T.G.I.M. Thank God It’s Monday
Monday morning, friends.
The best day of the week. If I could make everyday Monday I would.
Hell, I spent my weekend shooting an AK-47 at coconuts and throwing grenades into the lake in Cambodia and I’m still ready as hell for Monday.
I like to play around on the weekend like everybody else, but Monday is always business as usual here at the Thunderdome.
A couple little tricks to not hating Monday include:
- Not having a job.
- Kicking ass on the weekend instead of “lounging” or “chilling”.
Ask Bob in accounting what he did over the weekend.
“Hey Bob, how was the weekend?”
“Oh, hey Tony. Yeah, it was pretty good I guess. The wife and I got caught up on our netflix rentals, then we went to the home improvement store and she spent all my money haha. The weekend sure does go by quick, don’t it!”
I haven’t actually had a conversation like that in years and, uh, personally I’d prefer to die than go back to living the 9-5 office life.
But I don’t have to choose death, see I’m so doggone smart I’ve figured out the secret.
Do you want to hear it? Work for yourself instead of working for other people.
Now I’ve exposed the secret to freedom. Stop making someone else rich and do it for yourself.
But! Don’t just do anything. Do the smart thing.
I had a conversation with a hotel owner here in Cambodia. We got to talking about profit. The guy makes $1,000-$1,200 per month. I tried to keep a poker face, “uh huh, I see” but I was a little shocked at how measly his investment was paying off.
He had put in about $60,000 to remodel the place and now he’s living on peanuts. I didn’t have the heart to tell him that Bold and Determined was less than a $30 investment for me and currently gives me over $6,000 per month in return.
And I don’t have to sit in a damn hotel all day, worrying about occupancy rates, worrying about my Cambo employee’s embezzling, worrying about the damn second coming of Pol Pot dragging me down to S-21, worrying about this and that and every little thing.
So much stress for so little reward and I want no part of it.
I’m too modern and enlightened for that. I want minimum risk for maximum reward.
What I want is freedom, and I’ll buy it with money.
Sitting in an office all day making your corporate shareholders rich isn’t freedom, being tied to a location isn’t freedom, but making money wherever you go and whatever you do, well, that’s freedom in my humble opinion.
Once you figure out how to get dollars into your bank account without asking your boss for a raise you have a very special piece of knowledge.
The knowledge that if you did it once you can do it again and again and again and again and again.
I’ve done it twice in my life in two polar opposite fields.
If the heavens start to rain on me and for some reason Bold and Determined let’s me down, hell, I’ll just do it again and again and again and again and again.
It starts over again every single Monday.
There’s always another chance to make it right.
-Victor Pride