The Game of Making Money
“Everybody needs money. That’s why they call it money.” –Heist
Money is a necessity. Everyone knows that. Having money beats the shit out of not having money. Not worrying about the price of gas, the price of dinner, the rent payment, or the cost of the plane ticket is a much better feeling than worrying about the price of everything. There is a huge difference between A) Living Like a Spartan and not wanting to pay hefty prices and B) Being poor and not being able to afford hefty prices.
Making money is just a game. On one hand you’ve got the all-star quarterbacks drawing in millions per year and on the other hand you’ve got linemen who make only a fraction of that and no one remembers their names. They’re playing the same game but they aren’t playing by the same rules. The quarterback accepts no rules or limitations, the linemen live by rules.
The CEO and the desk jockey are playing the same game but the CEO makes his own rules and the desk jockey follows the CEO’s rules. Then the employee gives the CEO most of his money – just for the privilege of following his rules. The CEO decides when to pay you, how much to pay you and when to stop paying you. And when he decides to stop paying you (downsizing, outsourcing) and it’s money making time again what do you decide? Some Wolves realize that the game is rigged in favor of the CEO’s and that if they want to make any real money they got to do it on their own terms. Some lambs bend over and say “thank you sir, may I have another?” and go look for another Daddy to give them allowance.
Said the CEO to the employee: Hurry up and get yourself on the fire, I’m hungry and I like my lamb chops cooked rare.
Said the employee to the CEO: Yes, sir!
Wake up friends. The money is out there, just waiting for you to take it. Employees are begging you to take the money they made for you. The employees are stuck on Chance while the CEO’s are passing GO and collecting $200 over and over and over.