The 7 Deadly Sins of Business

In Christian mythology we have the 7 deadly sins.

  1. Lust
  2. Gluttony
  3. Greed
  4. Sloth
  5. Wrath
  6. Envy
  7. Pride

These 7 sins will supposedly send your soul to hell.

But did you ever notice that every “fatcat” business magnate follows these sins as virtues?

Did you ever notice that every true Christian lives in poverty?

They say if you stay away from these sins your soul will be sent to heaven.

In the meantime, your earthly body will be poor and destitute.

Does your god really want you to live in disgusting poverty?

Or is it possible that your rulers give you these rules to follow because they don’t want any competition for themselves?

If this advice keeps you in poverty then what good is it?

Perhaps the 7 deadly sins are wrong.

Perhaps you should change your idea of the the REALLY 7 deadly sins are.

The 7 Deadly Sins of Business

These new 7 deadly sins are the sins that will ensure you never achieve anything in this life.

These sins will ensure you always live in poverty.

These sins will ensure you are always nobody and never a somebody.

It’s important to know what they are so that you know never follow in the footsteps of the poor and meek before you.

1) Laziness

The deadliest sin in this world is laziness.

“I want to be rich and free but I don’t want to do the hard work to achieve it.”

Then you don’t want to be rich and free.

You want to be broke and enslaved. Everything you do, you do because you choose to do it.

You choose to be lazy because you want to be a broke, retarded loser in slavery.

If you didn’t want it, you would stop being lazy and you would start working working like the devil to get out of hell.

2) Dishonesty

You don’t have to be Do-gooder Dan to be successful.

But you do have to be honest and analytical with yourself.

A dishonest person refuses to confront their own faults.

“I want it but I’m too lazy to get it.”

This is complete dishonesty.

You either want it or you don’t.

If you want it you will work to get it. If you don’t want it you won’t say you want it.

Broke people are dishonest with themselves and this dishonesty keeps them in a state of perpetual inaction.

“I want it but I don’t, so what should I do to get it? Nothing!”

3) Ignorance

You may be surprised to learn that many people in this world choose to be ignorant.

How can that be?

Well look at the word ignorance. The first part of the word is IGNORE.

Ignorant people choose to ignore intelligence.

They ignore books. They ignore learning. They ignore researching anything for themselves.

That is why they are ignorant, because they choose to ignore intelligence.

It takes intelligence to build business.

The ignorant always choose to stay that a business was built from the ground up via 16 hour work days by nothing but “good luck.”

Yes, the ignorant choose to ignore the hard work that MUST be put into a business to see it thrive and label it good luck.

How is that for complete ignorance?

4) Timidity

Being too scared to act will lead you to a life of poverty.

You know what I learned about people who live in true poverty in Vietnam?

They are SCARED of everything. They are FRIGHTENED of everything.

They are scared to go to restaurants because they are petrified of what people think of them.

They are scared to go to water-parks, they are scared to go to any place outside of their slum.

It is true for all ghetto slums in the world – the people that live there are terribly frightened of anything outside of their ghetto.

They are petrified silly of what people think of them.

They are so scared about what people think about them being poor, that they remain poor by being too frightened to ever try to get themselves out of poverty.


Nothing else.

5) Procrastination

“I’ll do it tomorrow” is what all the losers of the world say.

Rather than doing it today, right now, they continually put it off.

Guess when tomorrow is? Tomorrow is ALWAYS tomorrow.

Can you do it today? “No, I’ll do it tomorrow.”

Then when tomorrow comes again they say, “I’ll do it tomorrow.”

Remember these words or always be a broke loser: “Yes, I will do it right now, immediately.”

6) Entitlement

People with the mental illness of entitlement have no ability to do anything for themselves.

They expect all people in the world to take care of them.

Entitlement produces complete impotence and enfeeblement. It is only through the magic of SELF-RELIANCE that you will ever build a business that booms.

Entitlement ensures you will never accomplish anything, ever. If you want it, you have to do it yourself. If you keep waiting for handouts you will wait your entire life away.

The most entitled people on planet earth are homeless people in California.

These people expect you to provide them with food, money, and shelter. And if you don’t provide it, they will do nothing but sit there with their hands out EXPECTING you to provide it.

They are the absolute extreme of entitlement and if you practice entitlement you can expect to be homeless.

Whether you homeless on the street or simply homeless inside of yourself is irrelevant.

Entitled people never build business, they are too busy doing nothing but holding their hands out.

7) Arrogance

They say pride comes before a fall but that’s incorrect.

Pride comes before success because it is only PRIDE in your self-reliance and ability that will give you the confidence you need to build your own business.

It is only pride in yourself or your product that allows you to make a profit from it.

Could you ever imagine a company that wasn’t proud of their product? They’d be out of business yesterday.

All businesses are proud of their products.

Arrogance, on the other hand, actually does come before a fall.

Arrogance is not the same thing as pride.

The only arrogance that works is calculated arrogance that is aimed at getting a response from your opponent.

Arrogance is a form of emotional thinking.

Real arrogance signifies impending doom because arrogance clouds your judgement.

You have to always be analytical and practical.

Follow these sins and you will live your earthly life in poverty.

  1. Laziness
  2. Dishonesty
  3. Ignorance
  4. Timidity
  5. Procrastination
  6. Entitlement
  7. Arrogance

Stay away from these sins and you will always be strong and never wrong.

The opposite of these sins will bring you success in this world. Both material success and self-actualization.

None of these sins go against your religious teachings.

Rather, they help you to achieve what it is you want in this life without offending the gods of the next life.

And everybody’s happy.

Until next time.

Your man,

#1 Piece of Advice for Aspiring Entrepreneurs: Do It Pro From the Get Go

I recently received this email from an excited and aspiring young reader:

Uncle Vic!

When I signed up for your emails my entire life changed. More specifically, when I read some of the books you recommended (rich dad/poor dad and think and grow rich), I developed a new outlook on life. Every morning all I want to do is better myself, increase my financial literacy, and ultimately increase my passive income. I’m writing this to thank you and encourage you to keep at it. I’m also looking for a few tips to help me avoid beginner mistakes in my journey to financial freedom.

What things would you have done differently when you first started developing your passive income?

What is your “motto” or code that you live your life by?

What is the absolute BEST piece of advice or wisdom you’ve received in all your years of doing this?

Thanks a lot man. I’m looking forward to your next email.

Ok, you wanted the best you got the best. The hottest piece of advise in the world…..

The #1 piece of advice I give to aspiring entrepreneurs is this:

Do it pro from the get go.

The attitude you have makes all the difference to your “luck” and success.

When you say things like “well, I’ll just do it and see how it goes” or “I’ll give it a try and see what happens” you are setting yourself up for failure.

When you say things like “This is what I’m going to do. I’ll sleep on the street before I give up” you are setting yourself up for success.

You’ve got to do it pro from the get go. That means you need to set yourself up as a professional and not an amateur. Pros are successful, amateurs aren’t. Pros make money, amateurs make excuses.

I’ve been a professional at two things in my whole life. I’ve been a pro real estate investor and a pro blogger.

I’ve been an amateur at countless other endeavors.

The difference, the one absolutely only difference, between my pro endeavors and my amateur endeavors was my attitude. I said “I am going to do this” and that’s all there was to it.

In my amateur endeavors, which lead nowhere, I always said “well, I’ll just try this out and see how it works. I’ll give it a shot“. You know where that loser mentality lead me? It lead me to borrowing money to make rent.

I could go pay a years worth of rent tomorrow and not even notice the money was gone.

That’s the difference between having a professional attitude and having an amateur attitude.

Do everything the right way direct from the starting line. No if’s or maybe’s.

Doesn’t matter if you are 17 or 57, start your project like a professional or don’t start it at all.

Set up for success and success is what you will get.

The 3 steps for setting yourself up for success

#1) Work 16 hours per day.

Passive income is not really the right phrase. Deferred income is a better phrase. You do the work first and then you get paid. You aren’t going to make any money if you don’t work for it. Period.

It’s “passive income” only in the sense that it comes to you at all times, whether you are sleeping or awake, whether you have been naughty or nice. But no such thing as free income. Work, get paid.

The difference between what I do and what Johnny office worker does is time. I don’t get paid for my time, I get paid for my work. Johnny office worker gets paid for his time. I do my work once and get paid for a long time afterwards, Johnny office worker clocks in at 9am every day to beg for scraps.

If you want deferred income like I have then you work 16 hours per day and sleep 8 hours per night and you do that for one year. That’s how you get passive income. You do a massive amount of work in the beginning and then you can relax and get paid.

#2) Live as cheap as possible.

I cannot stress this enough. Live as cheaply as possible.

Get rid of all unnecessary bills. Cable TV, $100 phone contracts, high rent/mortgage, auto loan payments. Get rid of everything you can. Stop using credit cards unless you are taking advantage of a points/rewards/frequent flier miles program.

If you can’t afford to pay in cash then do not purchase it UNLESS you need it for business (that’s NEED, not want).

It’s not impossible to go out on your own when you have bills up to your eyeballs but it’s really damn hard and I recommend making it easier on yourself.

#3) Do it pro from the get go.

Whatever your project is always present a professional image. Always be an authority. Even if you don’t have a clue what you’re doing. Fake it ’til you make it they say.  If you need to, absolutely. You aren’t a pro until you are paid for it, but you can and should always have the mentality of a professional.

When I started out in the real estate investing world I wasn’t a pro. You aren’t a bona fide pro until you’ve made money and done deals. Well, I just pretended. I pretended my way through my first few deals.

I presented a pro from the get go appearance and was able to do a tremendous amount of deals and make lots and lots of dollar bills.

After several deals I was a bona pro doing more deals than a lot of other people who had been in the business for years and years. Fake it, sure, but fake it ’til you make it.

The 2nd part of that phrase is the most important. Do what you’ve got to do until you get to your destination. If you’re not an expert in your field you will eventually become one with time.

If you plan on becoming a success then don’t ever present an amateur appearance. If you don’t plan on being a success then don’t even bother starting. Put on the big league jersey and leave the little league jersey at home.

Even if you’re a nobody, act like somebody. That’s the attitude of a go-getter. So if you want something, go get it.

Do some deals and make some dollar bills.

Until next time.

Your man,

So You Want to Be a Professional Badass

I’ve stopped calling myself a professional blogger. I don’t write that often, I don’t write about the news, I don’t do reviews and I don’t even consider myself a writer.

Here is everything I do to make money: I live life like a man and then I put what I do into words. You boys read it, become inspired and hopefully go out into the world and kick it’s fucking ass just like I do.

I don’t write for the guy who is going nowhere and happy with that, I write for the guy who is halfway there, or 25% there and wants 100%. If you don’t want it (success) then I don’t want you here and I don’t want your money.

Bold and Determined is for winners and future winners only. Bold and Determined is an elitist website and I’m very proud of that. You’ll never find advertisements for garbage here, you’ll never find links to products that are garbage and you will never see some nonsense, filler articles. If I don’t have anything good to say then I won’t say anything.

Fortunately for me I’ve built my business in such a way that I don’t need to constantly write new articles. If I want to take time off and, say, go visit Bali I’ll just go and do it and not have to worry about how to fund it.


Pictured: Victor Pride praying to the Balinese Gods of war

What I do works because I’m the real deal and my life is awesome.

Can you do the same?

Of course. If you put in the effort.

Here’s a recent email I got from an aspiring badass….

Hey Victor. Me again. After reading almost all your blog posts and ebooks I find I want to be just like you as far as an alpha male and successful entrepreneur. And I’m taking steps to do so but as far as business goes I’m having trouble. I started a blog and the premise is similar to yours. I want to inspire the masses. I’m no expert like you nor am I where I want to be in life but I want to make a blog like yours. That’s the problem. I can’t out do your blog, nor would I want to – it’s amazing. But you can’t tell me starting a niche bullshit blog like food trucking could be the least bit fulfilling. I want a blog similar in goal to yours but I don’t want to be a rip off or copycat. Any tips?

Yeah, pal. I got some tips for you. Grab a coffee and get to reading.

Live like a man

You can’t be a badass if you aren’t a man. So that’s your first step, live life like a man.

A lot of people will take offense to that, but that’s because a lot of people are pussies.

Men don’t “take offense”. Men take action and there’s a big difference.

I was just talking to an American here in Bangkok who accidentally bumped into a Russian at a market. One thing lead to another, the American yelled “fuck Russia!”, so the Russian spit in his face, punched him in the mouth and kicked his ass. Whoops.

When you mouth off to a man you get whooped. When men “take offense” you get whooped.

When women and dickless men take offense they run and tattle-tale to their employer, the police, the internet, the government, anyone with power.

See, the easily offended always lack a few things: strength, character, pride and most of all they completely lack self-sufficiency.

Men personally take care of their problems. Females and cowards cannot do that, but men can.

Anonymous internet wimps often accuse me of being a sexist or a misogynist.

As if words hurt me. As if I would apologize for offending a coward. As if I would try and prove I’m every bit as feminine as they are.

Ain’t gonna happen, boys. Words only hurt cowards, remember that. If you’re offended at words your testosterone to estrogen balance is messed up and you’re either a girl or acting like a girl.

As for being labeled a sexist, well, when it’s acceptable to hit a woman or when prisons become co-ed that’s when I’ll start to believe in the mental illness known as “equality”.

Until then I am going to believe what my eyes tell me: Men and women are fundamentally different.

Men are physically stronger and women are natural care takers. Men provide the resources and women nurture. Subvert this and you have nations of lost and crazy souls.

No matter what the confused little boys and girls pretend, women aren’t men and never will be.

All the grown-up little boys who continually emasculate themselves and all the grown-up little girls who behave like sailors can’t change biology.

Today’s modern American woman acts like a cunt because men allow her to, and those men allow her to because they are complete and utter wimps.

Let me give you an example….

I know an American couple, middle aged and married for a few years. The husband works like a dog to pay the bills and the wife doesn’t work.

One day the man came home from a hard day’s work ready for dinner. The wife had been not-so-busy watching television all day.

The wife said to him “I didn’t feel like cooking today so we’re just going to have leftovers“.

The husband replied, head hanging low, “OK, honey. Sounds great“.

At the end of dinner the man took his plate to the sink, rinsed it and put it in the dishwasher while the woman sat at the table doing nothing.

It was absolutely pathetic and my reaction was utter disbelief.

This is what “equality” has done to men, turned them into giant sissies.

When males act like broken dogs it disgusts me, just like it secretly disgusts their nagging wives.

Look fellas, living like a woman just isn’t an option so forget about it. Millions of “men” have chosen this option at their peril, learn from their pathetic mistake and live like a man without remorse.

The internet queens can call me sexist all they like, frankly it’s a compliment coming from them.

I don’t take offense to being called a sexist any more than I take offense to being called a tall, handsome badass with green eyes and a 100-watt smile.

Guilty as charged on all counts!

But you know what the funny thing is?

No one ever has a bad word to say to me in real life. Only online.

I wonder why?


The last time Victor Pride was spotted in the wild.

It sure was me.

I’m still waiting for someone, anyone, to call me out in real life and tell me how much of a meanie I am.

Money and Balls

Westerners always say to me “money isn’t everything, man“.

To which I reply “I know, dork. You need money and balls to be a man“.

When you have both you are 100% complete, if you have one or the other you are 50%, if you have neither you are nothing.

If you have money but you don’t have balls you’re an ATM, a eunuch, a schlub, like the married man I told you about above.

You need both money and balls to be a complete man.

I’m able to live the life I live, without a leash, simply because of money and balls. I have money, I have balls, I use them to get what I want.

What’s more important, money or balls?

Balls are more important. If you’ve got balls you can make money, but money can’t buy you balls if you’re a wimp.

Only balls will buy you love, for everything else there is money.


As far as I’m concerned if you are broke and you aren’t actively doing anything to fix your situation you aren’t a man.

Men have money or men work, build and achieve until they have money. There isn’t an in-between. You’re an achiever, a man, or you aren’t.

Victor, do you have an example?

I’m so glad you asked. Yes, I do have an example.

I was recently in Bali, Indonesia. I was at a restaurant with my little girl, my little helper bee, my little chef, my little maid, my little angel.

We were at a BBQ restaurant. I was waiting on my whole roasted chicken, she was waiting on her grilled prawns.

At another table was a white, western man, an Asian woman and a toddler (race unknown).

Eventually, the woman got up to pay the bill, the man carried the baby to the car, the man put the baby in the car seat, the man got in the passenger seat, the woman got in the drivers seat and they drove away.

My little girl looked at me in a weird way and said “I’ve never seen that before. Maybe he’s the woman and she’s the man” and we both had a big laugh.

We ate our food. I paid. I got on the motorcycle, turned it on, revved it up, she got on behind me and we went back to the poolside villa.

While she was massaging my feet that night I was I wondering how a male could emasculate himself so much without even realizing it.

I wondered: How could you be an adult in years but a child in mindset. How could you be a man but allow yourself to be kept by a woman. How could you be a Mr. Mom and not feel pathetically embarrassed at your situation?

In my household I pay the bills. All of them. Fresh food is prepared for me daily. I haven’t cooked or cleaned a dish in years and I never will out of principle.

That’s because I have two things…

Money and balls.

If you’ve got balls you’re half-way there, but read this 2 part statement carefully:

If you are broke and not doing anything to fix your financial situation you aren’t a man.

So sorry to bear the bad news, friend, but if you don’t have money and if you aren’t working to fix that then you are a loser, an adult-child.

Being broke is OK, but never trying to fix the situation is not OK. Men fix their problems.

I know the language is harsh, but language only hurts you if you don’t have any balls.

So how do you fix that money situation?

Start a business, one business, and focus 100% on that business

If I’ve said it once I’ve said it a million times…

Focus on one thing only. Use your energy on one thing only.

Multi-tasking will get you a whole lot of nothing. No one ever got wealthy from multi-tasking, you get wealthy from building a business, not by starting 10 of them.

Being scatter-brained will not bring the money into the bank, FOCUS will bring the money into the bank.

Internet businesses are the easiest and best businesses to start.

The overhead is tiny, the profit margins can be huge and the sky is the limit.

Not everyone can make money from a blog, just the baddest of the bad, but anyone with a triple digit IQ can open an online store and sell things.

Look around you right now. Everything you own was sold to you. Everything you can see right now is for sale so there are no lack of opportunities, only lack of will.

Just a few weeks ago I bought a bunch of new supplements from Ebay to try out.

The owner of the Ebay store sent me this message out of the blue…


See boys, there’s a fella getting after it and making money. That guy made over $200 from me personally and now he’s probably going to have a jump in sales (FYI – zinc increases testosterone and semen volume. I take 150mg daily).

He’s making money, why can’t you do what he is doing?

What’s so hard about taking the initiative and ordering some supplements from China, ordering some packaging, designing some labels, opening a store and making some money?

Or selling one of millions of other products…

The only acceptable answer here is “Yeah, you’re right Vic. It’s time to cut out the bullshit and get after it“.

Until next time.

Your man,

How to: Be the Boss, Create a Job & Have a Soul

You’ve had the dream of owning your own business, being free, seeing the world, and making lots of money.

But you eventually wake up from what you think is a pipe dream. You think it isn’t really real reality.

That’s when the doubt sets in.

How could you ever survive without a job you ask yourself.

You start to think you aren’t clever enough, resourceful enough, or determined enough to start your own business. You start to think your skills aren’t worth much money.

Or maybe you just think you aren’t good enough to be the boss and start your own business.

I have some truly good news.

Anyone who has a job, a real job – not a ‘make-work’ government job – has the ability to make money, a lot of it, on their own.

If somebody pays you money to do what you do then you have the ability to start your own business and make money without an employer holding your leash, uh, I mean hand for you.


Listen, this is how business works:

Your employer pays you less money than the amount of money you are generating for the company.

That means you are already making money for your company – more money than they are paying you. You have a verifiable money making strategy. But what you’re doing is giving money away!

You’re selling your services at less than the going rate.

If you are employed in a real job you have a money-making skill and you’re selling that skill at a reduced price.

But not only are you selling your services at a discount, you are selling your most precious asset you will ever have (your time).

Oh, and you’re selling your most precious asset at a discount.

Today we’re having a sale on Johnny Worker Bees soul – 50% off!

Get it?

But aren’t you safe if you have a job?

That’s a funny joke. You aren’t safe at all working a job and you never will be.

Your boss can fire you tomorrow. Your company can go under. Your company can move your department to India.

You’re giving away your skills and time at a discount and you’re doing it in a very risky, unsafe way that is also a highly ineffective way to get rich. (Why would you ever work just to make ends meet when you can work to get rich?)

If you believe that your job is somehow different and safe please ask yourself these two questions:

  1. Can your boss fire you?
  2. Can you fire yourself?

I’ve had a lot of jobs and I’ve been fired a lot of times. I got fired from banking, I got fired from selling insurance, I got fired from selling furniture, I got fired from being the assistant manager at a video store, I got fired from working the graveyard shift at a hotel, I even got fired from a job mopping floors at a liquor store.


I never got fired from real estate investing and I never got fired from blogging. Why not? Because I created those jobs.

And guess what, today I’m going to tell you the easiest way to start your own business and increase your income.

How do you leave the “safety” of your job and go into business for yourself?

If you’re already gainfully employed you can turn the tables, you can create a job and you can end up exactly where your employer is right now. You can become the employer with an army of worker bees working to make you rich.

You do the exact same thing you do right now, with a few minor changes.

  1. 1st change – You quit your job.
  2. 2nd change – You start calling yourself a consultant rather than an employee (or some feel-good title like VP).
  3. 3rd change – You bust your butt to get clients and you do the best damn job that anyone in your field does. You build up a large client list.
  4. 4th change – You hire qualified people to work for you. You pay them less money than the amount of money they generate for you. You give them “feel-good” titles like vice president of marketing so they feel good about earning less money and sacrificing for the company.
  5. 5th change – Now you have an army or worker bees working to make you rich. You make a whole lot more money than you ever did working your safe and secure job.

Is it going to be easy?

That’s a question that losers ask, and if you ask that question then entrepreneurship is not for you.

A better question to ask is “is it going to be worth it?“.

Of course it’s going to be worth it and the reality is that it’s not really hard but it does take a lot of time and effort.

Do you know what doesn’t take time and effort? Being a loser.

The Magic B Word

Build. Building. Builder.

Building something is what makes a man stand tall, proud and triumphant. Building requires time and effort but it’s what gives your life meaning and purpose.

Without something to build, without something to work towards, without a goal what are you? Nothing. A ghost, neither here nor there. Invisible. The invisible man quietly making money for his betters.

At a job you aren’t building anything, you’re wasting the days away while your soul erodes because you have no purpose in life.

When you go into business, when you build a business, your life starts to have purpose and meaning. You start to have a reason to wake up in the morning and not hit the snooze button over and over. You start to live.

Look at those zombies in the office next to you and see if they look like they have purpose in life. I saw it before with my own eyes and I’ll tell you without fib that they have no purpose in life. They’re dead in the eyes and dead in the soul because they aren’t builders.

But think about this: Those lifeless zombies still generate money for the company. If they can generate money imagine what a determined man, a man with a soul, can do if he puts his mind to it.

Imagine what you could do if you had your soul back.

Until next time.

Your man,

How to Be a Writer of Beauty

Make your words art. Make your words flow like poetry. You can quote great writers and their quotes stand alone as beautiful pieces of art. Put as much detail into the little pieces as you put into the whole. Sometimes a piece of art will have a beautiful title but the body of words will fail. Sometimes a work of art will have a dreadful title but the body of words will be great. Sometimes the two will be put together and a work of art will emerge.

When you have a great title, a great body of words, and quotable works of art then you have a masterpiece.

To become a writer you must first read. You must know how words are put together on a page to make a story. You must know how words can create emotion in your reader. You must understand that art is about more than words on a paper, it is about style and arrangement and beauty. If you are not a reader but you call yourself a writer you are a fibber, a faker. A writer appreciates the beauty of the written and spoken word and aims to create some of that magic in his own voice.

Artists who say they do not follow their particular art (whether it be words, film, music or other) are fibbers. They spent years and years obsessively following their art and finally got to a point where they had a voice, at which point they could stop obsessing over other people’s art and start obsessing over their own art.

If you are to be a writer it is already in you, lurking somewhere. It has been on your thoughts. You can see a string of few words and appreciate the subtle beauty of the arrangement. You are not a defiler of your language. You are an appreciator. You are a sponge. You keep these words buried in your mind and you let them out at the right time. Each word you put to paper is analyzed and analyzed until you have the best arrangement of words those sentences could possibly ever have.

If you must be told of the rules of grammar, diction and punctuation then you are not a writer and you will never be a writer. If you must be told to not write long-winded run-on paragraphs you are not a writer. If you must be told to use capitalization and punctuation you are not a writer.

“I want to be a writer”.

If you say these words you are probably a liar. Writing is free. A man who wants to be a writer sits down and writes. A liar pretends that they “want to write, when I have the time”. The time is always there for the true.

If you are a writer you have a voice. Your voice is your particular style and diction. Your voice is pulled from here, there and everywhere until you have a style you can call your own. When you have this style, when you put words to paper, when people read your words and cry or laugh or scream or excite then you are a writer. You are an artist. You are a creator of beauty.

High Energy Entrepreneur: 16 Ways To Increase Your Energy, Focus, And Creativity

You know the high energy entrepreneur when you see him.

He’s always sharp – sharp eyes, sharp dress, sharp tongue and sharp jawline.

He seems to always be on like Jerry Seinfeld. 

He is the high energy entrepreneur that makes average Joes feel like total failures.

‘Some people are lucky’ is what you think to yourself. ‘How can someone be so energetic’ you wonder.

‘It’s not like normal people have the energy to work 16 hours per day. It’s too much!’

Soon you will learn you do have the energy, you just haven’t used it correctly. Here’s how you use your energy correctly…

16 Rules Of The High Energy Entrepreneur

1. This one thing generates energy better than any stimulant in the world

The #1 thing that generates energy better than anything in the world is… ENTHUSIASM.

Enthusiasm is the precursor for energy.

No enthusiasm = no energy.
Big enthusiasm = big energy.

No matter how much sleep you got, how many calories you ate, none of it matters of you don’t have enthusiasm.

Let me explain… Let’s say there are two men. One man is a successful entrepreneur and the other “man” is a dork who plays video games.

The entrepreneur works 12-16 hours per day building his business and does basically nothing else.

The dork plays video games for 12-16 hours per day and does basically nothing else.

They both spend 12-16 hours per day doing what they are enthusiastic about. 

Both the dork and the high energy entrepreneur have the enthusiasm to spend 12-16 hours per day doing what they enjoy doing.

See, they both have high energy. The dork focuses his energy on a game that gives him no benefit or return.

2. The high energy entrepreneur focuses his energy on another game… 

The high energy entrepreneur focuses his vital energy on the game of damn good business.

In the game of damn good business you keep score the same way you keep score in video games… by making it to a new level.

These males both spend 12-16 hours per day doing what they love to do but only the entrepreneur is rewarded externally, the game player is only rewarded in virtual reality.

The entrepreneur spends his energy on business and the dork spends his energy on games, never “having the energy” to start a business… because he spent his energy playing video games.

They both have enthusiasm, the precursor to energy, it just has to be redirected. 

3. ‘I wish I could start a business but I just don’t have the energy.’

Ever say that?

If so you were right, you don’t have the energy. But you could have the energy.

You just have to realize that energy is like money.

A business costs money to open, doesn’t it? If you want to open a business you have to pay the money to open the business.

If you don’t have the money, because you spent it somewhere else, then you cannot open a business … because you spent the money elsewhere and now you don’t have any money. 

But if you decide to not spend the money elsewhere, and only spend the money on the new business, then you will have the money to start the business.

Energy works the same way that money works. If you spend too much energy doing activity A, you will not have enough energy for activity B.

We all have energy, to varying degrees, but what separates the high energy entrepreneurs from the low-energy do-nothings is where we spend our energy.

If you spend your energy in one place (like video games, sex, television) then you will not have the energy to build a damn good business

If you spend your energy playing video games of course you will not have the energy to focus on business.

Energy is not infinite, energy is finite so spend your energy where it counts.

And the only thing that counts is damn good business.

4. Realize that you DO have the energy 

You must recognize that if you have some sort of passion then you do in fact have enthusiasm.

Enthusiasm is where energy comes from. There is NO energy without first having enthusiasm. 

The dork who plays video games is just as high energy as the high energy businessman

You must realize that you have both enthusiasm and energy… but you aren’t careful with your energy spending and you’re spending it in the wrong place.

Energy is like money, if you spend it doing activity A then you will not have enough energy to spend it on Activity B (in this instance B is for Business and A is for Asshole).

If you spent all your energy on being an asshole you will not have any energy left for business. So what the heck do you do?

5. The difference between average people and high energy entrepreneurs is… 

The difference between average assholes and brilliant businessmen is… FOCUSED ENERGY.

People who sit around all day playing video games focus their energy in the wrong place. YES! In the wrong place.

Playing video games all day is a waste of time… but so is doing a lot of other things like working jobs you hate.

Everyone has the energy, we just spend the energy in different places.

Everyone can spend all day doing something they love to do. 

We can’t spend all day doing something we hate to do. So what’s the key? 

6. Focus the energy in the right spot

Napoleon Hill wrote about Sexual Transmutation in his groundbreaking masterpiece Think And Grow Rich.

We all have sexual energy. How we use that sexual energy is the key. Many “people” just fuck all the time and waste the benefits of sexual transmutation.

The smart and the driven use their sexual energy and re-route it to business.

This does not mean you can never have sex, it means you use that primal energy that everyone has and you re-route it to damn good business.

Focused energy is the difference between the money making entrepreneur and the broke video gamer.

The entrepreneur focuses his energy were it will give him life benefits while the video games gets only virtual reality benefits.

Think of energy as money. To start a business costs money — If you want to start a business you have to pay for it.

If you have the money then you can spend it on the new business. If you don’t have the money because spent your money elsewhere then you obviously cannot pay for your new business.

So the solution is to save your “money” so you can buy what counts. If you didn’t spend that money elsewhere then you would have that money for your new business. 

Don’t spend your energy anywhere else but on damn good business.

It’s easy to spend your energy on business when you realize business is the funnest game God ever made and the benefits are real (and great).


You cannot give away your energy to lesser tasks if you wish to do something big and great — like build a damn good business.

You have to save your energy for where it counts. 

Do you know what cyclists who compete in grueling bike races like Tour de France do when they aren’t training or racing?

They do nothing.

They save every ounce of energy for where it counts — riding up and down mountains.

Cyclists notoriously hate stairs because stairs rob them of energy they may need on a grueling climb. Some cyclists even make their teams CARRY them up stairs.

Focused energy is no joke. You need big energy to do something big and you cannot waste your energy elsewhere.

I suggest you read the great book Deep Work to understand more about focused energy.

I only read the first chapter and I recommend every single would-be high energy entrepreneur read at least that first chapter.

Deep Work is a real revelation.

8. Damn good business is a never-ending video game

Video gamers have one thing right — life is a big game and that’s all it is.

In a video game, you make it to a new level, then you conquer that level and you repeat the process. Then you turn off the gaming console and you’re still a dork with no money.

Damn good business is a never-ending video game. It goes on forever.

The high energy entrepreneur makes damn good business his game of choice and his mission is to transcend and consistently make it to a new level.

When the high energy entrepreneur makes it to a new level he makes more money, closes more deals, and build more wealth.

In damn good business… the more money you make, the more levels you rise to.

In the game of damn good business you always want to get to the next level … always! 

Businessmen all want to get to the next level.

Damn great businessmen don’t give much of a damn about spending the money they make … the money is how we keep score. 

The real fulfilment comes from making it to the next level, that’s what actually drives high energy entrepreneurs (just like it drives video gamers).

Think of damn good business like a game that you have to beat … because that’s all it is. It’s a fun game that has big rewards.

9. Get addicted to the game of business and always chase a new level of success

Video games work very well to get you addicted. They make you feel like “I HAVE TO BEAT THIS GAME!”

That’s exactly how you should feel about damn good business.

The best in business are completely addicted and feel they MUST succeed and conquer. It’s not an option, it’s a must.

“But addictions are baaaaaaad Victor!”

Shut the f*ck up! Addiction and obsession is required for mega success. Hear that? REQUIRED. Not optional.

You cannot be afraid of going all in. 

If you ain’t addicted you ain’t accomplishing anything.

Non-addicted people get bored and quit. You won’t play a video game for 12 hours if you aren’t addicted and you won’t work 12 hour days if you aren’t addicted. Get used to it.

Boredom is the enemy of achievement but there is one way to kill boredom forever… be completely addicted to your game and don’t let outside interferences lead you astray.

If you play the game the way I tell you to play the game you will become addicted. How? Just like video games, you will always need to get to the next level.

Making 100k a year is great… when you’re making 50k a year. After you make 100k a year it’s total shit so you have to work towards making 200k a year “and then you’ll be happy.”

Then you make 200k a year and you realize it’s shit so you need to make 500k a year. When you make 500k a year you realize it’s shit money for poor people and you have to keep going.

It’s never enough and that’s the point — you will always be moving to the next level.high-energy-army-step1

10. The #1 thing EVERY entrepreneur does before 9am

There is one thing EVERY entrepreneur does before 9am… what is it?

Hit the gym? Make phone calls to China? Go for a run? For Chrissakes what is it, Victor?!

Before 9am, every successful entrepreneur … WAKES UP!

You can’t be high energy if you’re sleeping like a damn baby! Life happens to people who are awake. 

That’s why every high energy entrepreneur wakes up early. There is no time to waste, gotta go go go, cannot be slow slow slow.

Big business is waiting and big business never sleeps. 

You have to get up and get to work right away. There is no sleeping in when damn good business is on the line.

Morning is the best time of day for productivity and focus and that’s a fact, Jack.

If you don’t believe me, you should, then believe science…

Humans have what is called a circadian rhythm. This circadian rhythm determines when we are at our most alert.

11. Take advantage of the natural circadian rhythm and be ALERT

You have to wake up earlier to take advantage of your natural alertness.

Humans are the most alert at 10am. See photograph below for a look at a human’s circadian rhythm. circadian-rhythm-alertness-focus-energy

(photo source)

When you are the most alert is when you are going to be the most prepared to get some damn good work done.

Since humans are most alert at 10am that means should should wake up at 10am? Heavens no. 

You have to ALREADY BE AWAKE AND READY TO GO BEFORE 10AM to take advantage of your natural alertness.

It takes time to “wake up” and be alert. You have to be awake well before 10am. You will not be alert when you just wake up no matter who you are. 

By 10am you should already have been awake for hours (and have been to the gym and back).

Your body wants you to wake up between 6:45am and 7:30am. That’s when your body is raises your blood pressure and stops your melatonin secretion (melatonin is the sleep hormone). 

High energy entrepreneurs wake up earlier than that … typically any time between 5am and 6:30am is the wake up time of high energy pros. 

That gives you a good few hours to wake up, hit the gym prepare for the day, and take advantage of the time of the day when you are the most alert — 10am.

What if it’s hard to wake up?

It isn’t hard to wake up so that’s a silly question. When you want to wake up, nothing can keep you asleep.

Have you ever seen a kid sleep in on Christmas morning when he has new presents from Santa Claus ready to open?

Kids wake up on Christmas morning before the sun even comes out. Why? Because they have extreme enthusiasm for waking up. 

If you have a problem waking up early it’s not a problem of “waking up” … it’s a problem of motivation and enthusiasm.

You need to be enthused to wake up, otherwise you will just sleep. 

If that’s you, go ahead and sleep in. The rest of us will be wide awake and in the gym before you even hit your snooze button for the 3rd time. 

To learn how to wake up like a man with discipline, follow 30 Days of Discipline.

12. Take breaks to re-charge… but take breaks at the right time

Human beings have a natural lull in energy in the afternoon, starting at about 3pm. That’s a great time to take a break and re-charge.

I didn’t say it was a time to be lazy and eat potato chips, it’s a time to take a break from a heavy mental workload.

Many high energy artists and pros use this time to hit the gym and recharge.

There are 2 times of day that a high energy entrepreneur works out:

First thing in the morning or
During the afternoon lull.

There is always an afternoon lull due to humans circadian rhythms. During this time your brain becomes dull and thinking becomes much harder to do.

Rather that power-through this “lazy time” of the afternoon, you can go to the gym and get a hard workout in.

The workout will clear your brain so when you get back to work you’re as fresh as a daisy and as sharp as a nail.

13. Work out the body to keep the mind sharp.

Who do you think has more energy? A guy who spends all day on the couch or a guy who trains hard in the gym 5 days per week?

The guy who trains his body has more energy and that’s a fact, Jack.

A weak body makes your mind weak. There is no partial strength. You are strong fully or you are weak fully.

You cannot have a strong mind and a weak body. 

A weak body with a “strong mind” makes you very feminine. Good luck closing deals as a frumpy girly-man.

Solution: Work out every day. Move the body every day.

When to work out? Work out it in your off hours — don’t steal focus from your damn good business just to work out.

Work out in your off time. Never waste the best business time of day — like 10am — on working out. 

You cannot afford to not work out!

I don’t care if you like it or not, working out a must. You work out so you can build … ENDURANCE.  

Cardio builds your body enough to handle long hours and heavy travel schedules.

Lifting weights like a man gives you strength and confidence – which allows you to communicate with HIGH ENERGY.

If you aren’t a fitness buff right now, you damn sure better become one, because you absolutely need… STRENGTH!

To get strong, quit wasting your time searching for routines that never work and just follow the routine that has been proven to work … BODY OF A SPARTAN.

14. High achievers always have to project this one thing… STRENGTH

Like a character in a video game, weakness is crushed and killed right away.

The high energy businessman always have to project STRENGTH.

Always BE strong but more importantly always PROJECT strength.

Do you know what the great thing about projecting strength is?

You never have to use strength because if you project strength, people will already know you mean business. 

If you project weakness people will come at you hard and they will test you. If you project strength this will not happen. 

Some dogs will attack people who project weakness and fear.

Those same dogs will pee themselves and whimper if you project total strength to them.

If you can simply look at a dog and make a dog pee then you can project strength. 

But if that doesn’t work out… how long could you run until you get tired and the dog catches you?

15. The #1 thing you need to have high energy all day long… ENDURANCE

Energy that lasts ALL DAY is not really energy … it’s ENDURANCE.

Endurance is the ability to just keep going no matter what gets in your way.

Endurance is not a natural, “genetic” gift. Endurance has to be built up from training.

You have to train for endurance. In the gym and in your business life. 

Endurance is built up over time. You didn’t think you were going to just wake up tomorrow with extreme endurance did you?


Amateur boxing matches last only 3 rounds at 3 minutes per round. A professional boxing match lasts 10 rounds at 3 minutes per round. A championship bout lasts 12 rounds at 3 minutes per round.

Why not just start every single fighter at 12 rounds? Because it takes time to build incredible endurance! 

“In boxing, they start off 4 rounders. Then a year later they might be 6 rounders and then 8 rounders and then 10 rounders. And then finally they BECOME and flourish into a championship fighter. The reason you start off at 4 rounds and end up at 12 rounds 5 years later is because the body needs to get used to working at that rate for that period of time. You can’t do it in a 6 month period. You can’t become a championship fighter in a 6 month period.” – Eddie Alvarez, UFC lightweight champion

You need endurance to be a high energy entrepreneur, and you’d better start building it right now

16. Do not allow boredom to steal your enthusiasm

When you play a video game you always know what the strategy is: play this level, beat this level, move on to the next level.

It’s the same in the game of damn good business… always get to the next level. 

But you have to make sure you have a plan or outline. You can’t stroll into the office with no agenda because you won’t get anything done.

You have to know what needs to be done, so you can do it. 

Energy means jack shit if you don’t have tasks and projects to do.

You cannot wake up hungry if you aren’t waking up for anything. You have to have a plan ready for you when you wake up.

If you don’t have a plan you are just going to be bored. 


Boredom is the mind-killer and energy-sapper so you always need a plan. You always need a project to work on. 

You. Always. Need. A. Next. Level. To. Work. Towards.


When you stop … that’s when it’s over.

Don’t stop. Endure. Keep going. Reap the rewards. Always have a battle plan.

That’s how you become….



Until next time.

Your man,

5 Signs It’s Time To Become An Entrepreneur

Everybody wants to be an entrepreneur but nobody wants to leave the illusion of security a job provides, set out on their own, do a ton of work, live with the stress of not knowing when the next payday is coming, or rely on themselves. For some people these drawbacks outweigh the benefits of entrepreneurship, namely: freedom, time, and money. Freedom from wasting your life as a cattle grazing in the fields of the corporate world. Time to do what you want, when you want without a permission slip from HR. Money to accomplish what you want to accomplish. Nobody in the history of the world got rich from a paycheck. Some people are born to be entrepreneurs, some people are born to be wage slaves employees.

If these 5 details describe you then the stars have aligned in your favor and the heavens above have opened up a path for you and it’s time for you to make your move.

1) You have an all-consuming idea, a vision, an obsession that keeps you awake at night. For your idea to work, as in make you money, you must have a single minded determination. A great idea that you wish to turn into monetary gain is not a part time endeavor. The Four Hour Work Week is a cool book but there isn’t any way on Earth to start your first real business on 4 hours per week, not even 40 hours per week will cut it. You will spend every waking minute working on your plan, either passively while eating dinner, or actively doing real work. Say goodbye to 40 hour work weeks when your brain is free at 5pm, say hello to constant thoughts of your business and how to run it, maintain it, make it better, and make you money. If you have a day job you will spend all day thinking of your real business while mindlessly pretending to do the work they pay you for. Your business requires 100% dedication and confidence. It requires exaggerated over-confidence beyond any reasonable amount. That’s because reasonable men do not start profitable ventures, they stick to their “safe” office jobs and beg, roll over, and fetch for a paycheck. It takes an unreasonable, supreme confidence in your idea. 75% confidence will not work, 150% confidence is what is demanded.

2) You know how to monetize your idea. A seemingly great idea without a way to monetize is a poor idea. A standard idea with a clear view of how to monetize is a better plan. Unless you’re getting paid it isn’t a job or a business, it’s a hobby. Hobbies are fun but they don’t put steak in your belly. How you will make money must be clearly established, planned, and understood.

3) You have a supportive spouse or significant other who believes in you. Doesn’t matter what she thinks about your idea, she must believe in you and give you support. Starting a business venture with a nagging, un-supportive wife is a pretty good way to fail miserably. If you have an un-supportive girlfriend there is a simple solution: dump her immediately and go to work.  There are better women to be found who will be supportive and pleasant, making your work immeasurably more pleasant. If you have an un-supportive wife you have made a huge mistake in letting it get to that point. Fret not, all is not lost. She nags because you do not currently show leadership qualities. Because of this she has taken over the role as leader. You must take it back from her by showing sufficient leadership. It’s remarkably easy to do because men are born leaders and women are born followers, to reverse this order is akin to spitting in your own face. Turn her frown upside down and go to work.

4) You are prepared for the worst. It is entirely possible that you will not make any money for a while. Preparing yourself mentally is of utmost importance. “I don’t care if I have to sleep in a tent in a forest until my money comes in, it will come in and I will endure the worst for as long as I have to“. You can ease this burden by reducing and eliminating expenses – shut off cable TV, cook at home, trade down vehicles, rent a cheaper place etc.. When you have made the money you can splurge on these superfluous items (though you still shouldn’t) but until you make a fortune you should live like a pauper.

5) After you leave your soul-stealing job, you refuse to give in and get another job “to help you through the tough times”. Relying on anything other than YOUR business to make money is a surefire way to never make any real money. Before Sylvester Stallone made Rocky he was so poor he had to sell his dog, his best friend in the world, to a stranger for $50 because he couldn’t afford to feed him. He refused to get a job because he had his passion, his obsession, and he knew if he got a job he would get comfortable and eventually lose that fire and never fulfill his dreams. Because of his iron will he is now a famous multi-millionaire, we have the 3rd greatest movie of all time, Rocky, and you went to yet another seminar on sexual harassment given by Peggy in Human Resources.

Rocky’s whole life was a million to one shot. The chances that a new business will fail are maybe three to one. Those are pretty good odds. Follow the steps above and the failure rate drops significantly.

YOU, INC. The Incredible Way You Can Make Money By Being You

One common theme you may have noticed at Bold and Determined:

Make money on your own terms, your own way – don’t rely on anyone else, don’t rely on any external factors.

There’s no better way I know of for anyone to start making money on their own than by creating a brand around yourself…


You, Inc.Running a business based on your personality

There are obviously a lot of ways to make money, but the one that is the most prevalent (and hidden) today is by making money online operating a You, Inc.

Why hidden? Because people are making money right in front of your face and you have no idea.

Every time you watch someone on YouTube they are making money.

Some of them are making tons of money. And they’re doing it on their own terms.

That’s because, for smart and driven people, YouTube is a business not a hobby.

  • YouTube content viewers think it’s all fun and games.
  • YouTube content creators think of their videos as a business.

That’s why the stupid viewers aren’t making money, and that’s why the intelligent video creators are.

And that’s why many of you don’t even know you’re watching a business. Some of you think you’re watching some sucker making videos…

Without realizing you’re the sucker, paying for the people you watch to make videos (and not even knowing it).

Every time you watch a video on YouTube the creator of the video gets paid.

I’ve seen many people make fun of YouTube video creators for being poor…

Without realizing that every time you watch their videos you’re giving the YouTube content creators money (and so are several thousand other people).

Talk about ironic, proclaiming someone isn’t making money – while giving them money.

What’s that internet saying? I believe it’s… LOL.

Right in front of your face and you still don’t know. If money was a snake it would bite you in your face before you ever saw it.

Then after it bit you you’d have no idea what happened. (What was that lol)

So here’s what we’re going to do… Professor Victor is going to educate you.

I’m going to give you 16 tips on how to stop being a stupid content consumer..

And start being a smart content creator.

(Content is anything that entertains people: blogs, words, books, art, podcasts, videos, television, movies, music, social media accounts etc.)

Rules in Professor Victor’s classroom:

  • turn off your phone
  • close all the screens on your laptop
  • glue your eyeballs to these words
  • pay attention as though your livelihood depended on it
  • do not ask me any questions before you read every word a dozen times
  • Required reading: How to Make Money By Being Yourself

Class is in session…

16 Ways to Make Money By Being Yourself 

#1 – Prepare to invest in yourself (time & money)

This is #1 for a reason. You must be fully prepared to give your all and I do mean all. This business model is all or nothing and there is no in-between.

Prepare to invest money in You, Inc. and even more than money you need to be prepared to invest the most important asset you have – your time. Monetary cost to invest: about $4 per month to start.

⚡️You need web hosting for your website and that’s all you need to start. Use BADNET right now to start your site.⚡️

Cost of time to invest: all of it. It takes all of your time. Even if you’re physically doing another job your mind should always be on You, Inc.

Thinking is working. You, Inc should always be on your mind. That’s your #1 priority, all You, Inc., all the time, always and forever.

#2 – Get rid of everything that isn’t helping you succeed (give all to get all)

Have nothing so all you have is business.

The less I have, the more I gain” -James Hetfield

Yes, I fully recommend having nothing else. When you have nothing you can do one of two things:

  1. you can sit and cry at night wishing you’d die or
  2. you can work for something.

My business is me and I am my business and there is no separation and that’s the way you run You, Inc. I’m set for eternity because I lived the “nothing but B&D;” mentality.

All I want to do, ever, is play chess… Chess and me, it’s hard to take them apart. It’s like my alter ego” -Bobby Fischer

If I don’t have B&D; then I don’t have anything at all. And that was by design. You, Inc. is YOU, goddammit, you have to live it 24/7.

Get rid of everything else because it’s going to help you gain everything. Get rid of anything that is holding get you down. You need to throw it all out (stuff and people).

I lived like a monk for five years and now I’m set for eternity because I did. For years I didn’t have anything. I didn’t have a smart-phone for many years. I didn’t buy expensive clothes for many years. Today I ride an expensive bicycle in $400 jeans because back then I would have my old jeans sewn up so I didn’t have to buy new ones.

I let myself live well now, but it took years of living spartan to get from A to B. Now? Living well is fantastic. Put in the time so you can do it.

The longer you put it off, the more times you quit, it’s just that much longer until you can live well. Live well from your job? Don’t make me laugh.

People with jobs never have free time ever and when they do they “catch up on Netflix” or do laundry. Those people are the walking dead (they just happen to be fatter than zombies).

Give all to get all.

When you’ve got nothing, all you’ve got is that hunger.

To reach the pinnacle, everything else must not exist” -Conor McGregor

From this point on, everything in your life is all business. You are a content creator.

Always be on because everything is content.

Start paying attention to everything and everyone. Watch people, learn from them and turn their examples into content.

“But Victor lol I don’t want to sacrifice my night life lol” None of this is sacrifice. It’s just the price you pay to bleed success.

Sacrifice means you get nothing in return. It’s not a goddamn sacrifice if you get rewarded! You guys that work a job are sacrificing.

You waste your life, you spend most of your waking hours under fluorescent lights, and you make a little ass pimple of a paycheck.

Ask a normal Joe working a normal job if he wants to go to the beach on a normal Tuesday morning… “No, I can’t. I have to work, then I have to catch up on netflix. Maybe in 30 years when I retire.”

Ask me if I want to go to the beach on a normal Tuesday morning and I’ll probably say.. “I was already there this morning working out”.

#3 – Choose a name for your You, Inc. business

A good name is very important. Your personal name is a good name for your business but not necessarily the best name for a brand.

If you have a cool, unique name then you can use your name as the name and face of the business. If you don’t have a cool name then you’ll need to create one. Victor Pride is a cool name. Bob Johnson isn’t a cool name.

⚡️You should always own your own name, even if you don’t use it (because someone else will)⚡️

Bold & Determined is a cool name, it is relatable, easy to remember and can be shortened into BAD which is rad. DeterminedlyBold is a terrible name (Yes, a real copycat name I have seen).

A good option would be to have a name that other people can identify with (and remember). You have to own your business name as a domain (

Forget .net and .org and .me – you need the .com!

Domains are bought and sold like real estate and web hosting is your “rent”. The greatest domain names are already taken.

Great names will cost you, but your unique name might be available. cost me $500. cost me $10,000. only cost me $10.

You need a website and you need a domain name, it isn’t optional. When picking your domain name, remember: no dashes and no numbers (impossible to remember:

Make your name easy to read, easy to say and easy to remember.

⚡️Get a free domain name with BADNET when you buy hosting⚡️

You need a website with a dot-com domain name and it is not optional. If you can’t afford $4 a month for web hosting (rent) then You, Inc. isn’t for you. Instead you could try holding a sign on the side of the highway that says “Homeless and Hungry, Please Help“.

Winners have $4 to invest in You, Inc.

After you pick your business name you need to secure all of social media account names (even though you will not use social media until you have followers – more on that later).

#4 – Choose a media platform to deliver your art (blog, podcast or video)

Choose a media platform – blog, podcast, or video. All of those platforms require a website!

All of those platforms make money so choose where you excel. I’m the best writer who ever lived so I write, because that’s the best way to get my message out.

If you excel at speaking you should start a podcast. If you excel at speaking and you look good (handsome, or otherwise unique looking) you should do videos.

Do the work! I make it sound easy, and it is, but you still have to do the work. I don’t even like writing (or talking) but I have something to say so I do the work required to:

A) get my ideas into the world and
B) succeed.

All I do is put the ideas in my head into your head, whatever way I can.

⚡️Read Spartan Entrepreneur: Blog Artist for a total blueprint to run a blog like a business⚡️

#5 – Be broad, not niche

Since YOU are a complete person your You, Inc. will be complete. Niche websites are shit for making money.

Pat Flynn has you fooled. You guys run around making niche websites because Pat says so, but he makes money from his broad website, not from his niche websites.

You will have a main theme, but you will not be limited by only your one theme.

B&D;’s theme is freedom and we work around that central theme. Your topics will simply revolve around your theme but will not be limited to one niche.

People want whole – they don’t want partial! To be whole you need to have a theme not a niche.

Three topics that make money forever: health, wealth and relationships. These are your evergreen topics but you can and should branch out into anything that interests you.

Why not niche? I have hundreds of niche websites. They’re called articles and Google doesn’t give a shit if it’s a niche website or if it’s a niche article! Good content will rank well with google!

Don’t make the mistake of starting a niche website when you can start a broad website and release hundreds or even thousands of niche pieces of content – and have it all revolving around one common theme: you.

#6 – Pick a central theme that you will revolve your content around

Your theme is already in your head. It’s YOU. It should be very, very easy to create content right from the start. Your content should pour out of you.

If it’s hard for you to create content then this plan is not for you.

If you have nothing to say then don’t start a business trying to say something. But if you have something to say, start your You, Inc. and revolve any “side businesses” around it.

Your You, Inc. website/domain is your planet. Everything else is a moon revolving around your planet. Connect everything to your home base!


#7 – Create content for yourself first, people second, robots third

What kind of content would you like to see online? That’s the content you create.

You create for yourself first, you create content for your audience second, and in a distant third you create content for robots (SEO: Search Engine Optimization).

Your content strategy is HEO, not SEO. H.E.O. – Human Eye Optimization.

Write for people! Talk to people! Don’t be a nerd and write for machines because you will never develop a connection with an audience (and therefore you will never have an audience).

⚡️Start your You, Inc. website at BADNET right now⚡️

#8 – Create valuable content

You have to create valuable content. Seems obvious that you have to create content to reap the rewards of being a content creator, right?

I’ve had a bunch of morons ask me how to get an audience – when they haven’t created any content! They say “I haven’t created anything at all, nothing, and I want to know how did you build an audience? That’s my stumbling block“.

No, you’re stumbling block is backwards: create valuable content and the audience will find you. Create nothing and obviously no one will find you.


No one has an audience before they create content you dummy!

Create great content and your audience will find you, it’s destiny. The people who need you will type something good into Google that will lead to you.

They’ll be sitting and crying at night, wishing they’d die, thinking they have no answer…

Until they find you and their lives change.

If you aren’t creating content that changes lives then you don’t deserve to be paid and you won’t be paid. B&D; gets emails every single day thanking me for changing their lives.

⚡️These messages are posted to Instagram using the #BadGuyFanMail hashtag⚡️

If you don’t have an audience after 6 months it’s because your content isn’t good enough.

(It’s very likely that you spend too much time on social media and not enough time creating content that changes lives.)

Should you seek an audience?  Yeah right. Create gold and the audience will find you.

Bold and Determined is gold and that’s why people come here, not because I begged them to come here and read. If they need it, they’ll find it because it’s destiny.

Create better content, create the best content and the audience will come directly to you.

You have to be the best at what you do. If you aren’t the best at You, Inc. (which has no competition) then you need to try something else.

If you aren’t the best at what you then how do you think you’re going to make money? By osmosis through me? Don’t make me laugh!

Be the best to be treated like the best! How do you be the best?

#9 – Be extraordinary (make yourself great!)

I wasn’t born a magnet for success, I just turned myself into one.

Like Donald Trump once said, (I think)…

Make yourself great again!

You need to be prepared to make yourself better. In fact you have to make yourself great (in some way) to make money from You, Inc. Some of you think the content creators on YouTube are losers, which is terribly funny.

The best YouTube content creators make enough money to drive around in Lamborghinis and most of their “haters” are stuck in traffic at 5pm headed home from another day at the office, ready to order a pizza and “catch up on netflix”.

What’s that saying again? LOL.

You have to be great before you can show other people how to be great. You can’t be a normal Jerkoff Joe and make money from You, Inc.

A normal guy doesn’t want to pay a normal guy when a normal guy can just look in the mirror. People want to watch experts and authorities. Be extraordinary, leave ordinary to your fans.

You can’t be a total loser and then expect to be a winner just by posting videos or articles online.

It takes work to make a loser into a winner. You have to spend time doing that work before you can show anyone else how to do it.

Now that you have made yourself great, you need to create better content. How do you create better content?


Bleed on the page or the screen. Bleed for everyone.

Like Ric Flair once said: “Red is green, WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!”

Kill yourself to create great content. Get that blood money and don’t ask me any more questions.

⚡️Read Spartan Entrepreneur: Blog Artist to learn how to bleed content⚡️

#10 – Publish a lot your first year (Your first year publishing plan)

When you start creating content you want to create it and release it fast. This is your first year publishing strategy: write – publish – repeat.

After you have a real audience your publishing plan is: write – edit – refine – publish – promote – repeat.

Promote?  Yes, promote (after you have an audience to promote to). After you bleed you want your fans to find it and enjoy it, so you promote it to them via email and social media.

(Note: Email marketing is much more powerful than social media marketing. Much more!)

“But Victor! lol you said social media is a waste of time? I’m confused lol” Figure it out.

You can’t promote anything until you have an audience. The only way you get an audience is by creating great content.

I get these morons saying they’ll promote me on their website if I do an interview with them. When I look at their site it’s brand new and they have no followers and barely any content!

Get this into your head: You’re nothing at all for the first year and nobody, especially not me, is going to give you an audience. You will earn an audience from your blood, sweat and tears. Unless you happen to be very special you are nothing for the first year!

#11 – Forget about social media until you have 500+ followers

I see total beginners on twitter all the time, “promoting” themselves. More like wasting time instead of working.

People who have no content, less than a month of content, or are otherwise lacking are playing around on social media all day, pretending to “promote” themselves.

Social media is a hustlers business not a goddamn hobby!

Only total losers are on social media promoting themselves instead of creating content… But I see it all the time!

I see only two types of people on social media:

  • Total winners (content creators)
  • Total losers (content consumers)

Winner are the ones who are on social media for business (with the profits to prove it). Total losers are on social media not making any money and wasting their time.

“But Victor, I thought social media was a powerful tool lol” Social media is a powerful tool…


Social media is only powerful if people care about you. If no one gives a shit about you then social media is a total waste of time.

Do not waste your time on social media until you have 500 organic followers.

Don’t ask for followers, don’t do anything for followers. Just open your social media accounts, and when 500 people have followed you organically then you have a real audience. And only then can you use twitter as a producer instead of a consumer.

How to run run Twitter like a business (and it isn’t a business until you have followers):

  • Never tweet fire ? Save the fire for your main media!
  • Only tweet leftovers and scraps, save the gold for your content
  • Concentrate on the work. Twitter is not work until you have a lot of followers!
  • Every time you get out your phone to tweet put the tweet in your notes instead (then use the notes to create better content)
  • Don’t tweet until you have an audience (tweeters with 100 followers are total losers!)

Only consumer and producers are on social media. If you aren’t a producer (with at least 500 followers) then you’re one of the consumers (which is fine unless your goal is to be a producer).

#12 – Don’t expect to make money for a year

Yes, prepare to spend one year not making any money. But…

This plan is faster than any other legal plan.

Don’t you have eyeballs to see that? “But Victor, a whole year?! That’s so long lol, I’d rather spend 4 years in college not making any money lol”

Put in the time now so you can make withdrawals later.

If you put money into a savings account do you expect to make money overnight? No. Same with digital business, it takes times for your investment to start producing.

You are investing in You, Inc so treat it like an investment. You, Inc. is not a money tree until you put in the work to make it a money tree.

If you want money tomorrow then get a job like the rest of the normal people. You won’t make money for a while so deal with it.

Don’t ask me when you’ll get paid because that’s a losers question.

You’ll get paid when you’re worth it! If you don’t provide value then you won’t get paid. When people find you valuable is when they’ll prove it by giving you money. Until then, shut the fuck up and work!

⚡️BADNET will set up your website for you⚡️

#13 – Time is key (time + content = money)

Time and content is how you make money.

Time Time Time Time Time Time Time Time Time Time Time Time Time Time Time Time Time Time Time Time Time Time Time Time Time Time Time Time Time.

Get it now? IT TAKES TIME! It don’t happen overnight, it takes time.

You’ll all spend 4 years in college because you believe you’ll make money after 4 years at a job…

(Like the fat slobs I see at Starbucks ordering all the fat and sugar on the menu and wearing Ross Dress for Less business casual attire).

You’d rather live like a fat slave to a corporation instead of spending a year to make money and be free? Fine! Just don’t ask me how you can make money later this afternoon when you don’t even create content.

Question from a total loser: “When do you think I’ll make money?”  Honest answer: Never.

#14 – Don’t ask questions, shut the fuck up and learn instead

Broad, general questions are for idiots. Questions like “what’s the best way to make money online” is an idiot’s questions.

These questions give you a reason to not work (which is why you ask them)!

“No one answered my asinine question so I just won’t do any work until it’s answered lol” – Total loser

Technical questions are OK. “How do I make this shot in slow motion?” is a real question.

“What’s the best way to make money online” is a total loser’s question. “How to get an audience” is a total loser’s questions.

Do the damn work and everything else will follow. Don’t do the work, ask moron questions and you’ll get exactly what you have now: nothing.

Questions are for people who don’t have any belief within, they don’t have rock solid belief. If you believe in your content then the audience will as well.

If you don’t believe in your content then you will waste my time with your stupid questions. If you don’t have that belief then you won’t make money from You, Inc. Period!

You think a motherfucker with a bulletproof mindset would ever ask a stranger “when will I make money?” Don’t make me laugh.

I never asked anyone that asinine question, instead I was in China in a $100 per month apartment making nothing but knowing I would eventually make something.

The money will come in time and the bulletproof content creator knows it.

I don’t give a fuck about building an audience. I never gave a fuck about making money. All I cared about was creating my content and getting my philosophy to the people who wanted and needed it.

I changed lives and provided value, and you know what happened? The audience and the money came to me like I was a magnet for success.

#15 – Stop saying “let’s“, you’re in this game alone

I hear people say all the time, “let’s this, let’s that“. No pal, I’m in this game alone. If I need something done I’ll make it happen. Saying “let’s” is another way of procrastinating.

You say “let’s do this” and no one does it – so you just do nothing.

If you need something done you’ll try and get a bunch of people to do it by saying “let’s do it!” – which is the total opposite of leading by example. More like “leading by permission”.

That’s why I’ve succeeded and it’s why you’re struggling. I don’t need permission to act. I have friendly friends in this game (Cernovich and Chris Loser) but we do it and did it all alone! We each created something from nothing and never begged for help.

Even today I never ask anyone for help and my pals never ask me for help. I give help out of the kindness of my heart, it’s never asked for, it’s always appreciated and vice versa.

It’s YOU, INC. it isn’t WE, INC.

Let’s” not do anything, you’re in this game alone and you need to make it happen alone. Your audience isn’t going to do anything with you that involves creation or production. They are there to consume your content, not to help you create it.

Saying “let’s” is a total turnoff to your audience because it’s like begging your audience for approval. You don’t need permission to act.

#16 – Never be satisfied

To the game you stay a slave” -James Hetfield

Whatever good happens, something better can happen. It’s never enough, there’s no end.

I ride a bicycle in $400 jeans and you know what? I could and should be way richer. The guy at the jeans store was flabbergasted that I ride a bike in expensive jeans.

He said: “You ride a bike in $400 jeans?!” I replied, as if it were obvious, “uhh, yeah”. I didn’t understand his bum mentality at all (but I used to understand it very well).

As good as it is right now, it’s going to get better if you keep working.

Good times comin’…If you’re willing to do the work.

Business, business, business, and more business. Personal time? What’s that saying again? LOL!

You, Inc. You’ll never get out alive ?

Your next two steps:

✔︎ Start your blog and get your free domain name at BADNET right now.

✔︎ Read Spartan Entrepreneur: Blog Artist for in-depth tips, tricks, tools and hacks.

Until next time.

Your man,

Why You Should Start a Blog or Website in 2021

A monetized blog(s) or website(s) is one avenue on the path to financial freedom.

It will take some work to get there and that’s why you need to start now.

Should you start a blog or a website?

If you are brand new to running a website then you should start a blog.

If you have no blog ideas then you can blog about your progress on 30 Days of Discipline.

That will give you a solid month of posts so you can learn the ins and outs of blogging.

To learn how to start a blog or website read The No Bullshit Guide to Making Money Online.

Why should you blog about 30 Days of Discipline? 

Because blogging and writing about it will give you incentive to not muck up your progress.

Maybe you will like blogging and maybe you won’t but it’s a start. You have to start somewhere.

If you want to make art then you can make art and not pay attention to business.

If you want to make money then you need to keep your eye on the prize and blog with business in mind.

You do not have to start a blog, but remember – there is money on the internet. Do you want a piece of it? And do you want the freedom that comes with it?

If you don’t want to start a blog or website that’s cool. There is more than one way to skin a cat. But tomorrow is the first day of the rest of your life. What are you going to do? What are you going to start? And how will you do it?

The No Bullshit Guide to Making Money Online

I’m going to tell you how to make money online. I’m not going to tell you how to have an entrepreneurial journey, or grow as a person and spiritual being – I’m going to tell you how to free yourself from the shackles of trading your time for money.

When you have an internet money making system in place you make money whether you work or not. You go to sleep and wake up to see how much money you made the day before.

How much money can you make online?

You can make a lot or a little. It depends on how hard you work, how much you learn about your industry, how much you are willing to try and experiment, and maybe just a little luck. Some people make a few bucks a month, others make 40k per month or more.

If you can make $10 you can make $100. If you can make $100 you can make $1,000. If you can make $1,000 you can make anything you put your mind to.

The open secret to making money online

There are lots of little secrets and tips and tricks and hacks to making money online, but the only way to make money on the internet is by selling something. You’ve got to sell, sell and sell some more.

You can have the greatest product in the world but if you don’t sell it then you don’t make money. You can have the worst product in the world and sell, sell, sell and make a whole bunch of money.

Here’s how you do it:

1) Create your own product and sell it – You can create an ebook, a piece of software, or sell another product that you have created, commissioned or purchased. You can create this product yourself or you can outsource the work to a freelancer.

2) Sell someone else’s product – Selling a product that someone else created for a % of the profit is called affiliate marketing.

3) Sell advertisement(s) on your website – You can sell advertising on your website directly to a company(s) or you can use Google AdSense to sell advertising.

4) Sell a service (consulting) – Most bloggers who make money off their website also sell their consulting services. They consult about SEO techniques and tactics, or they can act as life coaches.

The REAL secret to making money online

The real secret to making money online, the real moneymaker, is selling “How to make money on the internet” programs. That is where the real money is. This is the secret of countless bloggers, location independent entrepreneurs, Tim Ferris wannabe’s, Affiliate Marketers and clickbankers who will have you believe otherwise.

Countless bloggers have followed this approach. They faked it ’til they made it by selling “How to make money online” programs. If you can make people believe you will show them the way to make money online they will give their money to you to get your information.

Money vs. Art

You can create art or you can make money, and never the tween shall meet. If you want to make money online you can forget about creating art and focus on salesmanship. Sales is the name of the game.

ABC – Always. Be. Closing.

BOLD & DETERMINED is art, not business. I really, truly hate writing technical “How to” articles so I will keep this as brief as possible.  I’m going to give you the facts and the resources and from then on it’s up to you to make something happen.

There are two types of people this guide is for

1) People who want to leave their 9-5 jive forever and need a way to do it.

2) People who want to supplement their 9-5 and make some extra cash money.

Why should you make money online?

So you can be FREE. Freedom and time are the most important things in the world. Being shackled to an office chair is a soul-stealing, heart-crushing affair that I wouldn’t wish on my worst enemy (ok, maybe I would) but I wouldn’t wish it on my friends. Be smart and leave the 9-5 jive forever.


I saw this Panda in Hong Kong. He was just facing the wall in this concrete room instead of hanging out in the fake grass. We could only see him through the TV monitor. I saw this look a million times when I used to work in an office. Why should you start making money online? Freedom. You don’t want to end up like Prison panda. You can be free IF you work to get there.

There are two kinds of money to be made online

Passive money and Active money.

Passive money is when you make money selling a product. Passive money comes to you without you doing any additional work. You set up the product, automate your page, and sell your product which is charged and delivered automatically.

Active money is when you make money selling your service(s). Active money requires you do additional work (i.e. consulting).

Ways to make passive money online

Affiliate Marketing – Affiliate marketing is when a person advertises a product for another person in return for a % of the profit.  Anytime you read a blog that talks about a product they love so very much and they conveniently provide a link for you to check out the product you are looking at affiliate marketing in action. To become an affiliate marketer you will post a review of a product on your website, get your customers to purchase the product and you will get a piece of the profits. This can add up to some very good income. You can make up to 75% of the purchase price of the product doing this. Let other people create the product and you send traffic to buy that product and collect your money.

The most ethical way to become an Affiliate Marketer is to actually use and enjoy the products that you promote.

Advertising with Google AdSense – Google AdSense is the most popular, and easiest method, to put paid advertising on your website. Will it make you a bunch of money? Maybe yes or maybe no. It takes experimentation to find what works best.

Selling Private Advertising – When you have a decent amount of traffic to your website or blog you will get requests to place advertising on your website. You can also create an “Advertise?” link on your website to allow advertisers to contact you about placing their advertising on your website.

Selling a product – The biggest moneymaker is creating your own high quality product and selling it to your audience. You can even create an affiliate deal for your product – allow others to generate traffic for you and give them a percentage of the sale. This can all be automated by using companies like

Ways to make active money online

Sell your service –

  • Are you an expert in a certain area?
  • Are you good at SEO work?
  • Are you good at programming?
  • Can you be a life coach?
  • Are you a good graphic designer?
  • Are you good at using PhotoShop?
  • Can you teach someone a 2nd language?
  • Can you be a personal fitness trainer?
  • Can you write quality articles for other people?
  • Can you fake any of that?

People will pay you for your service if you have a quality website that makes them feel like you are a qualified expert.

I have news for you, most bloggers who blog about “How to make money online” don’t know anything and are trying to make money themselves. Most bloggers start a blog to make money and become famous. They fake the hell out of their knowledge.

The 6 steps to making money online by blogging

1) Start a quality website or blog

2) Provide something valuable

3) Get traffic

4) Capture the emails of your audience

5) Sell your audience something worthwhile

6) Repeat

Bonus #7) Be free

The biggest money spending audience on the internet

Do you want to know who the biggest money spending audience on the internet is?

It is you and people just like you.

People who are looking for a way to leave their soul-stealing job and live life on their own terms. People who are tired of feeling like Prison Panda.

That’s why “How to make money online” programs and websites are popular and profitable.

One of the easiest ways to make money on the internet right now, this very second, is to create and / or sell a “How to Make Money Online” website or ebook because that’s what people just like you want to know. The secret is that you make money online by selling other people how to make money online.

What kind of website should I start?

First rule: Do not think in terms of a website, think in terms of websites. To make money online you must have many sites producing income for you.

Blogs: Blogs are the easiest websites to start and monetize. On a blog you can use Adsense ads, you can sell private ads, you can post affiliate links, you can create and sell your own e-book or other product, you can review products for a fee, and you can sell your consulting services. There are many, many ways to make money from a blog.

Blogs are the easiest way to start in the online world. If you cannot think of a topic to blog about you can download 30 Days of Discipline and blog about your progress. That’s a perfect way to get started and used to blogging.

Running a blog with WordPress is very, very easy.

Niche Sites: A niche site is a small site dedicated to a small market. For example: a website about how to kill ants. Pepper in some articles, pepper in some advertisements, pay attention to the SEO and the competition and watch a steady trickle of money come into your pocket. Niche sites are the bread and butter of internet marketers making a living from their websites. 10, 20, or 30 niche sites bringing in $100-$200 a month can bring you some real money. Niche sites can certainly make more than that per month – but they do take work.

You can build niche sites the same way you build your blog, using WordPress.

Single Landing Page for a product you have created: A landing page is a simple one or two page site that shows you a product, its benefit and then it’s price. A good example of this is Eat Stop Eat – Intermittent Fasting for Fat Loss. A very simple but highly effective sales page for a quality product. FYI – That’s an affiliate link. If you click on that link and purchase Eat Stop Eat then I make a commission off of that. Can you now see some of the ways you can make money?

E-Commerce Sites: A lot harder to start for a complete newbie but can certainly be very profitable.

How do you create a “How to make money online” website?

Be patient, friend. That’s coming soon.

What is…?

Domain Registration – A domain is the name of the website. For example: The domain name of this website is A domain can be .com, .net, .org, .us, .info etc. Domain registration is the act of purchasing a domain name. Domain names are quite cheap if they are not already taken by another person or company. A .com domain name will run in the neighborhood of $10 for a year.

When you purchase a domain name it is a good idea to also purchase a private registration. If you don’t purchase a private registration anyone on the internet can see who owns your site and they can possibly get more information about you. It’s a good idea to protect yourself as much as you possibly can.

There are free websites available but they do not look professional and I highly advise against them. Free websites and blogs can be built at or but they will always have blogger, blogspot, or WordPress in the title. For example, if I had started BOLD & DETERMINED on a free platform the domain name would be and I would never, ever be able to change that until I purchased a real domain name. If your goal is to make a professional money making website you must purchase your own domain name(s).

Hosting – Hosting is where your webpage, files, and documents are stored. Your website must be hosted somewhere or it cannot be viewed by anyone. It sounds complicated to a very beginner but it isn’t. Once you set up your hosting provider you can forget all about it.

SEO – SEO stands for Search Engine Optimization. When someone searches in google for a particular word or phrase and you want them to come to your site you must optimize and manipulate your wording so that you have a higher place in the google lineup.

WordPress – WordPress is the easiest, best and, frankly, only way to run a website. Best of all it is completely free. Every money making blog and small website uses WordPress as their platform. WordPress takes less than 5 minutes to install and is extremely easy to learn and use.

There are two types of WordPress. and is a site that will let you create a free blog and provide free hosting but your domain name will always end with I do not recommend you use is what the big boys use.

WordPress Themes – A WordPress theme is the look of the website. With WordPress themes you can change the look of your website in a matter of minutes. You can design your own theme, you can use a free theme, or you can purchase a professional looking Premium WordPress theme. Since your goal is making money and not making art then a Premium Theme is the only way to go. Your site has to look good if you’re going to make some money.

WordPress Plugins – WordPress plugins are additional tools to add to your WordPress website to optimize performace. WordPress plugins are extremely easy to download, activate and use. Some examples of WordPress plugins: When you see a “Facebook Like” button or a “ReTweet” button on a website or blog you are seeing WordPress plugins in use. There are many, many behind the scenes plugins that the casual viewer will not even notice or be aware of but they help make your website run smoothly.

E-mail list / Subscriber list / Opt-in list – This is your list of website viewers who have given you their e-mail address to be kept posted of A) any new posts to your website and B) receive any e-mail communications from you. For example: You can send out a weekly or monthly newsletter, send out any special or urgent news, or send out special offers for your products or your affiliate products.

Setting up an email list is a MUST DO from the very beginning of your website.

Monetize – To monetize your website is to turn it from a non-income producing website to an income producing website. To bring in money.

How do I start my first website(s)?

Follow the links in the resources below.


Remember, this guide is a primer to making money online. This is how you start. You must continually read and learn to make money, but you’ve got to start somewhere. Start here:

Setting up your website

TIP: Use BADNET to set up your website. Including hosting, domain name, 4 blogging reports and free WordPress installation if you need it.WordPress Themes

  • StudioPress – My favorite themes on earth. You will need a theme for your WordPress site. Your site has to look good, it has to look professional if you want to make some cold hard cash. Studiopress has the best selection.
  • The Thesis Theme for WordPress – High quality, professional theme.

Installing WordPress, WordPress Themes, and WordPress Plugins

Installing WordPress

  • WordPress – You do not need to download WordPress. Hostgator and Bluehost both make installing WordPress extremely simple and painless. To learn how to install WordPress on a Hostgator hosted site go here. To learn how to install WordPress on a Bluehost hosted site go here.

Installing WordPress Themes

  • To learn how to easily and painlessly install a WordPress theme go here.

Installing WordPress Plugins

  • WordPress Plugins – WP Plugins are the easiest thing in the world to install. To learn how to install WP Plugins the easy, hassle-free way go here.

Market Research

  • Google Analytics – Google’s free website tracking and analytical tool. View all sorts of info about your visitors (i.e. how long they stay on your site, your most popular articles and pages, how visitors came to your site).

Outsourcing Work

  • E-lance – Elance is where you go to get a freelancer to do some work for you (i.e. Site design, site coding, ghostwriting).
  • oDesk – oDesk is another website where you can find someone to do some quality work for you.

Money Makers

  • Google AdSense – Google AdSense are ads you put on your site. Anytime someone clicks on the ads you make some money. It’s only small change but it adds up as your traffic grows. It can turn into some real income for you if you build a good website.
  • Clickbank – Clickbank is where you go to find an affiliate product(s) to advertise on your website. Signing up for a clickbank account and promoting clickbank products is very easy.
  • Amazon Affiliates – If you send someone to amazon to purchase a product you can make a percentage of whatever was sold. Signing up for Amazon Affiliates is extremely easy.
  • Commission Junction – Commission Junction is another affiliate website where you can get links to companies to promote their products and services for a percentage of the sales.
  • Paypal – Paypal is one way for you to accept payment for your website, goods and services. It’s very easy to set up. FYI – You can donate some of your hard earned money to me for producing this helpful and free guide for you. Paypal accepts all major credit cards, to make a donation you do not even need a Paypal account. But you will likely need to open a Paypal account to receive payments.
  • E-junkie – E-Junkie is how you sell a product you created. You simply create your product and they will take care of the rest. You can add their shopping cart to your website and boom, everything is automated for you after that. You can also choose affiliate products from E-Junkie to promote.

Email Subscriber & Newsletter List Creation

  • Aweber – Aweber is the best of the best for capturing emails and sending out mass emails and newsletters. I used it for about two years. I only stopped when I no longer needed to send out mass e-mails.
  • Mailchimp – Mailchimp is a way to capture email addresses and send out mass e-mails for your newsletter. Mailchimp is free for the first 12,000 subscribers and 2,000 e-mails per month. I have been using MailChimp for 2+ years and love it. Subscribe to the free BOLD & DETERMINED newsletter.
  • Feedburner – You can use feedburner to offer RSS subscription service, e-mail subscription service, and newsletter service. Feedburner is free. Feedburner gives you some great details about how many people are reading your posts, opening your e-mails etc.. For BOLD & DETERMINED I use feedburner for my RSS Feed and every time I post a new article it is e-mailed to people who subscribed to the e-mail updates. Subscribe to BOLD & DETERMINED by Email / Subscribe to the RSS Feed.

Bookkeeping & Accounting

  • Intuit Quickbooks – You’ve got to run your website like a business, and that means taking your bookkeeping seriously.

Business Creation

  • Legalzoom – Create an LLC or other business structure right from your computer.

Must Read Books

  • Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill – This book is the best business book ever written, hands down. It’s all about mindset. Repeat: It’s all in the mind. Change your thought process, change your life.
  • The 4-Hour Workweek: Escape 9-5, Live Anywhere, and Join the New Rich by Tim Ferris – This book literally changed my life. For better or worse I can never go back to how I used to live. I’d be wealthier if I never read this book but I certainly wouldn’t be happier. This book goes into quite a bit of detail about how to run a successful online business. Don’t let the title fool you, to become successful you will work a whole lot more than 4 hours per week.
  • Arnold: The Education of a Bodybuilder by Arnold Schwarzenegger – I just plain love this book. One of the most motivational books of all time by one of the most motivational people of all time, Arnold Schwarzenegger. This book has absolutely nothing to do with making money online but it has everything to do with winning.


Quit bullshitting. If you want to make money you’ve got to work for it. Wake up at 5am and put in 3-4 hours of work every morning. Work on your lunch break. Work in the evenings before you go to bed. Think about your business 24/7. Live and breathe your business.

Download 30 Days of Discipline to help you focus and get into the right mindset.

Never be scared to ask for money. Your goal is to make money, there is no reason to hide that.

Time is your most precious commodity, don’t waste it.


You’ve seen Fight Club right? Think of it like this: If you’re not on your way to making money online in 6 months you will be dead.

If your mission is to make money online then there is no better time than right now.