18 MORE Things Every 18 Year Old Should Know

When I was an 18 year old buck, I didn’t know nothing about nothing.

No one told me anything. I figured out the rules of the real world all by myself.

After years of trial and error, success and failures, heart-break and true love I have boiled the principles of life down to 18.

If I knew these principles when I was 18, I would have been rich by 21. Now you can have the great benefit of my hindsight.

If I had an 18 year old son today, this is exactly what I would tell him…

1) Everything you’ve been taught is a lie.

Everything you have been taught is a lie but do not be angry at your teachers. They have been lied to, just as you have been lied to, and they believed the lies. They even lie mostly to themselves. They are people who have been deceived just like you. But now you will be able to break free. In this list of 18 things every 18 year old should know I will give you some truth…

2) Weed is garbage.

“Smoke up, man.” No thanks, retard. They have been telling you the glorious benefits of being a stoner but good god, man, just look at weed smokers for proof. They smoke reefer and turn into drooling, mumbling retards a moment later. Weed turns you into a fool but it makes you think you’re a genius. Stay away from it and from the people who use it.

3) Masturbating will kill you.

They will tell you it is healthy but look at the freaks around you. They are physically sick and they are deranged in the head. What causes this derangement? You guessed it. Masturbation. Jacking off causes you an enormous amount of ill effects, both mental and physical. Not jacking off causes you to become a Superman. Not masturbating is the secret key of success for men. Jacking off will ruin your body and your mind early. There is only one way to have a healthy body and a sharp mind for all of your life, it is by preserving your vital sexual energy and letting it energize you.

4) College is a waste of time.

They trick you into believing you need college to make money. Then they make you get loans to pay for the promise of a future. When this future promise is not fulfilled and you don’t get a job what do you do? You go BACK to university to get more education to get a good paying job. You fool. You never get this promised job but you do get to start your adult life in massive debt. Debt is death. Look at the similarity of these words: Debt = Dead. Do not start life in the hole because it feels like death! Never get a loan for college because it does not pay off.

American university is absolute garbage unless you want to be a dentist or a medical doctor or a lawyer. “But what about STEM?” STEM is the biggest scam in the history of scams. They pretend it’s a really great field with great promise but what they deliver to you is slave wages. Don’t believe any of it! You make your own way in this world and if you don’t, you don’t get any rewards. NO ONE IS REWARDED FOR A COLLEGE DEGREE! You can learn a lot of things on your own. Don’t stop learning and never stop reading books. Remember that many self-made millionaires are NOT college graduates.

5) Common sense will make you rich.

You will notice two things about every college graduates: 1) they are retarded beyond belief because they have ZERO common sense and 2) they struggle financially. These college graduates use big words and produce almost no results. You listen to them talk and you have to squint your eyes to try and think what the heck they actually mean. Smart people do not use an endless string of big words. They say exactly what they mean in the simplest language they can use. That’s is how you know an intelligent person from a moron.

A college graduate will overcomplicate everything to the point that nothing can be accomplished. A simple genius will boil everything down to the basics because it is only the basics that get you results. A smart entrepreneur will see one simple obvious problem and one simple obvious fix and get rich from it. That is all it takes to get rich! These two words are your best friends: Yes & No.

  • Intelligent answer: Are you hungry? Yes.
  • Stupid answer: Are you hungry? Um, well, you know, I guess I could eat.

College graduates are completely unable to say yes and no. Do not share their fate. (Note: I am speaking only of American university graduates.)

6) Do the opposite of everything they say to do.

The common advice is always wrong. That is why the common man is always fat, stupid, sick, and broke. They’ll tell you straight to your face what to do to achieve what they have achieved – mediocrity. If you detest mediocrity and yearn for greatness then all you must do is exactly the opposite of what these people tell you to do.

“Work real hard and retire rich at 65.” Nope, get rich right now. “Go to school and get a good education and get a good job.” Nope. Skip school, never go into debt for any reason, build your own business and live life on your terms. “Get married and start a family.” Nope, not with the sorry state of American women and the “justice” system. This is one of the most dangerous things you can do today so you must be smart about it.

7) Pick the right female (don’t date deranged females).

It is important to develop a family but you must be absolutely, positively CERTAIN! that who you start a family with isn’t a looney tune. That’s almost impossible in America today because nearly every woman is a nut-bar on psychiatric drugs and every American policeman will arrest you and take you to jail based only on ACCUSATIONS from a deranged female. Never date deranged women! Here are the rules:

  • If she has tattoos, dump her
  • If she has piercings anywhere but her ears, dump her
  • If she has gay friends, dump her
  • If she constantly has headphones in her ear, dump her
  • If she routinely wakes up late, dump her
  • If she is sarcastic, dump her
  • If she’s private about her phone, dump her
  • If she’s secretive or elusive, dump her
  • If she’s heavily involved in social media, dump her
  • If she heavily follows celebrity gossip, dump her
  • If she curses frequently, dump her
  • If she dislikes children, dump her
  • If she drinks alcohol or uses drugs, dump her

Always remember that the number one thing you look for in a female is a good heart.

8) If you hate life, just move.

The great secret of happiness is not what they tell you. It has nothing to do with education or “upward mobility” or having a “good job.” This is all retarded. The secret of happiness is having a happy love life. Having a happy love life can seem impossible in America, where there is also an air of isolation and loneliness. Maybe because most of the people are also compulsive masturbaters (men and women) and have extreme anxiety, rage, and poor health as a result.

A great many American women hate men. Literally. But there are nice creatures elsewhere. No one will bother telling you this because no one knows, but here is the great secret of happiness – you can move somewhere where life is more appealing. And I promise you, the extreme loneliness of America is unique to America. Many of the other countries I have visited are happier and more alive.

America is a nice country with many great benefits but America is currently in an extreme depression. Not an economic depression but a spiritual depression. America is a great country to make money, after you make the money you’ve got to go somewhere to make your soul glow.

Poor people are miserable no matter where they live. I see people in Cambodia just sitting in their hot shacks all day doing nothing. I have no empathy for lazy people. It is up to you to change your own life, I don’t care what country you live in. NO ONE WILL HELP YOU IF YOU DON’T HELP YOURSELF. You must help yourself. The countries where the people have enough money are way happier outside of America.

“But I’m American, I have no opportunity to move or travel.” The American passport is one of the best in the world. Are you so silly to think that Nigerians and Ghanaians have MORE travel freedom than you? Don’t make me laugh. I meet Africans all over the world. If they can travel, you can travel. The American passport is a great passport to have and allows for a lot of freedom of travel. So get your lazy butt moving.

9) Online business is the future.

The greatest business in the world right now is the ebook business. No one believes this and it is for their own stupidity that they do not listen. Ebooks are the best! You write a book one time and you sell downloads of it for eternity. After you write the ebook and implement the sales process it is completely automatic. You do absolutely nothing and if you write a good ebook you make money every day even while you sleep.

On the contrary, running a “real” business sucks! Your profit margin with an ebook is nearly 100% but your profit margin for some product you actually manufacture and ship is low! Very low! The ebook business is the greatest business in the world for a young man who wants to make himself.

What should you write? Anything. The market is wide open. I have previously said you can learn anything online but that is not true. The internet is wide open. There is almost no information online. The internet is in it’s infancy. When I search for truth on the internet I find almost nothing but poop.

10) Always be calm, cool, and collected (by being detached).

There is no point in getting emotionally invested in anything. It’s gonna be what it’s gonna be. If you become emotionally attached to the outcome you will exhaust yourself and make yourself become a nervous wreck. Care about things, sure, but be detached.

“I’d like for A to happen, but if B happens I will be fine. If A happens I will not change.” You have to be like a rock. If you win a game, don’t gloat. If you lose a game, don’t pout. This is the essence of manliness. In a world long ago they called it stoicism. I just call it being calm, cool, and collected.

11) Embrace technology but do not get addicted to technology.

I recently took a road trip through an incredibly scenic country called Kyrgyzstan. This country has the most incredible scenery I have seen, ever. The mountains are unbelievable and the entire country is mountains. I was able to make this road trip with the help of my cell phone’s GPS system. I would have never, ever been able to make a road trip in this country without a GPS because they speak Russian and I do not. Even with a map I would not be able to make a road trip because the street signs are in Russian. It would have been utterly impossible without a smartphone.

If I didn’t have GPS I would have had to have bought a seat in a van with a driver and many other people. I would be cramped in a van, smelling other people’s farts, stopping only wherever the van stopped. Instead, we were able to go wherever we wanted and stop wherever we wanted. It was an incredible experience that I owe to technology. On the other hand, you are obsessed with your social media which provides you nothing in return. Technology is a great tool in our lives but technology can empower you or it can enslave you. Let it empower you, never let it become your master. (Note: Your body and mind are far healthier with no smartphone whatsoever.)

12) People LOVE the rat race.

The average person does not want to get out of the rat race, they love it. Even when they get out of their jobs, they still run the rat race on social media. Posting pictures to try and get “likes” and more “upward mobility.” Most people cannot be saved because they do not want to be saved. That is great news for you. For you there is no competition. They are too busy running on the hamster wheel to give you any competition.

The world of success is wide open because they are too busy on their phones and shopping malls, rat racing. Essentially anything you want to do (within reason) you can do. Of course you must pick something you are good at. If you pick something you are not good at you are wasting your time. Pick something you are good at and then spend your life becoming great at it.

13) Politics are just a show.

They call it political theater for a reason. Do you really think these people have time to be on television doing pointless debates and appearing on countless television programs while at the same time running anything in this country? Get real. The job of a politician is to win the vote. After they do this, their job is to do what the people who pay them want them to do. News flash: the citizens do not pay the politicians.

Even if the politicians actually did run the country it makes no difference because they do not answer to you. This is why they tell you one thing before they get elected and then do another thing after they get elected. They need your vote and nothing else.

It is pointless to waste your time with an interest in politics. It is the same as watching professional wrestling or soap operas or “reality” television. Being engaged in the watching of politics slowly enfeebles you the same way watching sports or soaps enfeebles you. You lose sense of reality and you lose sense of your own power. You become whatever it is they are trying to make you become. You must be you at all costs, and the cost of being you is never being entrapped in politics, or sports, or television shows.

“But doesn’t my vote matter?” Don’t make me laugh. The only thing that matters is picking the people who are voted on and you as a citizen have nothing to do with this. They pick the candidates and they make sure the candidates have the exact same agenda so it doesn’t matter who you vote for, they are all bought and paid for by the big money of the world.

It does not matter this candidate or that candidate, this party or that party, all are on the same agenda. Caring about politics will change nothing. Not even Adolf Hitler was able to change anything so don’t waste your time. Ultimately when you pay too much attention to politics and the news you become outraged over nothing.

14) Use baby wipes instead of toilet paper.

Listen here, toilet paper does not effectively clean up your poo-poo. Toilet paper is just dry paper, it is not clean! Use baby wipes instead of toilet paper and if you have a bidet or a water-gun use that.

15) Don’t watch or read the news.

Turn on the news and what do you see? Oh God, racism, sexism, war, poverty, mass shootings, rape, genocide, destruction everywhere! Meanwhile, go outside and the birds are chirping, the wind is blowing, and people are living normal lives. Everything they say on the news is not reflective of the real world. They pick the most extreme examples or they lie outright. Watching the news is a big mistake because it has the hypnotic ability to make you believe what they say.

If they talk about racism, you will believe racism is a real thing and is the cause of your problems. It isn’t. You are responsible for your own life. The Jew, the blacks, the whites are responsible for their own. And listen here you crybaby, not everybody will like you! You are a damn moron if you think people should NOT SEE your skin color. What kind of moron cannot see skin color? I got news for you, friend. People like their own more than they like you. Deal with it.

However! Go outside and you will see blacks getting along with whites getting along with Asians just fine. There is almost no racism crime except on the news. Start a conversation with Chad, Tyrone, Muhammad, Jose, and Mr. Wu and you will see that people are just people. All of them like their own people more than they like you and all people are mostly nice at their core and want the same things. People get along with each other just fine, until they’ve been brainwashed by the media to hate each other for made-up reasons. The news makes good people retarded so stay away from it.

In fact, the American news media is openly racist against whites but as a general rules the average person is not. Even if they are, it is important to simply not care what other races think of you. Fear of being ‘racist’ is the biggest weakness of the average American, and it is a silly fear. Instead of apologizing to Chad, Tyrone, Muhammad, Jose, or Mr. Wu for nonsense, remember these 3 ancient words of wisdom: KISS MY ASS.

16) Forget about conspiracy theories.

In politics and war everything is a fraud. There. Now you do not need to waste time on conspiracy theories which make you depressed and helpless. Yes, helpless. Everybody who gets deep into conspiracy theories becomes enfeebled by them and stops working and doing other important things in life. Everything is fake so there is no need to “research” conspiracy theories. I told you already everything is fake, including most conspiracy theories.

I read these conspiracy theories and think “you have absolutely no idea what you’re talking about. You’re making things up to make yourself feel better about not being successful.” If they were to get off their butts, stop being obsessed with conspiracy and start getting out into the real world on a mission of magic and success, they would become magicians who conjure success out of thin air.

If you want to be sure of this, next time you are outside pay attention to any conspiracy theory bumper sticker you see. Each time you see a conspiracy theory bumper sticker, look at the car. It will ALWAYS be an old, beat-up car. Usually it’s some sort of disgusting van. You will never see anybody in a BMW, Mercedes, or Hummer with one of these conspiracy theory bumper stickers.

It costs a lot of missed opportunity to waste your time on something you cannot fix or prove. And let’s say you actually could prove a conspiracy theory. Then what? That’s right, nothing. These conspiracy people have all this “evidence” they want to show you but they never want to provide a solution. What good is being informed of a problem if there is no solution? They want only to be outraged, and very deep down they feel happy having a reason for being a loser. Conspiracy theory kills your ego because it makes you feel helpless, but you need your ego.

17) You have to be your own #1 doctor (keep yourself healthy).

It’s up to you to keep yourself healthy for a lifetime. You cannot abuse and degrade your body and expect some doctor to fix you. It doesn’t work like you. You make yourself sick and you must make yourself well.

Eat well but don’t be a freak about. Health freaks are ALWAYS sickly and “allergic” to numerous foods. The more foods you limit from your diet the more sickly you get and the foods your body cannot tolerate. You have to eat well, sure, but you also have to eat like a modern human.

You need a little bit of poison to be immune to the poison. Eat healthy for the most part but also eat your waffles with butter and maple syrup, barbecued ribs, french vanilla ice cream, and whatever else you want. A lot of it will kill you but a little of it is necessary and even good for you. The more clean food you eat the more sensitive you become, but not in a good way. You don’t get healthier eating health food, you get weaker and sicker.

Don’t eat only clean food an don’t eat only bad food, find a healthy balance. About 75% clean and 25% dirty is a good option (if you want to be bodybuilder lean, change that ratio to 90%/10%). Try to get the majority of your foods from cooked foods rather than pre-packaged foods. All foods that are cooked are essentially good for you and pre-packaged foods are not. Try not to get more than 5-10% of your foods from pre-packaged foods, ever.

Don’t ever take pills to cure psychological or mental issues. A pill is no substitute for food and exercise. Pills hide the problem they do not fix the problem. Your job is to fix any problems that arise.

18) Seek your fortune right now (do not wait for your fortune to find you).

Now you know everything about life. What will you do with the knowledge?

Good god man, do not waste your best physical years sitting at a desk in some classroom, or at some job. Get out there and live your life.

Buried treasure is out their lost in the wilderness, waiting for you to find it.

Turn off the television, turn off the YouTube, take your hand out of your pants and…


Until next time.

Your man,