OSTARINE: Everything You Ever Wanted To Know About MK-2866

[Please note I originally used Ostarine in 2015 and this article does not reflect my current supplement stack. The only supplements I personally use currently are from Red Supplements.]

A while ago, when I discovered Ostarine, I was personally looking for a legal product I could use that would allow me to keep my gains (or at least not lose) from TRT.

I was off TRT for a quite a while, long enough that I should have lost weight…but I didn’t.

And that shocked me. I thought the weight would just fly off of me but I didn’t lose a single lb.

Not only did I not lose a lb, I didn’t lose any strength, I had incredible pumps in the gym and I just plain felt great.

The only product I was using was Ostarine.

“Ostarine is one of the best lean and clean research supplements on the market.”

Steroids like testosterone convert to estrogen. Estrogen causes water retention, bloating and weight gain.

Testosterone is a very sloppy muscle builder because you add a lot of extra, fatty weight.

Ostarine, on the other hand, is not a steroid or prohormone and does not convert to estrogen.

Because it does not convert to estrogen, Ostarine gives you lean and clean gains.

It gives you less weight gain (and less bloat) but what it does give you is lean and clean.

But Ostarine still causes muscle growth in same manner as steroids.


Ostarine binds to androgen receptors which alters the expression of genes and increases protein synthesis thereby resulting in muscle gains.

It can be used for gaining, cutting (works great during a cal. deficit – preserves muscle), or recomp (shines during recomp) – covers all bases.

Can also be used as a PCT or in between cycles of steroids to keep gains (this is personally how I used it).

Ostarine can minimize recovery periods for those recovering from injuries and surgeries and it can reduce atrophy as a result of surgical procedures.

What Is Ostarine?

Ostarine is a SARM (selective androgen receptor molecule).

A SARM is a compound that is intended to act similarly to an anabolic steroid, but be much more selective in its action. SARMs are considered to possess a wider spectrum of clinical use options when compared to anabolic steroids.

SARMs work just like steroids but do not produce the growth effect on prostate and other secondary organs.

Ostarine in particular exerts its anabolic effects on muscle tissue almost exclusively.

Ostarine was originally developed as a treatment for muscle wasting and muscle loss prevention, specifically in cancer and osteoporosis patients.

Ostarine is still undergoing clinical trials. Eventually it may be a prescription drug used for muscle wasting, atrophy, and hormone and/or testosterone replacement therapy.

Uses: increase and maintenance of lean muscle tissue, increase of stamina, increase of fitness level, effects similar to anabolic steroids

It works by binding to the androgen receptors and increasing protein synthesis thereby resulting in muscle gains.

It is extremely versatile – has been called most well rounded SARM.

Ostarine Uses:

Lean muscle gain (bulk):

  • Muscle gain on ostarine is significant but not as much as a steroid like dianabol
  • All muscle gains will be kept and will be lean gains
  • Common bulking dose: 25 mg/day for 4-6 weeks
  • Can expect 6 lbs of lean, keepable gains on above cycle
  • Though not recommended, users sometimes use doses as high as 35 mg/day – PCT is suggested when dosing this high

Losing body fat (cut):

  • Ostarine will maintain muscle mass while reducing calorie intake
  • Can cut without needing to worry about muscle or strength loss
  • Common cutting dose: 12.5 – 15 mg/day for 4-6 weeks
  • Above dosing cycle will have no side effect or suppression

Recomposition (gaining muscle and losing body fat simultaneously):

  • This is where Ostarine is very effective
  • Ostarine has nutrition partaking effect: calories are taken from fat stores, and calorie intake is fed the muscle tissue
  • user report that ostarine taken at maintenance calories produces weight loss while also producing strength and muscle mass
  • Since Ostarine is not liver toxic, you can run it longer than 4 weeks for recomp
  • Common recomp cycle: 12.5 – 25 mg for 4 – 8 weeks (to get best recomp effect diet must also be optimized to where 1. calories are just above maintenance and 2. 30% of calories are coming from lean protein sources)

Injury Prevention:

  • Ostarine has application as a compound to be used for rehab of injuries, particularly bone and tendon related injuries
  • This is because Ostarine promotes anabolism in bone as well as skeletal muscle tissue
  • Common dose for injury prevention and improvement in joint movement: 12.5 mg/day
  • Positive results can be seen in just 6 – 8 days with the above dosing

Benefits Of Ostarine:

  • Increases strength and muscle mass
  • Good for body recomp (burning fat and building muscle while staying the same weight)
  • Excellent endurance and cardio effects
  • Known (and developed specifically) for it’s joint healing abilities and reducing muscle wasting
  • Can be an alternative to HGH
  • Can be dosed 1X per day because it has a half life of 24 hours (though I prefer to space out the dosing)
  • Minimal side effects
  • Significant strength and endurance gains
  • Creates a great sense of well being
  • Non-toxic to liver and kidneys, has little impact on cholesterol values
  • Ability to do more reps in the gym and have better workouts, possesses rapid recovery/faster healing effects
  • Great pumps in the gym
  • Muscle gains and decreased body fat
  • Good energy levels and sense of well being
  • Non toxic to liver and kidney so you can theoretically take a week off and go right back on cycle
  • No “crash” when coming off cycle (don’t even notice it, except the pumps and sense of well being go away)
  • Women can use Ostarine because there is no virilization (deepening voice etc)

Possible Negative Side Effects Of Ostarine:

To be perfectly honest, I don’t think Ostarine has any side effects. It certainly didn’t have any side effects for me (which is why I like it so much).

There are “mixed opinions” on the necessity of using a PCT after an Ostarine cycle. I personally did not feel any PCT is necessary for an Ostarine cycle.

I do not believe Ostarine shuts down your natural testosterone production, but to be on the safe side here are some possible side effects:

  • Possible gyno flare up (if you have had it before) → that’s why some people will run a small AI with it
  • May cause slight suppression so mini PCT is often recommended (but not by me)
  • Increased hunger (this can be good or bad depending in your goal)

The only side effects I get from Ostarine was a headache 4 weeks into my stack.

Any side effects from Ostarine are minimal at best and that is why it is such a good product.

Ostarine Compared To Steroids/Prohormones (Advantages):

  • No need for pre cycle supports such as Hawthorn berry.
  • No need for on cycle supports such as milk thistle for the liver, policosanol or RYR for cholesterol etc.
  • Some suppression may be present at doses of 25mg+ run for longer than 4 weeks, however a stringent PCT of prescription SERMs like Nolva or Clomid is not necessary.
  • High oral bioavailability without significant damage to your liver as with oral steroids/prohormones.
  • Great sense of well being while on, without the aggression which can often detrimentally impact users daily lives.
  • No need for a long time period off between cycles. The recommended time of period for normal cycles would be Time on + PCT, so for a typical 6 week cycle and 4 week PCT, a user would have to wait another 10 weeks after PCT to start another cycle.

Ostarine Dosing Information:

Dosing protocols will vary depending on goals but men will commonly use 25-30 mg per day and women use 12.5 mg per day for cycles of 4 to 12 weeks.

Ostarine can be used for periods of as little as 4 weeks and as long as 12 weeks. A recovery cycle won’t be necessary for cycles of 4 weeks in length, however once you span it out to 8-12 weeks then you will need a recovery supplement.

Longer cycles are recommended for optimal results.

For an adult male (kids don’t buy this product please), I would personally take a daily dose of 37.5 mgs.

(More not necessary, a lower dose of 25 mg is also good.)

For Ostarine you may want to spread out your dosing to – example: 12.5 mg with breakfast, 12.5 mg with lunch and 12.5 mg with dinner.

I prefer to space out my dosing rather than take the entire dosage at once because it keeps the concentration of Ostarine in the blood steady.

I also find that if I take too much at once it can cause headaches.

3-6 week cycles are best.

The Best Ostarine Diet To Follow:

Dieting is easy. If you want to gain weight you eat more food, if you want to lose weight you eat less food.

For a diet to lose weight you can follow:

To gain weight you can follow:

Will Ostarine Be Banned Soon?

Every so often you come across a supplement that is unlike any other supplement.

Every so often you come across a supplement that actually works to build muscle and burn fat.

When you come across these supplements you can rest assured that they are very likely to go away soon.

Every supplement that actually works tends to get banned sooner or later. So when you find these supplements, you need to act quick.

Will Ostarine be banned in all forms soon? We have no idea.

Ostarine in sport and athletics

“Selective androgen receptor modulators may be used by athletes to assist in training and increase physical stamina and fitness, potentially producing effects similar to anabolic steroids. For this reason, SARMs were banned by the World Anti-Doping Agency in January 2008…” (source)

Where To Buy Ostarine?

Ostarine can only be sold as a research chemical right now. That means if you buy it, it should be for research purposes only. Ostarine is no longer sold as a “traditional” supplement, you can purchase it only as a “research chemical” which you can purchase here. I am not saying you should or should not purchase it, I simply try to give you the facts.

Happy lifting, and have a nice day.

DISCLAIMER: Nothing in this article is meant as medical advice. Ostarine is not a dietary supplement. Consult your physician prior to use. The follow information is for convenience only. These statements have not been evaluated by the Food & Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.

How to Harness Your Sexual Energy

How to Harness Your Sexual Energy

Sex is the driving force that makes a man do anything.

All great men of genius and power used their sex drive as fuel.

The process of turning sexual energy and aggression into productivity is called:


Sex transmutation is the most powerful tool in existence when it comes to creation, invention, accomplishment, creativity, advancement, and achievement.

Napoleon Hill talked about the Transmutation of Sexual Energy in his ground-breaking book Think and Grow Rich. In the book, Hill noted that all men of genius used their sexual energy as fuel for their creativity. He also noted that Love must be included in the sex relationship.

“Sex, alone, is a mighty urge to action, but it’s forces are like a cyclone-they are often uncontrollable. When the emotion of love begins to mix itself with the emotion of sex, the result is calmness of purpose, poise, accuracy of judgement, and balance.” – Napoleon Hill, Think and Grow Rich

In laymans terms, the love of a good woman is absolutely essential. You’ve heard the saying “Behind every great Man is a great Woman“. It’s true. With too much un-focused sexual energy a man has no purpose or direction. Civilization itself exists solely because of monogamous marriages and the directed focus of sexual energy.

Take a look at your nearest ghetto for confirmation. You will notice that they (the underclass) indiscriminately have sex with each other, pop out babies at random while not in a nuclear, monogamous relationship, have no love between the sex partners, do not control their sexual urges, live like savages because their too focused on their sex obsession to do anything productive or creative, and have to be taken care of by Big Daddy Government otherwise they starve.

There is a famous quote attributed to an Indian Chief that goes like this:

“Indian Chief, “Two Eagles,” was asked by a white government official, “You have observed the white man for 90 years. You’ve seen his wars and his technological advances. You’ve seen his progress, and the damage he’s done.”

The Chief nodded in agreement.

The official continued, “Considering all these events, in your opinion, where did the white man go wrong?”

The Chief stared at the government official for over a minute and then calmly replied. “When white man find land, Indians running it. No taxes, No debt, Plenty buffalo, Plenty beaver, Clean Water; Women did all the work, Medicine man free. Indian man spend all day hunting and fishing; All night having sex.”

Then the chief leaned back and smiled. “Only white man dumb enough to think he can improve system like that.”

What we have here is a classic case of over-indulgence in sexual energy with no focus to harness that power into advancement. The American Indians lived in this land for thousands of years with no advancement.

When the White Man came (with his sexual energy focused and directed) he found the Indian still living in Teepee’s, not wearing clothing, shitting in the forest, and living like savages.

An un-focused, sexually open society is a society that cannot survive the long term. If you disagree maybe you can ask an American Indian what he thinks about the assertation that sexual degeneracy will lead to extinction. What’s that, can’t find an American Indian to ask?

Every time you use an indoor toilet, get running water from your sink, cook your food on a stove, turn on the air conditioner on a hot day and get food out of your refrigerator you are enjoying the benefits of men who used their sexual energy in a productive way.

The decadent over-indulgence in sex is a one-way ticket to Failure village with a layover in Stagnation town . The smart men know this, the fools don’t and that’s why the lower classes behave like animals.


It is common understanding that over-indulgence in drink and drugs lead to ruin but it is uncommon for people to understand that over-indulgence in sex can lead to the same thing. Let that sexual energy build up inside you.

Don’t dissipate that energy haphazardly because that energy is sensed by other people and draws them into you like a magnet. Being highly sexed (i.e. having sexual energy) but not giving in to any and all desires is the key to success.

“This orgy of indulgence may account for the shortage of great leaders. No man can avail himself of the forces of his creative imagination, while dissipating them.” – Napoleon Hill, Think and Grow Rich

There is one thing I can guarantee – the most successful men in history have a huge sexual magnetism BUT THEY DO NOT ROUTINELY GIVE IN TO THOSE DESIRES and they never make that desire the goal. They don’t go out on Friday nights looking for some action. They don’t have to, this kind of behavior will bring women to them without any additional effort.

Let me tell you about how I started making money. For years I used to dream and devise money making plans but they failed 100% of the time. I used to think to myself (before I ever read Think and Grow Rich) that guys like Bill Gates, in order for them to make fortunes, had to give up sex and the pursuit of sex in order to make money.

I instinctively knew that but I would think to myself “that’s not worth it.

Because I was unwilling to give up that all consuming desire and redirect that energy I never did anything worthwhile. Not until I had a girlfriend that I lived with and I consciously focused ALL that sexual energy into money making energy that I started to make money on my own.

At the time I had a full-time professional job. I had a business plan and desire and I quit my job. 30 days later I made twice my old job’s monthly salary with my new business. And I only did it because I focused my sexual energy into something highly productive. It worked and it’s the only thing that works.


Transmutation of sexual energy is the process of turning sexual energy and aggression into fuel for something bigger.

Sex is the number one reason we, as men, do anything. It’s always for sex. It is our biology, our DNA. There is nothing wrong with that.

But if we want to accomplish something grand, something great, we have to transform our sexual energy into fuel for something else.

  • Don’t indiscriminately have sex. That’s what savages do and that’s why they will stay savage. This doesn’t mean you can’t have sex but do not make sex your primary goal.
  • Don’t masturbate or watch internet porn frequently. This drains vital energy from you. You can see vast, positive changes in mood, personality and happiness by giving this up. Keeping your seed develops an animal magnetism that draws people to you, constantly spilling that seed repulses people.
  • Consciously use your sexual desire and energy and focus it into your business and life plan. Sexual energy is damn near limitless and when re-directed can turn any man into a money making machine.
  • Get a good woman who will take care of all your needs (not just sexual) – this will free your mind from having to even think about these things and you can focus completely on your goal at hand. The love and support of a woman is essential for success – most successful men had a good woman behind the scenes.

Sexual energy is the best fuel that exists – use it wisely. Save it up and watch your energy explode (heh).

The Old School 70’s Bodybuilding Routine

Insane Frank Zane

Frank Zane – The Ideal V Taper Body

The 1970’s produced the most impressive male physiques the world has ever seen. The bodybuilders of the 70’s made Zeus and Hercules look like pencil necks. In this article we will take a look at the 70’s bodybuilding workout routine – and how the 70’s bodybuilders achieved their near perfect physiques.

Current bodybuilders look like pregnant cows with zero bodyfat, in other words, they look absolutely ridiculous. The 70’s bodybuilders were the ideal physique of man – they had low bodyfat, but not so low they looked sick, they had small waists with abdominals clearly defined, big chests, wide lats, big shoulders, and big arms.

They had perfect V-tapers. A V-taper is when the male upper body has a “V” shape. Starting with wide shoulders, wide lats, and moving down in size to a tight waist – like a “V”. 

In this article we will review the de-facto bodybuilding routine of bodybuilders like Arnold Schwarzenegger, Frank Zane, Franco Columbu, Lou Ferrigno, Boyer Coe, Bill Grant, Mike Mentzer, Serge Nubret and other bodybuilders from the golden era of bodybuilding.

The workout routine they used was a high-volume approach. In lay-mans terms ‘high volume’ means they did a whole lot of work to achieve their physiques. Both in the gym and in the “kitchen”.

Todays top bodybuilders follow a routine of working out one bodypart per week for one hour per workout session. For example they may work Chest on Monday, Back on Tuesday, rest on Wednesday, Legs on Thursday, Shoulders and Arms on Friday, and rest on Saturday and Sunday.

The 70’s era bodybuilders were in the gym 6 days per week doing lots of heavy work, resting very little, and spending a long time in the gym to achieve the look of perfection.

Their routine was not set in stone. A trainer must use his instinct to find what works for him. We will look at the bodypart splits (the days they worked each muscle groups) and the exercises they used. It is for the reader to determined his choice of exercises and rep scheme (the amount of reps you will do per set).

Bodybuilding in the 1970’s was about achieving perfection of the male body. 70’s bodybuilding was about building the most aesthetic, muscular and strong body attainable by man. Below we will look at how they accomplished this.

This is the de-facto bodypart split of the 1970’s era bodybuilders:

Monday: Chest and Back

Tuesday: Shoulders and Arms

Wednesday: Legs

Thursday: Chest and Back

Friday: Shoulders and Arms

Saturday: Legs

Sunday: Rest

Abdominals (Abs), Calves, Neck and Trapezius work was done 4-6 times per week or as needed.

The seventies bodybuilders would typically start their routine with abdominal or calf work (if needed).

After the abs and calves they would start with their hardest and heaviest exercise. The exercises they used were the most basic, multi-joint movement that build the most muscle. They would start with the hardest and heaviest and work towards the lightest exercises.

Exercise Selection

Monday and Thursday

Chest Exercises:

Arnold Schwarzenegger Performing Dumbbell Chest Flyes

Flat Barbell Bench Press / Incline Barbell Bench Press / Dips / Chest Flyes / Dumbbell Pullovers

Back Exercises:

Pullups / Chinups / Bent Rows / T-Bar Rows / Deadlifts

Tuesday and Friday

Shoulder Exercises:

Military Press / Behind the Neck Press / Dumbbell Overhead Press (Arnold/Scott Press) / Front Dumbbell Raises / Side Dumbbell Raises

Biceps Exercises:

Barbell Curls / Dumbbell Curls / Incline Dumbbell Curls / Concentration Curls

Triceps Exercises:

Standing French Press / Skullcrushers / Close Grip Bench Press / Cable Pulldowns / Cable Pushdowns

Wednesday and Saturday

Mike Mentzer had perfect aesthetics and admitted he built his body with High-Volume training.

Leg Exercises:

Squats / Hack Squats / Leg Press / Leg Extensions / Leg Curls

Daily or as Needed

Abdominal Exercises:

Situps / Rope Crunches

Calf Exercises:

Standing Calf Raises / Donkey Calf Raises / Seated Calf Raises

Forearm Exercises:

Seated Barbell Wrist Curls/ Reverse Barbell Wrist Curls / Behind the Back Barbell Wrist Curls / Hammer Curls / Reverse Barbell Curls

Neck exercises:

Wrestlers Bridges / Neck Curls / Neck Harness Curls

 Sample Routine

This is a sample workout routine that can be used to get started on the Old School 70’s Bodybuilding Routine:

Monday and Thursday:


Sergio Oliva – The Victory Pose

Flat Barbell Bench Press – 5 sets / 1-12 reps per set

Incline Bench Press – 5 Sets / 5-12 reps per set

Flat Bench Dumbbell Flyes – 5 Sets / 8-12 reps per set


Chinups – As many sets as it takes to complete 50 Chinups

Bent Rows – 5 Sets / 8-12 reps per set

T-Bar Rows – 5 Sets / 8-12 reps per set

Notes: The rep scheme should fall between 5-12 reps per set, depending on how heavy the weight is, with 8 reps being ideal. You will start with lightweight and move up in weight with each set.

Always start this day with Flat Barbell Bench Press. You will do 5 total sets. Each set you will go up in weight 10, 15, or 20 lbs depending on strength level. You will want to end this exercise as heavy as possible, even with only 1 or 2 reps. This will “activate” your strength and allow you to lift heavier in all your next exercises.

A favorite of Arnold Schwarzenegger’s was to combine Chest and Back exercises into a superset. That means doing two exercises in a row without stopping. For example: he would do a set of Flat Barbell Bench Press and then immediately do a set of Chinups without rest. Arnold would continue like that until all 5 sets were finished.

Supersetting Chest and Back is an excellent way to build muscle, sweat out toxins and burn bodyfat because it’s very hard work.

Example Chest/Back Superset Routine:

Flat Barbell Bench Press superset with Chinups – 5 sets / 5-12 reps per set of Bench Press, as many chinups as possible per set

Incline Barbell Bench Press superset with Barbell Bent Rows – 5 sets / 5-12 reps per set

Chest Dumbbell Flyes superset with T-Bar Rows – 5 sets / 8-12 reps per set

Tuesday and Friday:


Arnold Schwarzenegger with a very sexy girl.

Behind the Neck Barbell Press – 5 sets / 5-12 reps per set

Arnold/Scott Press – 5 Sets / 8-12 reps per set

Lateral Dummbell Raises – 5 sets / 8-12 reps per set


Barbell Curls – 5 sets / 8-12 reps per set

Incline Dumbbell Curls – 5 sets / 8-12 reps per set

Concentration Curls – 5 sets / 8-12 reps per set


Close Grip Bench Press – 5 sets / 8-12 reps per set

Standing French Press – 5 sets / 8-12 reps per set

Cable or Rope Pushdowns/Pulldowns – 5 sets / 8-12 reps per set


The Trapezius muscles (traps) are the muscle connecting the neck and the shoulders. Some trainers traps may need some additional work. For a man with narrow clavicles it is generally advisable to avoid trap work. For a man with wide clavicles trap work is usually necessary.

Trapezius exercises:

Barbell Shrugs / Dumbbell Shrugs / Farmers Walks

Notes: Always start this day with the Barbell Shoulders Presses. Those with shoulder problems can substitute the Behind the Neck Barbell Press with Standing Military Press (Barbell Presses to the front). The rep scheme should fall between 5-12 reps with 8 being the ideal. Start the Barbell Press with light weight and move up in weight with each set until you are hitting about 5 reps.  The Arnold/Scott Press and the Lateral DB Raises should be performed with 8-12 reps per set.

The Biceps and Triceps exercises should be performed with 8-12 reps per set. Heavier weight does not need to be used with each set.

To save time and get an insane pump the Biceps and Triceps exercises can be supersetted. To do that you will do one exercise of Biceps immediately followed by one Tricpes exercises until all sets and exercises are completed.

Example Biceps/Triceps Superset Routine:

Standing Barbell Curls superset with Close Grip Bench Press – 5 sets / 8-12 reps per set

Incline Dumbbell Curls superset with Standing French Press – 5 sets / 8-12 reps per set

Concentration Curls superset with Rope Pulldowns – 5 sets / 8-12 reps per set

Wednesday and Saturday:


Squats – 5 sets / 5-20 reps per set

Hack Squats – 5 sets / 8-20 reps per set

Lying Leg Curls – 5 sets / 8-20 reps per set

Leg Extensions – 5 sets / 8-20 reps per set

Notes: Always start Leg day with Squats because they are the hardest exercise. The squats will be performed in the same fashion as the Flat Bench Press. We will start with a lightweight and move up in weight with each set. The first set of Squats will be done with the empty bar for approx. 20 reps. Then you will add weight with each set depending on your strength levels, ending the 5th set with anywhere between 1-5 reps.

The Legs respond very well to higher rep schemes so we will keep the low end of the other leg exercises at 8 reps and the high end at 20 reps per set.

Abs and Calves as Needed:

Both Abs and Calves respond well to higher rep ranges. 20 reps per set is good for calves and even more than that is good for abs. You will need to experiment with the suggested exercises to find what works best for you. Both abs and calves can be worked up to 6 times per week. Arnold Schwarzenegger started every workout with calf work and wrist/forearm work and ended each workout with ab work.

Forearm Work as Needed:

Mike Katz of ‘Pumping Iron’ Shows off his Gigantic Neck

Forearm work can be done on Tuesdays and Fridays along with Biceps and Triceps work. Forearm work can also be done on any other days the trainer sees fit. Forearms can handle a lot of work and some trainers will need to do a lot of forearm work to get their forearms to grow. Forearms can be done in rep changes of 8-12 reps per set.

Neck Work as Needed:

Some trainers will need to do neck work and some won’t. The neck can grow from heavy breathing during exercises like Squats, Overhead Pressing and Deadlifts but some trainers will need to do additional work. Neck work should be done in the rep ranges of 8-20. Neck work can be done 2-3 times per work or more if needed. Neck work is essential if trainer does not have naturally big and/or muscular neck.

Notes about the Old School 70’s Workout Routine

Old school bodybuilders trained for strength as well as muscle size. They would often do an exercise as heavy as can be until they found their one rep max. Each week a trainer can pick one exercise and go as heavy as possible to find their one rep max. The perfect exercises to do a one rep max on are the Flat Barbell Bench Press, the Deadlift, and the Squat.

The Deadlift is not included in the sample workout above but can be added to any back day for ultimate strength and mass gains. The deadlift should not be performed for over 5 reps. It is a heavy weight exercise designed to build ultimate strength. Warmup with light weight and add progressively heavier weight to obtain your one rep max.

When following the 70’s workout routine be sure to not take too long of a rest period. One minute rest per set/superset is good. Resting very little and working very hard provides excellent fat-burning benefits.

Diet and Eating

Bodybuilders of the Golden Era ate BIG. In particular, they ate a lot of protein and saturated fat. Whole raw eggs were consumed by many as a staple protein/fat source. Steak, Beef, Chicken, and Tuna were staple protein sources as well. Carbohydrates were eaten during “bulking” (putting on weight) phases and were gradually reduced during “cutting” (losing weight) phases. Many of them made their own protein shakes consisting of raw eggs, milk powder and whatever else they could think to add.

Required Supplements

OSTA-RED to gain the swole and RED BURNER to burn the fat off.

Anabolic Steroids

Bodybuilders of the 1970’s used anabolic steroids to obtain their muscular size and low bodyfat percentage. The 70’s bodybuilders used steroids under the supervision and care of a trained physician. Steroids were perfectly legal in the 1970’s and were as easily obtained as any current prescription medication.

It would be a lie to say that a natural trainer could look like the 70’s era bodybuilders on food, training, and over the counter supplements alone. A natural trainer can make good progress on this routine, especially if within the first year or two of training, but will not obtain the same level of muscularity.

A particular favorite of 70’s era bodybuilders for putting on size was the combination of testosterone, deca durabolin. and dianabol.

Required Reading

Body of a Spartan – Achieve the ideal physique without the drugs.

Arnold: The Education of a Bodybuilder by Arnold Schwarzenegger – One of BOLD & DETERMINED’s top 5 favorite books. It has a wealth of training information and is extremely motivating. After reading this book you WILL bust your ass in the gym. This book also talks about the power of visualization and mindset and details Arnolds rise to the top of the bodybuilding world. A must read.

The New Encyclopedia of Modern Bodybuilding : The Bible of Bodybuilding by Arnold Schwarzenegger – The most complete bodybuilding book in regards to exercise selection, muscle groups and functions, training methods and rep ranges, and diet information.

Required Viewing

Pumping Iron – Pumping Iron is one of BOLD & DETERMINED’s top 5 films. Pumping Iron is a must watch for anyone interested in 1970’s era bodybuilding. Staring Arnold Schwarzenegger, Lou Ferrigno, Franco Columbu, and Serge Nubret as themselves, this docu-drama documents the rivalry between Big Lou Ferrigno and Alpha Dog Arnold Schwarzenegger leading up to the 1975 Mr. Olympia. With endlessly quotable lines, training advices, and hardcore training this movie is the ultimate for people interested in physique training. Bonus: A no-holds barred look at the ultimately Charismatic and Machiavellian Arnold Schwarzenegger. Bonus #2: Watching this movie before heading to the gym is the ultimate pump-up, on the same level as Rocky.