me daddy“. She might giggle or laugh, but never give in, never apologize, never backtrack and she will soon call you the new name and squeal with delight each time she does it.

The little secret here is that women want you to have power, but they will test you and test you and try and take it away, just don’t let them. Here is another secret: The same things that turn men on, turn women on. Fella, your woman wants to feel your power – let her. There is no more powerful feeling in the world than when your woman happily calls you “daddy” or….? Sky’s the limit.

11) BONUS – Lift weights like an animal

The only thing that truly projects strength is….


Make your body as strong as you possibly can. And then make it stronger. The weight room is the man maker, the ultimate, get to know it intimately. Barbells are your best friends but sometimes they laugh at you and need to be taught a lesson. Conquer them and learn how to conquer all.

Get your power on, boys. While the gettin’s good. If you don’t want it, some other fella will scoop it up.