Being Thankful For All That is Good

Setting up a game plan for the new year is essential. It shouldn’t be left until January 1st to complete. You plant your crops in advance and then you harvest. Preparation and, especially, visualization are key to achieving your goals of the year.

You’ve got to get your goals clearly defined and written down. You’ve got to get a game plan going if you want to accomplish and achieve. Let the zombies go through the motions and not plan anything and never move up. They can sit in front of the TV at the end of the year while WE ARE BUSY PLANNING FOR WAR.

But first, a few notes.

BOLD & DETERMINED has been around for one entire year now. Our first post was dated 11-20-10.

There are some BIG plans for BOLD & DETERMINED in the new year and I will be happy to share them with you at the appropriate time.

Thanksgiving is just around the corner. Even a Lone Wolf like me can sit back, relax for a day, barbecue some Lamb Ribs, Steaks, Shrimp, and Duck legs and be thankful for every blessing, opportunity, and loved one who is still around and kicking.

Friends, there is one thing I want you all to know – You have been blessed beyond belief if you were born in a western country, especially the United States of America. You have opportunity that most of the world doesn’t, cannot, will never ever have. You can literally do anything and go anywhere. We will never in our life know the dire poverty that most of the world faces.

This is part of a text message I received yesterday evening: “You look like a bird in a forest but I am the one in a cage.” I know a lot of us in the west feel like we’re stuck in a cage but there is one crucial difference – the girl who sent me this message really is stuck, she will likely never be able to break free and do anything. The cage we are stuck in is a mental cage – we can open the cage door whenever we decide to do so.

Black Friday is D-Day. The silly people will go out and buy lots of gadgets and do-dads, the DETERMINED people will be busy preparing for the upcoming week, the upcoming month, the upcoming year, and the upcoming lifetime.

Maybe you are a wage slave today, but tomorrow is a different day and if you want it enough, prepare enough, and take enough action then nothing can stop you. And that goes for any goal that you have.

When War is your Destiny you are a Warrior. When watching from a safe distance is your destiny you are a spectator.

The #1 goal of BOLD & is to get you to take action, to become a better man, the best, and live the life a BOLD & DETERMINED free man – to become that Warrior.

The door is open for action-takers.

Spectators can watch from their cages.